Many Western philosophers have played an of import function in puting up the Literary Theory. . who throughout history have been in the top of the literary hierarchy. They have considered the differentiations between written literatures and so they came up with the redefinition of literature. which lead them to the alterations in literary critical linguistic communication such as to ‘ re-invent the significance of theory’ ( Christian. 225 ) .
First of all. Barbara states that the first measure we should take is to disregard the literary theory. which harmonizing to her it has been invented to work for these Western philosophers. The replacing of this theory has left unexposed the black literature. and its lone ‘advantage’ is its finding on being promoted in academic establishments.
Second. this theory is non stable. As many critics are non concerned with literature but more with other critics’ texts. and in presents as the professionals are developed. they are progressively faculty members. so there is a replacing of thoughts which is a competition theory as the ‘ race accelerates’ ( Christian. 226 ) .
Third. Barbara is underlines that Black common people has ever been a race of theory. Her concern with the race for theory is related to the academic hegemony and its inappositeness to the emerging literatures today. This race for theory. refuses to advert modern-day originative authors and its generalisation on civilization. becomes an obstruction in discoursing many of black literature.
Fourthly. a cardinal point that Barbara is opposing is the hierarchy of literature. which is the result of literature. depended in political relations. By objecting the race for theory she still does non hold with ‘ the impersonal humanists who see literature as pure expression’ ( Christian 228 ) and she does non acknowledge to the control of its production. value. and distribution by those who have power. The African-american authors have protested the literary hierarchy of laterality. which declares when literature is literature. when it is great. etc. . and it was The Black Arts Movement of the 1960’s which uttered those issues.
Harmonizing to Barbara. some people do non see black critical authors as persuasive plenty. As Barbara says. there are two grounds for this:
First. in the U. S. the black plants are discredited as worlds excessively. And since the dominant critics and being besides originative authors from the Western universe had entree to the establishments of instruction. the black authors have been excluded. And the reply to ‘ why’ should see. literature as political.
Inevitably a hierarchy has been developed between what is theoretical unfavorable judgment and practical unfavorable judgment. She shows antipathy towards the fact that this peculiar orientation is so privileged that has unfocused many of us from reading today’s literature every bit good as past plants about which nil has been written. Barbara claims and believes that with the uninterrupted alterations on theoretical unfavorable judgment. the critics in the hereafter will hold to repossess the authors we are in presents disregarding.
Fifthly. there is a danger of non puting the theory in pattern and the dictum of the canon. which leads to monolithism.
Black Arts Movement in 60’s tried to make Black Literary Theory and she explains that when the theory is non rooted in pattern it becomes normative. sole. elitist. An illustration is the attack of this motion toward linguistic communication. the usage of black talk. which was defined as hip urban linguistic communication. This emphasizes on one manner to be black resulted in plants being seen as non-black since the black talk of one metropolis did non sound like the black talk of another metropolis. and were condemned as non being black plenty.
Whole countries of the canon were assessed harmonizing to the pronouncement of the Black Arts Nationalist point of position. while other plants were ignored because they did non suit ‘ the strategy of cultural nationalism’ ( Christian. 232 ) . And this motion seeking to take power became much like its opposition. massive and downright repressive. where monolithism becomes a metasystem where there is a controlling ideal. particularly in relation to pleasance. So linguistic communication as a signifier of pleasance becomes restricted. heavy and abstract.
Furthermore. the Black Arts Movement had a massive attack because it had a desire to destruct the power. which controlled black people. so the attack that they desired. became like that which it wished to destruct. And as she states. ‘many of us instead so desiring to alter the theoretical account they want to be at the center’ ( Christian. 234 ) .
Finally. her major expostulation to the race for theory brings out the inquiry: For whom are we making what are we making when we do literary unfavorable judgment? ’ ( Christian. 235 ) . Harmonizing to her. the reply to this inquiry would orientate our work. the linguistic communication we use. the intents for which it is intended.
For her. literary unfavorable judgment is publicity every bit good as understanding. to folk who need the authorship every bit much as they need anything. And from literary history. the authorship disappears if there is no response to it and the tradition of many states and races ( particularly the tradition of Black people ) has to go on and last.
So her ‘ method’ to utilize a new ‘ literary criticism’ word. is non fixed but relates to the acquisition from the linguistic communication of originative authors. so that we might detect what linguistic communication we might utilize.
Therefore Barbara Christian has non set any method. since she indicates that every work suggests a new attack.
Barbara Christian has been requested to bring forth a black women’s rightist literary theory but harmonizing to her we need non to do any differentiation between linguistic communication. category. race and gender in literature ( Christian. 227 ) .