It is very important for each childcare practitioner to know all these aspects of development as they will need to know this when taking observations of children and also young persons, my project will also include the different factors which can affect development n children and young persons and how these issues are dealt with through working in partnerships with parents, agencies and the setting. Eve created a booklet throughout which includes the different developmental stages and milestones such as physical, communication, intellectual, social, emotional, behavioral and moral factors of each life stage of children and young persons life. I will be collecting my information using the internet, books and my own knowledge. There are many areas of development in children which need to be met, I will explain each type of development and what areas it covers.
Firstly we cover the three prime areas which are; – personal, social and emotional development – communication and language – physical development these prime areas in children and young persons development work together, these are compulsory and must work together in order to build the child’s first level of foundation stability in their development. The prime area supports the other areas of development and are all linked together but prime areas must be developed before the child can expand on their development.
The unique child characteristic areas are; – playing and exploring – active learning creating and thinking critically these characteristics of the early years foundation stage are based on each unique child and how each child develops at their own rate is completely understanding but from these areas of effective learning the child can then develop even more and expand on their next steps.
The last characteristics of effective learning is called specific characteristic these cover the more singular areas of development which allow the children or young person to gain knowledge and skills through these areas of effective learning and can then be assessed on where the child or young person needs something a title more challenging activity in order for the child to understand more. Specific characteristic include; – literacy – math – understanding the world – expressive arts and designs Helen Molest. Nancy Stewart. (2012).
The difference between the sequence of development and the rate of development are two different things, the sequence of development is the order in which children and young persons develop there are many stages of development which the child has to learn but not all children will develop the sequence in order as each child is unique as an individual. The rate of development is a cough guideline of the time frame structure of the development of the child or young person will develop at, some children may take longer to develop whereas other children or young people may be faster when developing this depends on each child.
It is very important to keep an eye open for each child and young persons development the sequence of development usually is the same but when it comes to the rate of development then this will need to be looked further into, there could be changes could be signs of issues which the child may be going through issues which is causing the process of the rate in that child or young persons placement all issues must be addressed in order to meet the needs of the individual.
Encyclopedia . (09. 12. 2014). For example these issues mean getting in touch with other agencies to work in partnership with in the best interest of the child or young person as there can be underlying reasons as to why this is happening or could also be because of other factors which affect the child or young persons development, i. E; social background, nutritional, safeguarding or other medical or learning issues which can pay an impact on the child’s development.
When issues are addressed careers f the individual child can work together and help the child to meet their needs this is why it is very important to know the sequence and rate of development when working with children and young persons to support and encourage them to overcome barriers which can be affecting development. There are many influences which can affect a child or young persons development they can be different types of factors which affect the development of a young person the main types of factors which can influence development can be because of personal factors or external factors.
Personal factors such a elate, disabilities or impairments or external factors such as poverty, family environment, nurture or educational status can affect a child’s development in many ways. Personal factors can really affect a child or young persons development, for example; if a child suffers from a long term illness then they not be meeting all their developmental needs in the rate of development because they will always be a little set back due to illness whereas a child who is healthy and fit will always be feeling stimulated to learn new things and gain more skills.
If a child who suffers from a hearing impairment then they are ore likely to be behind with their speech as they will have difficulty learning how to pronounce words without hearing them. If a child have difficulty using speech due to hearing impairment this could mean the child will find it hall to socialism and communicate with other children this will cause the child to become more frustrated this is why the child should be given support for their speech and always encouraged as this will have a big impact on their developmental milestones and also the rate.
Externally factors will pay a huge part in a child and young persons development, or example; if a child is not getting nurtured properly by career then the child will become deprived this will cause the child to begin to feel lonely and withdrawn from other children, this will affect the child’s learning making them not interesting and bothered about anything which will then make the child behind on their development whereas if a child is getting nurtured then they are most likely to be happier children this gives them motivation and stimulation then encourages them to have a go at doing things and explore new things allowing them to keep on learning. The main factors which affect a child’s development are; the family, where the child lives and their socio-economic status.
If a children and young people are not meeting their milestones then this is an issue which needs to be over looked this can be done by constantly observing the child to see where the child is developing but where the child’s weaknesses are to support the child, when the child’s developmental weaknesses are shown then the child will be able to get some kind of support from agencies which the setting can work in partnership with the agency required, the parent/career ND the key person of that child, for example if their was a child at the setting who does not communicate with anyone as they have speech difficulty and has special needs due to behavior then the key worker of the child would be the first one to stop these issues as they take on going observations of the child, the key worker would then need to discuss these problems with the manager who will then get into touch with other companies for the best interest of the child in order to meet the needs of development.
The manager would need to get in touch firstly with the child’s parents discuss the issues and ask for permission before arranging anything for the child, once the parents have discussed and agreed with the parents then they would be allowed to contact other agencies or get referrals. For this child he/she would need a speech therapist who would give the child one to one sessions on a regular basis in order to help them to develop their speech and also an S. E. N co-ordination who would put into place with the key worker a plan on how to encourage the child to control behavior and get into the daily routine at the setting this will help the child to prepare for preschool when they are going to join. Occasionally the parents/ careers, the key worker, the speech therapist and the S. E.
N co-ordination would need to have meetings together on a regular basis in order to share what the weaknesses and the strengths are in the child’s development and then what they will need to put into place in order to expand and meet goals and the needs of the child. Hubcap’s and Hubbies. (2014). Term Explanation Speech This is when you orally communicate with other individuals this is done by verbally speaking and saying what you want to say, speech allows us to communicate with sound how we feel wrought feelings and thoughts. Language Language is a method of human communication, it is either written or spoken. Google. (2014 Communication The act of information.
Speech, Language and communication needs This is when it is difficult to communicate with others as their are barriers to communication this could mean a child who has an hearing impairment might need to use sign language, megaton or lip read with other sending and receiving people to communicate with them. Angela Child. (1888). Speech language and communication skills support learning in different areas of hillside’s development. Learning When a child or young person uses their speech, language and communication as this allows the child to learn about what they are seeing and how they will take all the information in and explain it verbally speaking.
Through learning children pick up their developmental milestones they learn through play, children don’t know when they are learning this happens naturally, for example during story time when an adult is reading the story a child may suddenly become interested in the story, this could be because of the sounds in the story, the child may hen take the book and begin to make up their own story, this is a really good way of encouraging children to use the speech and language alongside their imagination. Emotional Emotionally children will being to realism their different emotions and how each one makes them feel older children will be able to tell other how they are feeling whereas the little children do not understand.
Emotions can have a big impact on speech and language as if a child is just crying all day everyday they are not really preparing themselves for their speech and language. Children cannot control how their emotions this is why they have tantrums, as children and young people get older they begin to realism how to control their emotions how to express them. Behavior and Social Speech, language and communication support children’s learning as this helps them to be more understanding about their behavior and how their good behavior will be rewarded but the unacceptable behavior will have consequences, when a child or young person understand this, it allows them to have more control on their behavior.
As well as behavioral, socially speech, immunization and language can help child to understand how another individual is feeling and then reply to the child according to their body language and the way they express their own feelings. Behavior and Social work more together as the behavior comes first this could be in oneself or in another individual, when you can see how someone is behaving you then respond to that in a social manner. Lisa Morgan. (2008). It is really important to identify speech, language and communication delays and disorders at an early age because it should be worked on as soon as possible o help the child to improve on their development. This means getting referrals and getting in touch with other agencies to work together in partnership for the best interest of the child.
These concerns should be recognized at early stages because they can affect many aspects of the child’s development, and cause more problems when the child is going to start school. Children who suffer from impairments should be tested regularly for speech, language and communication difficulties. If these concerns have not been addressed to then this can have a big impact on the child, this can then cause the child may more factors which are all linked to the speech, language and communication, such as; the child being more deprived not reaching full potential loss of interest in many things anti-social behavior depression low self esteem and confidence anxiety Ashley Gilead. (2014).
Adults can effectively work in partnerships in order to achieve the child’s full potential this means putting all the issues the child is suffering from, including the speech, language and communication delays and the many factors which Eve caused a barrier from the child achieving their full potential. This means getting together all the specialists which the child requires and build a time frame structure as to how everybody will be helping to input from their specialist in order to help these concerns. Allowing multi agencies to help the child overcome their barrier to communication is a really good way to motivate the child into their development.