Computers and Technology: Are We Too Dependent?

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Professor Silver Our whole world is run on technology. We have cell phones, televisions, computers, game systems, cars, even technology called the cloud where wirelessly you are able to get information on different devices. I do think that we are dependent on computers, but I do not look on it as a bad thing.

While I believe that the more and better technology we have the better and brighter our futures will be there are many others who have different and varied opinions regarding our use of all things technology based. Some people like to prove their way is right by doing tests and research. Guzeller and Dogru devised a test to see if computer assisted teaching would be to the benefit of the children or a determent in their way of learning. They used a group study of two different groups of 5th grade children using a “Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design” (Guzeller & Dogru, Dec 2011) to determine the results.

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They separated them into two groups, one group used the computer assisted teaching and the other used the “constructivist approach” (Guzeller & Dogru, Dec 2011). Through this research they found that the children who were learning using computer assisted teaching had increased their academic success. They also found you could use computer assisted teaching at all levels and grades. Pew Internet/Elon University also devised an observation and research study of 1,021 people in various fields of business. 0% said “there will be mass adoption of teleconferencing and distance learning to leverage expert resources … a transition to ‘hybrid’ classes that combine online learning components with less-frequent on-campus, in-person class meetings.” (Anderson, Boyles, & Rainie, 2012), 39% took the other side and “in 2020 higher education will not be much different from the way it is today. ” (Anderson, Boyles, & Rainie, 2012). On the opposing side, Lee Raine, director of the Pew Internet Project said, “They are worried over the adoption of echnology-mediated approaches that they fear will lack the personal, face-to-face touch they feel is necessary for effective education,” (Anderson, Boyles, & Rainie, 2012) Still others were very excited at the increased extensive dependence of teaching with computers and how it would bring on more advanced knowledge and thinking. Three hospitals learned about their dependency on the use of technology when on September 11, 2001 the World Trade Center fell and many buildings were hit with debris and everything was just brought to a halt.

These hospitals who are run pretty much by computers and technology resulted in “the immediate measures performed to maintain function, and the following recovery and planning processes” (Conocenti, Azima, 2003) were suddenly down. These hospitals had neglected to have a backup system in place and to be utilized in a disaster. We have now learned through research that hospitals use “extensive dependence on computer technology for all functions in the hospitals and to a great extent an absence of prepared reserve or backup procedures. (Conocenti, Azima, 2003) Because of hospitals increased use and dependency on computers “has led to a new and perhaps not fully realized hazard in connection to major accidents and disasters, involving a risk for severe impairment of critical functions. ” (Conocenti, Azima, 2003) They need to install extensive backup centers to keep up with all the data and uses but their concern is how costly and time consuming it is. I also interviewed a few acquaintances regarding their opinions on technology and computer use.

I received many interesting replies. Rose from HISC said, “Computers are taking away jobs from people, there is a lot of miscommunication and people get so mesmerized by it they don’t know when to stop. ” (RM, personal communication, August 2, 2012) Andrew stated “when people are constantly on the computer they don’t even live their lives anymore, it is easier for people to steal your information and identity, also too much information is not good for some people, for example sexual predators and terrorists. (AS, personal communication, August 1, 2012) Jennifer from HISC said, “Computers and technology is a double edged sword. There is a lot of beneficial and increased awareness and greater information at your fingertips, however, you lose your privacy and other people have access to your private info regarding all aspects, financial and personal. ” (JB, personal communication, August 2, 2012) This is the technological age and we are always striving to improve things and make them better.

Technology, whether we want to admit it or not, is a way of life now for people and makes things that were once hard to do, easier. Computers are used in most households and I would guarantee that most business’s use computers. Who would not want to “face time or Skype” with your loved ones if they are thousands of miles away. If we use it smartly and safely it is a way to excel in all areas of our life. Why should we be suspicious of something that makes life easier for people?

If we gain knowledge on the things that could hurt us or hinder us we will be better able to control our use and not use it as a tool to hurt others or ourselves. Everyone has a different opinion on what is too dependent regarding our use of computers and technology. Some people when they get on the computer are so consumed with that virtual life they forget to live their real life. I also know that there are people who do not have computers and refuse to even learn to use one.

I do agree that there are people who abuse the use of computers and technology, but for the rest of us it is our entertainment, communication and work. This is the way of the world now. If people do not accept our advances in technology they will fall behind in the times and miss out on learning new things, connecting with family members who live far away and thousands of other things to learn and do.


  1. Anderson, J. , Boyles, J. L. , & Rainie, L. (2012, July 27).
  2. The Future of Higher Education. Retrieved from Pew Internet – Pew Internet & American Life Project: http://www. ewinternet. org/Reports/2012/Future-of-Higher-Education. aspx Conocenti, P. , & Azima, C. (2003).
  3. Computer Vulnerability, Consequences and Preparedness – Experiences from World Trade Center. International Journal of Disaster Medicine, Vol. 1 (Issue 1), p. 69-73, 5p. Retrieved from http://web. ebscohost. com/ehost/detail? vid=5&hid=11&sid=7caddc71-6a2b-4174-9b42-9c62814f3f87%40sessionmgr15&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=a9h&AN=10594334 Guzeller, C. O. , & Dogru, M. (Dec 2011).
  4. The Effect of Computer Use in Science and Technology Lesson on Success and Attitude

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