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Essays on Chinese New Year

We found 3 free papers on Chinese New Year

Essay Examples

Review of “Mao’s Last” Dancer By Li Cunxin

Chinese New Year


Words: 1343 (6 pages)

“Despite our hardships, there were also joys in our childhood”. Explore the ways in which Li’s childhood was both one of great deprivations and one of great riches. The novel, “Mao’s Last Dancer”, was written by Li Cunxin. It tells his riveting tale of growing up in a poor family of six boys, living in…

Firecrackers: An Explosive Morality Issue

Chinese New Year


Words: 1804 (8 pages)

“Pop! Bam! Boom! ” These are the sounds one hears passing by a Chinatown around February of every year. Indeed, these are the sounds of firecrackers, which are distinctive features Chinese people use to welcome a new beginning on Chinese New Year. According to older generations, firecrackers are considered not only a sign of getting…

On Gold Mountain by Lisa See

Chinese New Year


Words: 1642 (7 pages)

Imagine the challenge of relocating to a foreign country and raising a family away from your homeland. This is a decision that countless individuals make regularly. However, a crucial question arises: which traditions and values should you pass on to your children? Should they be taught the traditions of their homeland or those of their…

Frequently Asked Questions about Chinese New Year

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What is the celebration of Chinese New Year?
Chinese New Year Traditions. The main Chinese New Year activities include 1) putting up decorations, 2) offering sacrifices to ancestors, 3) eating reunion dinner with family on New Year's Eve, 4) giving red envelopes and other gifts, 5) firecrackers and fireworks, and 6) watching lion and dragon dances.
What is the main purpose of Chinese New Year?
The New Year celebration is centred around removing the bad and the old, and welcoming the new and the good. It's a time to worship ancestors, exorcise evil spirits and pray for good harvest. Today it's celebrated also by Chinese communities outside the country.

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