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Domestic Violence Essay Examples

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Essay Examples


Contemporary issues assignment

Domestic Violence



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Critically evaluate either tabloid or broadsheet reporting of health and social care issues in the United Kingdom, using research and press materials about two or more topics covered in the module. Domestic violence is a worldwide social problem, which has extremely high prevalence, affecting as many as 1. 2 million woman and 800,000 men in…

Domestic Violence in our Society


Domestic Violence

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Throughout history, domestic violence has consistently been a prevalent and prominent issue. Until recently, cases of domestic violence were an extremely private matter and were not regarded with serious concern within some families, within the public, or within the criminal justice system, such as the courts and the police. Our society, law enforcement, and the…

The Josef Fritzl Case: A Harrowing Tale of Captivity and Deception


Domestic Violence

Words: 492 (2 pages)

One of the most heinous and horrific crimes in recent memory is the Fritzl case. in contrast to other criminal offenses. Austrian Josef Fritzl gained notoriety in 2008 for keeping his daughter Elisabeth hidden for 24 years in a basement. This essay explores the horrific facts of the Fritzl case, examines the complex mental processes…

Miguel Helft: “A Decent Proposal”

Domestic Violence



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Reality of Domestic Violence


Domestic Violence

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Domestic violence is something that is very prominent in today’s age, a lot of women and men go through this. Women that battle with abuse while pregnant, risk the chance of health issues with the child. Children can be greatly affected by this, it can affect their mental state, how they see themselves and how…

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Domestic Violence



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Biblical Counseling For Domestic Violence 


Domestic Violence

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Biblical counseling is a needed tool for helping people with problems such as domestic violence as well as other issues, or problems that they may be encountering within their family. What do you say to that particular person? In the case of the believer that don’t believe like you do, what do you say to…

How to Eat Fried Worms

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Domestic Violence and Abuse


Domestic Violence


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Everyone knows of domestic violence and/or someone who has experienced it. Domestic abuse and domestic violence is not exactly the same. Domestic violence is a very serious issue and sometimes taken very lightened until something serious happens. Women die everyday because of domestic issues. Some people often think only women get abused but men get…

Like a Winding Sheet Analysis

Domestic Violence

Social Issues


Words: 1467 (6 pages)

Often times in literature, it is common for people to view different articles, novels, and short stories in a perspective that is common to us. What we sometimes fail to do in this analysis of literature is look at issues going on in the story, characters, or the major theme from a different perspective or…

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What is domestic violence?

“Black eyes, broken bones, but usually he hit me in the head, back and legs where it wouldn’t show, ended up in a different state, lost custody of my kids, couldn’t make it back to see them” (Anonymous, 2012). This quote is taken from a woman who was abused by her husband, which is known as intimate partner violence. It can also be known as spousal abuse or domestic abuse. Intimate partner violence/abuse is when a person in a relationship, whether married, sexually intimate, or cohabiting, and is being abused or treated in a violent way.

Spousal abuse is very common in the United States, many couples often experience at the least some form of spousal abuse. Spousal abuse can affect anyone, no matter what race, age, religion, etc. It has not been taken seriously, and often couples are left to work out their problems themselves. Thankfully, we now live in a society where violent behavior is unacceptable toward women. Spousal abuse can have a huge effect on women through emotions, injury and psychological effects. Emotions play a huge role in intimate violence; it affects every person in the household.

How does domestic violence affect children?

Those who experience intimate partner violence may come away with emotional problems as a result of the violence they endure. For example victims may experience psychological problems, children who witness violence may become traumatized and victims themselves, which can lead to depression, anxiety, and externalizing problems, and often have harder times communicating with others. “Studies to date suggest that IPV is associated with both behavioral and physiological aspects of emotion regulation” ( (Katz & Rigterink, 2012). When children are exposed to any type of violence or stress in the family it can be very harmful while the child is developing.

“One-third of the children who witness the battering of their mothers demonstrate significant behavioral and/or emotional problems, including psychosomatic disorders, stuttering, anxiety and fears, sleep disruption, excessive crying and school problems” (Stewart). Children have a greater risk of being exposed to many different types of issues; research shows that psychological maltreatment is very heterogeneous. A study was conducted in which to see if the buildup of different subtypes of psychological maltreatment had a greater impact on the child’s psychopathology and functional impairment.

Research on the impact of violence on children

The study included one hundred and sixty-eight children and adolescents aged between 4 and 17 all of which the mothers had been exposed to intimate partner violence. The results showed that “the greater the number of PM subtypes suffered by children, the greater the adverse effects in psychopathology and functioning. When a child suffers four PM subtypes, the number of DSM disorders is, on average, twice as high compared with children who are suffering only one PM subtype” (Ariadna de la Vega, 2013).

It is the parents responsibility to keep children safe and out of harm’s way. A child having to witness their parents being abused is going to have multiple effects and this is just one of them. This can affect the child enormously, in school and in just everyday life. One of families’ top priorities should be to make sure the child is protected in every way possible to avoid any and or all of these affects. Violence between partners is now seen as a topic that needs special attention, especially those who are being abused while bearing a child.

How are women affected by domestic violence?

Violence between partners is now seen as a topic that needs special attention, especially those who are being abused while bearing a child. The World Health Organization along with other organizations have made it their duty to help and support women who are carrying children to help them make choices that will lead their child to have a better life.

If a woman is being abused while pregnant she is susceptible to complications with the pregnancy. For the women going to the doctors to get checked can be their one chance for freedom, it gives healthcare personnel a chance to assess the patient and women a chance to speak up of any abuse. “Pregnant women and their unborn infants are vulnerable populations who should be treated as such, yet some reports show that death rates among pregnant women have escalated in recent years (Clements ET al. 2011).

Abuse can also cause premature birth, injury to the baby, and effect the mother’s mental and physical health. This can affect society in every way possible, without children how can our society continue to grow? Children are what we need to continue life working the way it does. It is very important that we make sure that pregnant women continue to be safe while with children to avoid any consequences. Not only does intimate partner violence affect children it also causes issues for the victims.

A major cause of injury to women is in fact battering. Many of the battering cases are due to domestic violence or spousal abuse, which can also lead to more serious incidents, like rapes. It can also be the start of medical difficulties because of the abuse. Some of the medical difficulties reported have been arthritis, hypertension, and heart disease. More seriously are those who are left with emotional and psychological injuries. Some victims say they have lost their jobs because of being absent as a result of violence. There is enough evidence showing convincing relations with intimate partner violence and post-traumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders. It is said that most women who have to be subject to relational trauma in their lives have a greater risk of getting these effects.

Frequently Asked Questions about Domestic Violence

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What is domestic violence summary?
Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one party to gain or maintain control over another. ... Domestic abuse takes many forms including abuse that is physical, sexual, emotional, economic, and psychological. Abuse includes threats, stalking, and cyberstalking.
What is the most common domestic violence?
Physical Abuse: This can include actions such as pushing, restraining, slapping/punching, kicking, scratching, etc. Emotional Abuse: Typically, emotional abuse begins verbally. Abusers use it as a tool to belittle and humiliate their victims. Their goal is to make their partner feel worthless.
Why is domestic violence an important topic?
Why is the issue of domestic violence important? Domestic violence is a serious social problem and a national health concern with significant negative impacts on individuals and our communities. It is a primary cause of injury to women in the United States.

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