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Essay Examples

The Brutal Actions of Mark Lepin



Words: 723 (3 pages)

“For I have decided to send Ad Patres[Spanish for “to the fathers”] the feminists who have ruined my life. ” -Marc Lepine, suicide note. It was the early evening of December 6, 1989; just nineteen day’s before Christmas. The students of Montreal’s Ecole Polytechnique were just finishing their classes when a stranger walked into the…

Organized and Institutionalized Sexual Exploitation and Violence in Iran Analysis



Words: 845 (4 pages)

The “Press Law and Women Bill” was ratified into law on the 13th of August 1998 in Iran; it is the Fifth Amendment of Article 6 of the press law. The bill states that, “commercial use of women’s image and texts declaring women’s issues, humiliation, insult, propagation of formality, use of ornaments, and defending women’s…

Why Do Women Live Longer Than Men?


Words: 521 (3 pages)

“Why can’t a woman be more like a man?” It’s a humorous question asked by Professor Henry Higgins in a show-stopping song from the Broadway musical My Fair Lady. But Higgins would sing quite a different tune if the subject was longevity. When it comes to life span, why can’t a man be more like…

Depression In Women



Words: 707 (3 pages)

An article in Scientific American called “Why are so many womendepressed”, by Ellen Liebenluft, focused on the reason why females are moredepressed than males. First, Depression comes with a variety of symptoms. Forexample, a person suffering from depression may experience sleep disturbances,hopelessness, and feeling of worthlessness, difficulty concentrating, experiencefatigue and sometime even delusions. Depression is…

Effects of Women Suffrage on the United Stated Elections


Hillary Clinton

President of the United States

United States


Women's Suffrage

Words: 812 (4 pages)

Gender has played a major role in politics in The United States and specifically in the presidential elections. In politics, it could be differences in opinion between men and women regarding general political issues and candidates. Prior to 1920, women did not have the right to vote. Constitutionally, only white males of certain religions, who…

An Indian Woman In Guatemala: Without A Trace Of Bitterness In Her Voi


Words: 1447 (6 pages)

ceAn Indian Woman In Guatemala: Without A Trace Of Bitterness In Her VoiceStacye RothbardTranscultural perspectivesNovember 11, 1996Guatemala is the land of Eternal Springs and the home of the richly cultured andhistoric Mayan people. It it also the country of Rigoberta Menchu, anilleterite farm worker, turned voice of oppressed people everywhere. Guatemalaalso has the sad distinction…

Women’s Right to Vote


Words: 1413 (6 pages)

Source A, the Suffragette poster shows pictures of skill-full women and the jobs in which they are able to meet the requirements. A mother, nurse, doctor, teacher, factory hand and even a mayor all jobs showing responsibility and respectability. A woman can get qualifications to be a teacher or doctor, (and still didn’t get equal…

The Women’s Suffrage Campaign



Women's Suffrage

Words: 620 (3 pages)

The journey for women achieving the right to vote has been very long and certainly not easy. “A total of 131 years after the initial implementation of the United States Constitution, women were at last explicitly included in ‘We the People.’ That is indeed something to celebrate.” The work of thousands of women and men…

World War I – Women


World War I

Words: 434 (2 pages)

Due to the fact of the absence of many men, who either joined the military and/or took jobs in a war production industry; women were obligated to move outside their traditional roles and take positions in employment historically reserved for men. For instance in the United States, images like “Rosie the Riveter” promoted the ideology…

The Other Sword Woman — Part Two


Words: 1984 (8 pages)

“By Saint Denis, girl,” quoth he, “you have a proper spirit, but it takes more than a pair of breeches to make a man.” “If that other woman of whom you spoke could march and fight, so can I!” I cried. “Nay.” He shook his head. “Black Margot of Avignon was one in a million.”…

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