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Essay Examples

Internet Pornography



Words: 679 (3 pages)

Pornography’s effect on children Internet has posed several threats to the society and one of the biggest threats of internet is pornography. Children who are internet-savvy can easily find pornography on internet. Due to easy access and attractive images pornography is becoming a menace for the society. Children are affected by pornographic images and researches…

Analysis of the Internet — Software and Services Industry


Software Industry

Words: 2242 (9 pages)

Analysis of the Internet Software and Services Industry BE 530 Course Project Winter 2012 Tingting Xu Introduction The industry I have chosen for this project is the Internet Software & Services. Companies in the Internet Software and Services Industry develop and market internet software and provide internet services including online databases and interactive services, web…

Internet marketing



Words: 2132 (9 pages)

Vietnam has fierce competed with the competitors such as SC TV shopping, 123. Van, hothead. Van and other e-shop. With the SOOT, Busty Vietnam has become the most e-shop is succeed in selling products online. Besides that, Busty still have a lot of problems about their attitude, product quality and customer relationship. I recommend: Busty…

Effects of Internet on World Politics



Words: 2361 (10 pages)

When computers were first discovered in the early 1990s, the whole world foresaw a golden new era for the political arena.  The growth of internet since its discovery has led to transformation of economies, societies and the world of politics (Chadwick 2006: 384).  It has changed the way people live, think and react towards all…

Managerial Role in Internet Sales Industry



Words: 2872 (12 pages)

A significant transition, witnessed by business executives towards the end of the past century was the excessive use of Information Technology, IT, used as a lever for achieving competitive advantage along with the emergence of the E-everything phenomenon. While some researches dismiss the relationship between information technology and competitive advantage, others see it as a…

The Internet In Our Modern World


Words: 746 (3 pages)

In this twenty-four hours and age, the Internet is the new resource tool for multitudes. It has changed the manner we live in society and the manner people interact with each other. As more and more people log on the Internet, it has doubtless changed the manner people think and feel about each other and…

Cyberspace and the Internet World: An Advantage or Disadvantage?


Words: 896 (4 pages)

            The cyberspace has been influencing how people build, maintain, and control their identities at this day and age.  Some say that the cyberspace has been beneficial to them and their identities because they are able to talk to one another and share their thoughts, beliefs, and sentiments with others whom they may or may…

Communicating in the Internet Age


Words: 337 (2 pages)

The process of communication has been made easier in the presence of the Internet. The Internet, in fact, has already become an era; thus the word “age” in the field of communication. It has transformed and revolutionized communication processes in such a way that people in different parts of the world can easily reach each…

Ontela Picdeck Case Study


Market Segmentation


Words: 2251 (10 pages)

1. Based only on the cluster analysis data, which preference related variables are most useful for segment identification and evaluation? Which variables are least useful? This qualitative research aims in identifying and evaluating the potential customers of PicDeck and determinate a precise target. The interviewees have been asked to answer questions based on a ranking…

Case Study: Terra Lycos


Mass Media

Search Engine

Words: 308 (2 pages)

Outline three ways that you believe Terra Lycos could contribute to helping other businesses leverage the Internet to create opportunities for themselves. Taking a lesson from Lycos Network. Forming alliances with other Internet companies seems to be a lucrative endeavor. Not only has it saved them in the struggle to stay afloat in the competitive…

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