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Essays on Investment

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Essay Examples

Newell’s Business Management and Investments Analysis


Words: 512 (3 pages)

Does Newell have a parenting advantage? Yes, good handle on cost structure – how to make high volume low-cost products and relate to volume sellers; operational efficiency and profitability – Newellization, solve fundamentals of cost structures to bring operating margins to 15% Also M&As, Centralized support processes, access to large retailers • What does it…

Foreign Direct Investment Through Multinational Enterprises


Words: 18579 (75 pages)

The emergence of Multinational Enterprise and Foreign Direct Investment in Developing countries signifies the welcoming atmosphere of acceptance to change. Coupled with the promise of economic growth and development through technology transfer, knowledge sharing and productivity improvement, undeniably, the opportunity is there. This being the case, Foreign Direct Investment through Multinational Enterprise became an important…

Fundamental Investment Decisions


Words: 1412 (6 pages)

The first fundamental investment decision is Assets Allocation. Since that the assets allocation is the most important determinant of portfolio returns, before investment, I made a primary allocation: 35%-40% equity (including IETF), 30%-35% mutual funds and funds, 10%-15% options and futures, cash. When it comes into reality, I found it is hard to exactly follow…

Bond and Percent: Calculation


Words: 8184 (33 pages)

Bond P is a premium bond with a 12 percent coupon. Bond D is a 6 percent coupon bond currently selling at a discount. Both bonds make annual payments, have a YTM of 9 percent, and have five years to maturity. The current yield for Bonds P and D is percent and percent, respectively. (Do…

The Importance Critical Judgement and Sound Analysis in Managing an Investment Portfolio


Words: 2603 (11 pages)

In the past, investors used to prefer diverse portfolios consisting of bonds, cash, stock and other financial instruments, to single assets (Ineichen, 2002). They believed that diversification was the best way to maximise their returns and mitigate risk; however, such a holistic approach had two main drawbacks, namely modest returns and insufficient transparency (Ineichen, 2002)….

The Best Way to Use the Lazy Portfolio Strategy



Words: 1012 (5 pages)

Perhaps one of the most prestigious advocates for two- or three-fund portfolios, otherwise known as lazy portfolios, John C. Bogle repeatedly contends that there is no evidence indicating actively managed funds outperform passively managed funds. The above quote makes his conviction clear: the market will always return to the mean. In other words, outliers that…

Cemex’s Foreign Direct Investment Analysis


Words: 1345 (6 pages)

Cemex is one of the fastest growing cement manufacturers in the world. Starting out more than a decade ago Cemex, “has transformed itself from a primarily Mexican operation into the third-largest cement company in the world” (Hill, 2008). The success of Cemex has been attributed to its skills in customer service, marketing, information technology, and…

Rosetta Stone Case Study




Words: 739 (3 pages)

By going public Rosetta Stone would be able to obtain the capital required to expand the business and enter new markets. Another advantage of going public is the ability for Rosetta Stone to increase its brand’s image, awareness, and reputation. An IPO could be a good move because of the increased globalization occurring that has…

David Jones and Myer Comparison




Words: 1014 (5 pages)

Industry group Retail Business risk High HOLD David Jones is a leading upmarket retail department store with 37 stores throughout Australia and specialises in high end brands of clothing, cosmetics and homewares. It’s only major competitor, Myer, has strengthened its position in the retail industry and has kept pressure on David Jones. David Jones’ competitive…

Finding Marriott’s WACC




Words: 988 (4 pages)

To calculate the WACC we need to identify the different factors included in the WACC-method, to be able to measure the opportunity cost for investments. First we need to identify the debt, equity and the firm value, which is equity plus debt. Then we identify the debt cost (rD), which is a pre-tax cost, and…

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Frequently Asked Questions about Investment

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What is investment in your own words?
An investment is an asset or item acquired with the goal of generating income or appreciation. Appreciation refers to an increase in the value of an asset over time. When an individual purchases a good as an investment, the intent is not to consume the good but rather to use it in the future to create wealth.
What is the importance of investment?
Why Should You Invest? Investing ensures present and future financial security. It allows you to grow your wealth and at the same time generate inflation-beating returns. You also benefit from the power of compounding.

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