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Essay Examples

Robey v. Hinners Brief

Constitutional Law




Separation of powers

United States law

Words: 257 (2 pages)

Robey v. Hinners Facts: In 2005, Robey who runs his business in Sikeston, Missouri sold a used 2002 Cadillac Escalade to a Kentucky resident, Hinner, over ebay auction. As Robey advertised, the car was “clean, better and average” and with an “ 1 month/1,000 mile Service Agreement”. After Hinner bought the car, he realized that…

Tyco Ethical Scandal: An Analysis




Words: 1575 (7 pages)

The company currently handles five major business areas including fire protection services, metal and electrical products, flow control, safety products, and ADT Worldwide for commercial buildings security. Despite rapid growth, the company faced a serious ethical issue in more recent times.After Tyco closed at $59.76 per share on the New York Stock Exchange on December…

Civics Dynamic DBQ

Common Law


Constitutional Law


Supreme court

United States law

Words: 743 (3 pages)

How does the dynamic,a process or system characterized by con tant change, nature of our Constitution help our government keep up with the changing ti mes? Because of the flexibility of our constitution, we are able to change it on a day to day basi s. The variation of how the Constitution can be changed…

Opinion writing assignment 4th grade

applied ethics





social institutions

Words: 774 (4 pages)

Becoming a paralegal has many different aspects to it that many do not know about. Paralegals have to be more worried about Unauthorized Practice of Law or PULP then a lawyer in my opinion. There are so many things that a Paralegal can get in trouble for because it is out of their scope of…

Scottsboro Boys Summary


Criminal Justice


Words: 1063 (5 pages)

In 1931, the arrest of all nine Scottsboro boys – Haywood Patterson, Charles Weems, Clarence Norris, Andy Wright, Ozzie Powell, Olen Montgomery, Eugene Williams, Willie Roberson, and Roy Wright – occurred due to their involvement in a fight with white boys on a train. The charges against them also include allegations of rape made by…

Notions of Justice and Fairness in “To Kill a Mockingbird2 by Harper Lee

Harper Lee


To Kill A Mockingbird

Words: 236 (1 page)

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a novel that was published in 1960, the times where our nation had segregation and injustice amongst the colored and the whites. Racism presents itself in many ways in the town of Maycomb. Some are blatant and open, but others are more insidious. The plot focuses on…

Environmental justice



Words: 1879 (8 pages)

“environmental justice”Environmental issues such as global warming and climate change, air, water, and land pollution, ozone depletion, species on the verge of extinction, and many other human-induced ecological changes that mankind is now facing are for real and need urgent action. These problems are the direct consequences of inadequate and thoughtless use of limited natural…

Examples of Dissertation Proposals in Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice


Words: 619 (3 pages)

Extent of the problem and Evidence of Compliance The extent of the problem concerning the wrongfully convictions by jurors seems to lie within several areas. First, once a crime has been committed, the public outcry demands justice; therefore, there is a sense of urgency to quickly resolve the crime. As a result, the system may…

AnaGaspar Assignment

Criminal Justice


Law enforcement

National Security


Words: 617 (3 pages)

Abstract In the relationship between private and public police, throughout history has explored similarities and differences between the two. The criminal justice system is linked to both private security and public police. Private Officers do not work for us; but they do offer their services for corporations, they basically focus on the corporation that hired…

Why Guns Should not be Banned



Social Issues

Words: 1220 (5 pages)

Being fatally wounded by a knife or similar weapon is four times more likely than being fatally wounded by a rifle or shotgun. The subjects of gun rights and gun control consistently spark heated debates, whether among individuals or politicians. As an American, one of the many benefits we have is the freedom to choose…

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