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Life Goals

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Essay Examples

The Life Goals of Harriet Tubman and Your Runaway


Life Goals

Words: 976 (4 pages)

Harriet Tubman was a runaway slave from Maryland who became known as the “Moses of her people”. Over the course of ten years, and at a great personal risk, she led hundreds of slaves to freedom along the Underground Railroad. She later became a leader in the abolitionist movement, and during the Civil War she…

Setting My Three Personal Life Goals


Life Goals

Words: 406 (2 pages)

Goal setting is vital for providing direction and motivation, boosting confidence, and encouraging us to take on more challenging tasks. Continually reminding ourselves of our goals strengthens our commitment to putting in the necessary effort to achieve them. I strongly believe that goal setting is crucial for success in life as it has been instrumental…

The Life Goals and the Life Accomplishment Pursues of the Jean Michel


Life Goals

Words: 933 (4 pages)

Throughout the 1980’s there was one particular artist that had the gift of translation. He was able to take art from the street, and translate it into beautiful pieces in which could be understood in galleries. This artist was Jean-Michel Basquiat. He is most known for his rough around the edges, graphic style. This style…

The Life, Goals, and Death of Alexander the Great


Life Goals

Words: 485 (2 pages)

Alexander the Great was a remarkable commander, warrior, and ambassador. His drive to conquer and reshape empires stemmed from his aspiration to disseminate Greek culture and language. Alexander’s ultimate goal was to unite humanity as a whole, which he tirelessly pursued through war, marriage, and persuasion (McCarty 9). Furthermore, he possessed intelligence and charisma as…

An Examination of My Personal Financial Condition and My Life Goals


Life Goals

Words: 960 (4 pages)

The 21st century is in many aspects driven by the ability of individuals to plan for their life and set goals that project to their success. Every individual is considered responsible for their future. Consequently, planning for one’s life involves their ability to project their future, budget for their expense for a given duration, and…

A Comparison between the Life Goals and Missions of Saint Augustine and Socrates


Life Goals

Words: 925 (4 pages)

The most interesting historical figures that have ever existed are Socrates and St. Augustine that were in the center of the spiritual life in ancient time. Their works still are the most influential all over the world. Augustine and Socrates focused on the life with God, the metaphysical analysis of time, the ethical analysis of…

My Life Goals and My Dream Would be to Bring My Music


Life Goals

Words: 667 (3 pages)

We all have gifts. It’s how we choose to use them that make us unique. One of my gifts is to make people feel loved in times of need and sadness. I enjoy encouraging people with my smile and a great big bear hug.God hasalso blessed me with a great love for music. I enjoy…

Accomplishing Life Goals in the Short Story of Steven’s Journey to Wealth


Life Goals


Words: 760 (4 pages)

Some people only get to dream about what life might be like if they had accomplished their life goals. Some people dream about what it might not be like. Steven was one of these more fortunate people until…Steven had to overcome more pain during his lifetime then some could imagine. He dreamed of becoming a…

A Personal Account of the Four Virtues Necessary for Achieving Life Goals: Order, Courage, Patience, and Faith

Life Goals

Words: 560 (3 pages)

To survive in 1996, it is essential to have standards and goals of morality. Achieving moral excellence is challenging but worth striving for. Personally, I face numerous distractions and obstacles in today’s world, making it difficult to find direction in my life. Overcoming challenges like peer pressure is necessary for me to become a confident…

Personal Life Goals and Up Until Now Has Been Great


Life Goals

Words: 506 (3 pages)

My life up until now has been great, and I am sure it will continue that way. There are a lot of things that have happened to me and have changed me and the way I think. I feel the best things I do are mainly sports. I also do good voice impressions. I only…

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