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Essays on Othello Jealousy

We found 10 free papers on Othello Jealousy

Essay Examples

Gender Roles in Othello


Othello Jealousy

Words: 622 (3 pages)

In Shakespeare’s play, Othello, two people despite their differences find themselves in a forbidden love that is challenged by Othello whose jealousy leads him through a trail of deception and distrust that convinces him to betray his beloved wife Desdemona, ultimately leading to both their tragic deaths. Although the marxist lens offers an interesting perspective…

A Sexual Tragedy: Othello


Othello Jealousy

Words: 877 (4 pages)

In his lifetime, the well-respected military general Othello in William Shakespeare’s Othello has traveled the world, conquering obstacles no other man could, such as “moving accidents by flood and field /…hairbreadth ‘scapes i’ th’imminent deadly / breach …being taken by the insolent foe and sold to slavery” (Othello I.iii.156-160). Although valiant and well-seasoned in this…

Othello as a Lover and Romantic Figure


Othello Jealousy

Words: 1024 (5 pages)

Othello’s speeches are covered with romantic and poetic glow and in his speeches we come across with an adventurous hero who grown up in the shade of romance, adventure, war and danger of lifeaction. Since his childhood days he had been a romantic adventurer who had seen the difficulties and bitter adventuruos experiences in far…

Human Nature in Shakespeare’s Othello


Othello Jealousy

Words: 1355 (6 pages)

Human nature surrounds one’s hopes, flaws, and virtues that are essential to humanity. These characteristics define our vulnerabilities and drive us to do inhumane things. In the story, Othello, William Shakespeare presents the fascinating insight into human nature by examining many aspects of jealousy, love, racism, hatred, etc. These details are what the author explores…

The Great Gatsby and Othello: Destruction of Lives

Great Gatsby


Othello Jealousy

Words: 1432 (6 pages)

Secrets, lies, jealousy, and rumors are a lethal combination which not only destroy lives but also cause multiple murders. Jay Gatsby, the character in Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby, and Iago from Shakespeare’s play Othello are consumed with chasing a dream and are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Gatsby met…

Issues of Racism within Othello 


Othello Jealousy

Words: 1453 (6 pages)

According to Cambridge Dictionary, the term racism is “belief that people’s qualities are influenced by their race and that the members of other races are not as good as the members of your own, or the resulting unfair treatment of members of other races” The Elizabethan Era began in 1485, with the finish of the…

Blindsided by Manipulations and Misunderstandings in Othello


Othello Jealousy

Words: 531 (3 pages)

William Shakespeare’s Othello illustrates the outcome of misunderstanding and emotional judgement that causes miscommunication. This story is a powerful example where tragedy comes from acts of misunderstanding (Donkor, 2016). Like most of Shakespeare’s love stories, Othello ends in tragic when there is suspicion of deception, and the lack of simple communication affects these main character…

Language in Othello Essay Analysis


Othello Jealousy

Words: 1633 (7 pages)

In today’s educational system, the use of Shakespeare as reading material has begun to dwindle. This is mostly due to people believing that the themes and ideas portrayed throughout the Shakespearean work are old, outdated, unrelated to the modern world. However, one of the biggest stories in politics and media nowadays are the ideals of…

Shakespeare’s “Othello” Analysis


Othello Jealousy

Words: 3153 (13 pages)

Shakespeare’s work is undoubtedly the most popular and well known literature of all time. The fact that his work remains popular today is interesting, as many of his themes tend to verge on old fashioned, some even verging on offensive, especially by today’s standards. Specifically, Shakespeare’s Othello provides a few questionable themes. The most prevalently…

The Dangers of Jealousy as Depicted in Othello by William Shakespeare



Othello Jealousy

William Shakespeare


Words: 737 (3 pages)

In Shakespeare’s Othello we are introduced into a web of a world entangled with lies, jealousy, and ultimately tragedy. We observe as lago single handedly destroys the matrimony shared between Othello and the beautiful Desdemona. He does so with a flurry of deceit and trickery, playing upon one of the strongest human emotions, that of…

Frequently Asked Questions about Othello Jealousy

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How does jealousy affect the play Othello?
Jealousy runs the characters' lives in Othello from the beginning of the play, when RoderigoRoderigoRoderigo is a fictional character in Shakespeare's Othello (c. 1601-1604), where he serves as the secondary antagonist of the play. He is a dissolute Venetian lusting after Othello's wife Desdemona. › RoderigoRoderigo is envi- ous of Othello because he wishes to be with Desdemona, and to the end of the play, when Othello is furious with envy because he believes Cassio and Desdemona have been engaging in an affair.
How does Shakespeare present the theme of jealousy?
Arguably, jealousy is a theme that has been greatly featured in the text. At the beginning of the play, Roderigo is confined in Iago and is presented to be so much in love with Desdemona (Shakespeare 1154). ... In this regard, Iago plays the leading role in triggering jealousy in other characters.
How is jealousy shown in Othello essay?
Shakespeare's play of Othello is largely driven by a grand love story, and filled with jealousy. Through the juxtaposition of Othello's credulous nature and Iago's pernicious villainy, the image of jealousy is truly personified as an all-consuming “green-eyed monster”.
What is Shakespeares message about jealousy in Othello?
The reason Iago chooses to hurt Othello by making him jealous is that Iago is consumed by jealousy himself. In Othello, Shakespeare proves that jealousy is inherently unreasonable, as it is founded on the psychological issues of the jealous person, not on the behavior of the one who prompts the jealous feelings.

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