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Essays on Perfection

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Essay Examples

The Human Pursuit of Perfection




Words: 529 (3 pages)

Ever since the creation of life on earth, humans have tried to achieve one thing and one thing only: perfection. Whether it’s being the perfect hunter-gatherer or the perfect pianist, all humans aim for the sky – hoping to surpass the limits that define imperfection But what exactly is perfection? Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as…

Poetry and Art. Stevens poem “Anecdote of the Jar”


Words: 1475 (6 pages)

Wallace Stevens’, The Palm at the End of the Mind, is a collection of his selected poems and a play. By examining the transformative nature of Stevens’ poetry, we can see that Stevens is arguing that poetry and art has the power to change and reveal the world. Stevens describes in his poem, “Anecdote of…

Paracelsus’ Quest for the Philosopher’s Stone and Medical Contributions


Words: 1688 (7 pages)

Alchemy as a field is interesting due to its ability to encourage a search for perfection and not just simply in the physical world but also, and perhaps more importantly, in the spiritual sense. Out of many great alchemists, I will write about Paracelsus and his quest to find the philosopher’s stone as an effort…

The Need for Embodiment


Words: 1399 (6 pages)

Dante’s Inferno is largely supported by various symbolic narratives of sinners who have descended into Hell, however it is the theme that is presented through these symbolic narratives that is most notable. Despite each sinner’s story as to why they are in Hell being unique, they all have one thing in common – the unity…

What is Perfection? Nature of the universe and the past 


Words: 1552 (7 pages)

When talking about God’s creation of the universe, we always talk of it’s perfection. The fact that God created a perfect universe is fundamental in the description from Genesis. If we examine the universe looking for evidence that God created it, then we should expect to find perfection. How can we do that? What is…

The Theme of Perfection in The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde





Words: 540 (3 pages)

What good does it do a man to gain the whole world yet forfiet his soul? None, perfection, the goal we all reach for, yet is it really attainable to become perfect without giving something in return, possibly your soul. This is a theme challenged in the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar…

An Analysis of the Spiritual Perfection in the Chinese Philosophy





Words: 909 (4 pages)

From the earliest awakenings of Chinese civilization, the Chinese have sought out what they believe to be spiritual perfection. This numinous sense of flawlessness existed within the people themselves, in nature, and between the two as well. Art has always been a common means for the Chinese to achieve such inner tranquility and peace. In…

Utopia: Impossible Society Research Paper



Words: 800 (4 pages)

A utopia by definition, is an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect. A utopia would be impossible to create because of a hand full of reasons: No single person is perfect, competitiveness and striving for things comes naturally, and biologically people develop emotionally. In order for perfect society to exist,…

The Case against Perfection: A Book Review

Book Review


Words: 2468 (10 pages)

Introduction             The twenty-first century is the age of computers and breath-taking technological breakthroughs and advancements. Even various fields of science such as biology, genetics and nuclear studies are becoming more advanced. While the lives of men and women have become easier and more comfortable, there are also a number of ethical issues that must…

The Impact of Christianity



Words: 385 (2 pages)

To what extent has history repeated itself relative to the crusaders of the 21st century once again waging war against Muslims In the middle east? The impact of Christianity: -Judaism and Islam also had a profound impact upon the development of European civilization. -Europeans were exposed to new ideas and unique cultural aspects that were…

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Frequently Asked Questions about Perfection

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Is perfection a quality?
Perfection is the quality of being as good as it is possible for something of a particular kind to be. ... The perfection of something such as a skill, system, or product involves making it as good as it could possibly be.
What does it mean if someone is perfection?
A perfectionist is someone who has a personality that strives for flawlessness. This is often accomplished through fixating on imperfections, trying to control situations, working hard, or being critical of the self or others.
What is perfection and its importance?
Perfectionism is often seen as a positive trait that increases your chances of success, but it can lead to self-defeating thoughts or behaviors that make it harder to achieve goals. It may also cause stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

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