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Essays on Refugee

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Essay Examples

The Problem of Syrian Refugees’ Immigration in Canada




Words: 533 (3 pages)

Recently, Canada has been accepting into the country a great number of refugees. Refugees are different from immigrants in that immigrants actually have a choice to go to a different country and to remain there. On the other hand, Refugees do not have a choice except to flee their own country and to go to…

The Mental Health Crisis That Immigrants and Refugees Face



Social Issues

Words: 985 (4 pages)

The impact of mental health illness is unevenly distributed among different groups, particularly immigrants and refugees who face various uncertainties and challenges upon arrival in the United States. This encompasses academic, legal, political, housing, transportation, and healthcare resources (as mentioned in a book). These populations are especially vulnerable to developing mental health disorders due to…

The Refugees at the Sea Essay



Social Issues

Words: 581 (3 pages)

The recent issue involving the Tampa boat people has raised two persisting questions. Who is a refugee and where should he or she find refuge? A refugee is a person who is being persecuted, be it for religious, ethnic or political reasons. Traditionally, refugees sought sanctuary in their own geographical or cultural environment to return…

A Discussion on What People Can Do to Help Refugees



Social Issues

Words: 647 (3 pages)

Throughout the world, there are countries wracked by war, poverty and chaos. Innocent people are caught up in terrible situations and are in desperate need of help. Many seek refuge in safer countries, and these refugees often don’t have homes, money or supplies. But there are many ways that people can help, including you. There…

Consequences of being a Refugee

Health Care




Words: 1838 (8 pages)

Outline 1.0  Introduction ·         Who is a refugee? ·         Reasons that force someone to become a refugee ·         Thesis Statement:  Consequences of being a refugee and the consequences experienced by the host countries 2.0  Literature Review ·         Various problems experienced by refugees as indicated in the five sources used, three journals and two website articles….

DIfference between IDP and Refugee

Human Rights

International law



Social Issues

Words: 1727 (7 pages)

1. Difference between IDPs and refugees There are 200 million IDPs in the world, there is growing concern that despite the magnitude of the problem there exists no legal regime for it. Challenges which are there are Of providing material assistance And ensuring the protection and respect for the fundamental rights of the IDPs. It…

Refugees in Lithuania During WWII




Words: 304 (2 pages)

In the troubled 20th century humanity experienced two World Wars and many small regional wars and conflicts. Many of them are characterized as very cruel. The war refugees were an important subject all the time both for countries involved in war and for the rest of the world opinion as well. It looks the same…

The So-Called Xenophobic Hotshots



Prejudice and discrimination



Social Issues

Words: 1189 (5 pages)

Unfortunately, violence is not restricted to the so-called xenophobic hotshots where localized competition for political and economic power is a trigger for violence. It is not unique to townships such as Deposit and Spoken. In fact this form of violence had spread across all parts of South Africa killing over 60 people, leaving hundreds seriously…

America Has Given Me Lots of Opportunities

High School Experience


Words: 507 (3 pages)

I was so excited to meet my dad after 4 years. My two younger sisters and my mom were also so excited. After living like aliens in our own country, we are finally going have freedom and create our own life. I was finally going to get good education in New World: America. In December…

Issues affecting the asylum seekers and refugees in UK

Human Rights

International law



Social Issues

Words: 2270 (10 pages)

Abstract “Darkness can never drive out darkness, only light can do that.”- Martin Luther King There is a grim picture persisting in this world. The world is dangerously and painfully divided in ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’. War, torture, rape, political killings and other heinous crimes marred the very existence of humanity and question our silence…

Frequently Asked Questions about Refugee

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Did you know facts about refugees?
Developing countries host about 86% of the world's refugees. At least 48 million people are displaced within their own country, while 4.1 million are asylum-seekers. 42% of all forcibly displaced people are children under 18. Almost 1 million children were born as refugees between 2018 and 2020.
How do you describe a refugee?
“someone who is unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion.”
What are Importance of refugees?
Housing, language classes, healthcare, sustenance. All of these things cost a significant amount of money to provide, but once refugees are established in their host country, the initial investment pays off. Refugees start businesses that employ locals, pay taxes and generate wealth.
Why should countries accept refugees?
The more people participating in a country's economy the better. ... Being able to work and make money, in general, allows refugees to stimulate the economy of their host country. Refugees allowed to work and enterprise are great for an economy, much more so than refugees that are not allowed in or not allowed to work.

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