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Essay Examples

Landlords Sue Seattle

Bill of Rights

Sex education

United States Constitution

Words: 517 (3 pages)

In May of this year, Landlords in Seattle and the Rental Housing Association of Washington filed a lawsuit against the city of Seattle in the King County Superior Court. Their argument is to oppose a new law that was passed in August of 2017, that prevents landlords from using criminal background checks to screen possible…

Horace Mann – Father of Public Schooling

Sex education

Words: 838 (4 pages)

According to chapter one in Joels, Horace Mann was known as the father of public schooling. He began as a lawyer, but left law in order to pursue education. He believed that education was the source of a good and flourishing society. Although he held somewhat idealistic beliefs about education, he never backed down from…

Becoming a Responsible Teen

Sex education

Words: 667 (3 pages)

The name of the website is called ReCAPP or Resource Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention. The program name is BART, or Becoming a Responsible Teen. There was no clear developer name on the website besides the actual website name. The target audience for this program is African American adolescents. The target age is 14-18 years…

Teenage Pregnancy

Sex education

Words: 1089 (5 pages)

In this essay I will discuss the multiple views and arguments discussing the controversy on the topic of teenage pregnancy. My life of course can’t relate on the topic but because of past relationships and friendships I am able to pinpoint multiple positive or negative views on the topic. Teen pregnancy is comprehended and well…

Women’s Health Airbag

Sex education

Women's Health

Words: 815 (4 pages)

Imagine for a moment you or a family member are struck with an unexpected pregnancy that you are neither financially nor mentally prepared for. Clinics such as Planned Parenthood become vital in situation such as these. Planned Parenthood has improve the lives of many women by providing a safety net for women’s health, being economically…

The Rise of Sex Education in Schools in the United States

Sex education

Words: 1102 (5 pages)

The demand that sex education should be taught in high schools is growing. Organizations such as the SIECUS (Sexuality Informed and Education Council of the United States) have been promoting sex education among teen since 1960. The majority of Americans agree that sex education should be available in all high schools, but the question is…

Comprehensive Sex Education and its Effectiveness on Reducing Teenage Pregnancy

Sex education

Teenage Pregnancy

Words: 1564 (7 pages)

When it comes to the developed nations, the United States does not rank number one in many things. Until you look at the rates of unplanned teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The United States currently holds the number one spot for both unplanned teenage pregnancy and STDs (Stanger-Hall & Hall, 2011). There appears…

Modish TV Series Review – Sex Education

Sex education

Tv Show

Words: 498 (2 pages)

The show Sex Education has reached Indian homes through the medium of Netflix and given its name, it is to invite several critics that shall be quick to an early bias. What is unique about the show is that it is as close to its name as it is far. Through the great direction and…

High School Sex Education and the Knowledge of STDs

Sex education

Words: 1694 (7 pages)

When you walk through the halls of a regular high school, you would not think much of it. Most students do not normally think of the dangers of receiving a Sexually Transmitted Disease as they go through their lives. Some will have multiple partners and not worry about what could be happening to their bodies…

LGBTQ Sex Education Essay


Sex education

Words: 1185 (5 pages)

If you look closely at today’s youth, you would see a lack of knowledge about diverse communities such as the LGBTQ+ community. Despite some parents and guardians fearing that their children are being over exposed, LGBTQ+ sex education should be taught in schools because teaching students about LGBTQ+ sex education could promote good sexual health…

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