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Essays on Subculture

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Essay Examples

Subcultures ideas


Words: 1192 (5 pages)

The paper analyzes sociology textbooks to redefine the definitions of subcultures and countercultures, as well as explores conflicting aspects and dilemmas depicted in various examples of these cultural phenomena. To resolve these conflicts, an extra criterion is suggested for evaluating subcultures and countercultures. Additionally, the concept of subculture is further dissected into subcategories to thoroughly…

The Wave of Change in the Era of Modernism


Words: 2087 (9 pages)

A wave of change swept over the era of modernism, people began to question and scrutinize the norms of society. This change Is referred to as postmodernism (Megs & Purses, 2006:466). Postmodernism gave birth to different subcultures, groups of people who behave and believe differently than the norm of society, this as a result makes…

Mormon Subculture in America


Words: 1268 (6 pages)

The Mormons, or The Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints (LDS), is the  sub-culture that I have chosen.   This group has a strong presence in  not only in America but also in Mexico, Canada, and many parts of Europe.  The Mormon faith/religion has existed since 1830, and has since it’s conception been…

Muslim Subcultures


Words: 528 (3 pages)

Malaysia is a nation with a diverse religious landscape, characterized by a rich tapestry of religious subcultures. The Malay, Chinese, and Indian communities each have their own distinct beliefs that contribute to this diversity. In Malaysia, there are various faiths including Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Taoism, and others. To fully understand these subcultures, it is…

Sociological Perspectives of Fashion and the Apparel Industry


Fast fashion



Words: 1030 (5 pages)

Can appeals to exclusivity and quality — either through high-performance gear or luxury fashion # be successful in changing consumer behavior? Why or why not? utilized both a review of the literature and one on one interviews with young fashion consumers to conduct a study on the sustainability of fashion consumer trends and practices. According…

Consumption Subcultures: The Community and Market Creation of the Mac Users




Words: 2348 (10 pages)

Consumption Subcultures: The Community and Market Creation of the Mac Users Introduction             When it comes to computing products, there are the two dominating consumer groups: the PC users and the Mac users.  The popularity of the Macintosh/Apple products have not reached the growth and the reach of PC users; the market share of Apple…

Commercialization of the Graffiti Subculture



Words: 3354 (14 pages)

In cultural studies, a subculture Is a group of people within a culture that differentiates themselves from the larger culture which they belong to (Hebrides, 1979). The study of subcultures often consists of the study of symbolism attached to clothing, music and other visible appearances adopted by members of a subculture and also how those…

The Basketball Subculture



Words: 1010 (5 pages)

Blastula Introduction In this analysis I will cover the different aspects of sport subculture and what it means to be a recognizable member within a group. I will give examples of what it means to be a part of such subcultures. For example, shared ways of dressing, group status and credibility, as well as some…

The hip-hop subculture



Words: 1648 (7 pages)

The hip hop subculture is a way of life tethered to and popularized by the widespread practice of rap music. It originates from the African American community. It is expressed through flashy modes of dressing, graffiti art forms, break dancing, and slang. However, with the passage of time, the culture has traversed racial and cultural…

Frequently Asked Questions about Subculture

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What are 4 examples of subculture?
Examples of subcultures include the hippies, hipsters, cosplay, hip hop, punks, emos, and goths. Subcultures are also usually associated with youth and often seen with some degree of suspicion by older people. Read More:
What is an example of a subculture?
Subcultures are values and norms distinct from those of the majority and are held by a group within a wider society. In the United States, subcultures might include hippies, Goths, fans of hip hop or heavy metal and even bikers - the examples are endless. ... A biker gang is an example of a subculture.
What is subculture in your own words?
A subculture is a group of people within a culture that differentiates itself from the parent culture to which it belongs, often maintaining some of its founding principles. Subcultures develop their own norms and values regarding cultural, political, and sexual matters. ... Subcultures differ from countercultures.
What is the importance of subcultures?
Subculture can be important in mental health care because subcultures sometimes develop their own communication styles and social norms. Mental health professionals should be mindful of any subcultures a person belongs to when treating them, especially as they relate to a person's identity.

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