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Essays on Western Culture

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Essay Examples

DBQ fall of the western roman empire

Western Culture

Words: 598 (3 pages)

Question: What caused the fall of the Western Roman Empire? There were many reasons for the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Each document in this essay explains a different reason. Some causes were: political, economic, social, and military differences and problems. Basically, the problem was that the gap between the rich aristocrats and…

Essay – Japanese Haiku in Western Culture

Western Culture

Words: 790 (4 pages)

The technical sophistication of Japanese Haiku, whether from a technical or thematic perspective, is challenging for Westerners to fully grasp. The translation of Haiku into English is particularly difficult due to obstacles such as cultural differences, linguistic eccentricities like slang or puns, and the inherent challenge of translation itself. Choosing one specific English translation of…

The Western Sahara Conflict

Western Culture

Words: 1770 (8 pages)

Western Sahara, called Moroccan Sahara in Morocco, is a land of 266,000 square kilometers of northwestern Africa, bordered by Morocco to the north, Algeria on northeast, Mauritania on the south while its west coast overlooks on Atlantic Ocean. Vast desert territory but which has rich deposits of phosphates and which seafront to the Canaries has…

Portraits of the white men by the Western Apache

Western Culture

Words: 1401 (6 pages)

Basso, Keith H. , 1979. Portraits of “The Whiteman”: Linguistic Play and Cultural Symbols among the Western Apache. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Portraits of “The Whiteman” is about the cultural understandings that Western Apache have of Anglo-Americans. Since many of these portraits are expressed in joking imitations, this book is a kind of humorous ethnography…

Limiting European Attempts of Further Colonization of the Western Hemisphere

Western Culture

Words: 1600 (7 pages)

Following the Revolutionary War, America’s main objective was safeguarding its independence from more powerful European nations. The primary aim of its foreign policy was to restrict European colonization in the Western Hemisphere. At that time, America held a significant amount of land across the continent and refrained from involvement with other countries. Nonetheless, as the…

Greek Influence on Western Culture

Western Culture

Words: 414 (2 pages)

The Greeks are often regarded as the origins of “the west”. Athens, the heart of Greek civilization, symbolizes the emergence of rationality, ethics, and logic. The impressive achievements of the Greeks have greatly influenced western civilization. The Greek culture had a significant impact on different areas of Western society, such as government, architecture, mathematics, language,…

Impact of Western Culture in Bangladesh

Western Culture

Words: 4125 (17 pages)

The undermentioned research study trades with the Impact of western civilization in our society includes people’s thought harmonizing their age degree. how the Bengali civilization is going a westernized and which factors are related with that. We took merely Dhaka metropolis for our research study. Recognition First of all we would wish to thank our…

The Influence of Western Culture on Youth in Persepolis


Western Culture


Words: 698 (3 pages)

It makes them easy manipulative and in some ways affects their further development. We can observe these processes in Prolepsis, on Manner’s example. We see an Iranian girl taking interest in western culture, doing different sorts of activities corresponding: partying, listening to pop and rock music, wearing Nikkei shoes and denim jacket, trying a cigarette,…

The Apology: A Reaction Paper



Western Culture

Words: 677 (3 pages)

1. What aspect of life is revealed in the selection? The selection depicts various overlapping aspects of life: political, social and academic aspects among others. Political as it focuses on power, superiority and leadership; social aspect since the selection talks of the youth and other citizens of Athens and their interpersonal relationships. The selection is…

Feelings of Chinese Immigrants in “The Jade Peony”


Western Culture

Words: 395 (2 pages)

The short story “The Jade Peony” by Wayson Choy unveils the feelings of Chinese immigrants coming to Canada. The short story also shows the importance of Canadian culture and how it evolved from the past to the present time. In the story, the Chinese parents are used to their cultural traditions and way of thinking….

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Frequently Asked Questions about Western Culture

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What are examples of Western culture?
French culture, Spanish culture, and British culture are all sub-categories under the broad, loose category of Western culture. Europe and much of the Western Hemisphere is Western in culture.
What exactly is Western culture?
Western culture, sometimes equated with Western civilization, Western lifestyle or European civilization, is a term used very broadly to refer to a heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customstraditional customsThe guru–shishya tradition, or parampara ("lineage"), denotes a succession of teachers and disciples in Indian-origin religions such as Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism (including Tibetan and Zen traditions).
What is the importance of Western culture?
Some of the central feature of Western culture can be understood as including the understanding the importance of capitalism, modern technology, human rights, individualism, and democracy to name some important features.

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