Favor of Being Kind and Making a Difference to Someone’s Life

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Kindness is the savior for the hopeless human species whom are at the bottom of the pits They cannot reach on that top of the pit and they are forced to handle what is coming down on them Most humans are suffering and they cannot comprehend life’s meaning because most are unable to capture the glimmer of serenity and progress that is located at the top of the pit. This glimmer is halted due to the cruelty of the majority human race! Instead of one bringing down a ladder to save the hopeless and powerless individuals, it is typical to leave them behind until their souls become tarnished and such tarnished souls would lose its peace and morals because of such cruelty and lack of support and love that everyone deserves to have. Why do you think people become wicked and angered by everyone? We weren‘t born to be evil, Evilness and wickedness are taught! All falls to that wicked and evil mentality because of the lack of kindness.

If at least most people are kind, it would create a chain of support, Be that person who is willing to bring down the ladder that is simply at arm‘s reach or even make a ladder Teach them kindly how to maneuver up the ladder because they are unable to climb! They are ignorant to use such guidelines since they are stuck at the empty place for a prolonged time. They would feel grateful of the kindness from others. This sign would allow the heart to touch the glimmer because of the love and kindness from others. The glimmer can be touched because the heart is slowly breaking away that dark and dull pigments A simple handshake and a greeting would make anyone feel elated of one’s warmth heart because it so uncommon to be questioned with such curiosity and kindness.

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A growth of relationships will be evident and this chain of supporting relationships would cause a safe and positive community for the human race. Even it would bring the smiles of the hopeless and depressed ones because they are being supported and comforted by others. Making a difference to someone’s life is probably one of the best feelings ever! When I see a homeless person begging for spare change, I always care to give them money, The smile of a helpless human truly brings tears in my eyes because my heart can feel the glimmer. It makes me feel as a peace ul and worthy human being, Kindness is the most important characteristic because it is the only characteristic that serves as a tool for the bruised soul of a human. Some say Hat kindness is detrimental of a human’s health because one is constantly being taken advantaged by others and that kindness is not given back.

I completely understand that kindness shou d be rightfully deserved for the individuals of the benefits and gifts from others. But that be ief is totally against the kindness code. One should not expect anything in return, A simple “Hank you” is enough. However, the kind person’s heart melts every time to slowly become burnt and dull because it is natural to feel taken advantaged There is nothing wrong to kindly te l how one feels about their treatment towards one because kindness holds no limits of one‘s feelings. However, one should not allow one’s anger to mold the heart because eventually one wil join the crowd full of wicked humans because one allows others to take the glimmer away from oneself. Kindness is such a powerful and an effective trait!

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Favor of Being Kind and Making a Difference to Someone’s Life. (2023, May 19). Retrieved from


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