In The Mix Smoking The Truth Unfiltered

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Despite resembling something that would come out of a rain gutter, bidis have become increasingly popular among American youth. Traditional tobacco enthusiasts are bewildered as to why anyone would want to smoke such a rough and tarry substance, just as they wonder why people would want to wear cumbersome platform shoes. But at the end of the day, it all boils down to fashion.

Greg Jones, the manager of Creager Mercantile, a Denver-based tobacco wholesaler, expressed his confusion about why anyone would smoke bidis. He believes that people are attracted to bidis mainly because of their appearance. However, bidis have gained attention in recent months, and state attorneys general, including Colorado’s Ken Salazar, have been advocating for restrictions on their importation. The concern arises from the increasing popularity of bidis among underage youth.

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Don Hall, owner of a tobacco shop in Durango, recently discontinued the sale of bidis at his store. This decision was made following his involvement in a sting operation carried out by agents, who were focusing on Internet companies selling tobacco products to minors. It is illegal for minors to purchase bidis in Colorado, and these products bear no resemblance to traditional American cigarettes. Furthermore, some bidis are available in flavors such as chocolate and strawberry, which health authorities find concerning. The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids claims that these flavors are added specifically to target the American youth market.

Bidis are small cigars made with dry, lower grade tobacco wrapped in a green tendu leaf, which is related to the eucalyptus. They are held together by a string similar in size to dental floss. Their shape is reminiscent of miniature torpedo cigars. When lit, the ashes often fall onto your lap like snowflakes due to their loose wrapping. Additionally, they are difficult to keep lit and require deeper puffs.

Nor do bidis qualify as inexpensive alternatives to regular cigarettes. The cost of a pack is similar to the products offered by major tobacco companies, ranging from $1.50 to $3.50. They can be found at various outlets, including traditional stores like Jerri’s Tobacco Shop and unique shops like Myxed Up Creations on Broadway, which offers items such as incense and piercing jewelry. Unlike regular filtered cigarettes, bidis are unfiltered. Recent research conducted by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health reveals that bidi smoke contains approximately three times more nicotine and carbon monoxide and five times more tar.

The appeal of bidi cigarettes lies in their aesthetic appeal, according to Remy Parker, 22. Parker, who was seen smoking a bidi on the sidewalk outside of TAFT High School, described the bidi’s look as the main reason for his interest. He acknowledged that compared to other cigarettes, bidis are quite harsh, but he still enjoys smoking them occasionally for a change. Parker’s introduction to bidis came from a friend around six months ago, and although he doesn’t smoke them regularly, he finds their uniqueness appealing.

One possible reason for their appeal is their non-traditional packaging, which can be seen as exotic to American smokers. There is a group of young smokers who are attracted to unique or unconventional cigarette brands, like Lucky Strikes, unfiltered Camels, and hard-hitting cigarettes like Bull Burhams.

Bidis could be seen as an extension of that, appealing to a new generation of trend-seekers who want to showcase their own unique sense of coolness. Bret Goodman, the owner-manager of Jerri’s Tobacco Shop, has been selling bidis since the 1970s. As a high-end tobacconist, he doesn’t encounter many young customers attempting to purchase tobacco, but he notes that there is a consistent adult market for bidis.

Goodman, a smoker who enjoys cigarettes, cigars, and pipes, is unsure of the appeal of flavored tobacco. He personally dislikes anything flavored, including cigarettes and cigars. However, he acknowledges that bidis are slightly milder and sweeter compared to regular cigarettes, which is why some critics refer to them as “training wheel cigarettes.”

“I had tried bidis in the past and didn’t enjoy them,” he explains. “The smoke reminds me of burning leaves in a backyard, which I found unpleasant.” Bidis have been a long-standing favorite in India, where they are considered a cheaper alternative to cigarettes, costing less than five cents per pack. Even upper-class individuals used to smoke bidis until American cigarettes gained popularity. Nowadays, bidis are primarily associated with flavored smoke and consumed by low-income and rural residents in India.

So why do people smoke bidis? It’s just another trend with the youth of America, except this new trend won’t be one to die. Smoking cigarettes has been a fashion for a long time and some people have quit, but most smokers haven’t. The same will be true for bidis. Some people will outgrow the habit and switch to traditional cigarettes, while others will quit altogether. However, the reality is that American teens will continue to smoke bidis just like their predecessors have smoked traditional cigarettes.

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In The Mix Smoking The Truth Unfiltered. (2018, Jul 05). Retrieved from

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