LVMH – Strategy and future: Diversification Sample

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This study is based on the analysis of a instance survey 27 titled: LVMH’s Diversification Strategy into Luxury Goods. The range of this study is limited to the informations contained in the instance and extra supporting grounds that was sourced. In order to analyze this instance LVMH’s history and fiscal information has been discussed in footings of its internal environment. its resources and competitory place.

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Background to Organization

LVMH is an international group of companies that produces and sells luxury goods. It is associated with a figure of merchandise lines such as vinos. cosmetics. aromas. manner. tickers. jewelry and retail and with the most esteemed trade names in those sectors. Since it construct in 1987. when Louis Vuitton merged with Moet & A ; Chandon bubbly and Hennessy Cognac. LVMH was conceived to be a star group. It’s concern scheme was based on geting trade names based on the premiss that the repute of such trade names “would take to a long-run corporate advantage” ( Thompson. Strickland & A ; Gamble 2005. p. C509 ) . The rapid portfolio variegation took off when Bernard Arnault became president of LVMH in 1989. He expanded the company and acquired a figure of forte retail section shops in Paris.


Porters 5 Forces ( Model of Competition )

Given the scope of luxury sectors that LVMH has diversified into. the analysis is centred on the LUXURY industry where the game is played by few groups.  Training fabrication employees is another dearly-won component in an industry where the quality is measured by the concluding consumer in footings of flawlessness. This last component calls for changeless betterment in ; nevertheless at the same clip requires the care of the old fabrication processes. Key directors that can run each concern independently but with a group vision are besides portion of the equation. Additionally the luxury industry is strongly dependent on touristry which is influenced by economic system tendencies.

The 9-11 events and the planetary economic system lag have had a great impact on the industry. Finally immense investings were done to win strategic place. holding an of import impact on gros. New entrants The hazard coming from new entrants is low. except possibly. for the development of niche trade names that can slowly gain a place. The strong fiscal resources and the “story” of the trade name that is needed to win are two elements that create a barrier. Bernard Arnault explained that a trade name needs a heritage ; you can non traverse cut and win ( Thompson. Strickland & A ; Gamble 2005 and Antoni 2003 ) . Furthermore fiscal resources are really expensive since loaners perceive that the expected borders are hard to acquire ; therefore it is difficult for smaller companies to entree fiscal markets ( Colonna 2003 ) .

The “entrepreneur / designer” will necessitate to look for a “godfather”the support from one of the large groups. As Muriel Zingraff. Harrods’ manager. observed. “We may hold more forbearance with smaller trade names if they are owned by a parent company. such as LVMH or the Gucci Group. ” Additionally the luxury industry is characterized for the demand of going planetary from the really get downing. Trade names can non last trusting on domestic markets. A world-wide distribution web is cardinal. The industry has its Centre in 3 metropoliss: Paris. Milan and New York. where any luxury concern demands to be. doing it hard for start ups to develop their concerns in other parts of the universe.

The power of providers could be considered medium. The industry is 100 % reliable on a provider that can guarantee a supreme quality. However the provider has limited picks since the market is controlled by few operators. Sing the purchaser as the concluding consumer ; where the determination to purchase is nurtured by the phantasy and desire of manner ; purchasers would merely purchase if all their outlooks are fulfilled. In this context it is considered to be a average competitory force per unit area since purchasers can easy exchange trade names. However trade name consciousness and singularity can forestall the easy shift.

In the instance of retail merchants as purchasers ; the competitory strength is considered medium. Shelf infinite is a cardinal component for luxury companies. Indeed in the twentieth century the enlargement of the retail industry to forte shops. concatenation shops and retail Centres has changed the concern. Discounts. concerted advertisement. volumes and exclusivity are some of the elements that put force per unit area on the industry ( Frings 2005 ) .

Furthermore there is a possible integrating scheme impacting the retailers’ power. Substitutes Sing the industry as a whole ; the analysis should take in history the customers’ cost for each merchandise. With a large scope of monetary values ( a aroma bing $ 100 to a gem bing up to $ 100. 000 or more ) . the replacements would besides be different for each class of goods e. g. : trips ; furniture. autos. existent estate. In add-on there is the rush of ‘best cost providers’ i. e. trade names with a really high quality but with inferior costs. such as Zara. impacting the concern when the planetary economic system puts force per unit areas on society.

The above analysis describes an industry with a medium to high competitory force per unit area. The industry is attractive in footings of net incomes for participants that are already in the field. Well managed companies with sound schemes can gain net incomes. The strength of a large company plus the flexibleness and focal point of a little concern would be the regulation. The ability to vertically/horizontally incorporate and happen synergisms between the different sectors and the ability to keep the energy and individuality of each trade name are two cardinal properties of the hereafter of the phantasy industry.

PESTEL ( External Analysis ) 

The outside forces that have been deemed to consequence luxury goods industry the most are: Consumers’ perceptual experience of luxury goods War and terrorist act related to consumer perceptual experience. Global heating and all the ballyhoo environing this subject. Use of the cyberspace and sum of people with entree to the cyberspace is an issue that luxury goods companies can work how of all time companies besides have to be careful with cyberspace fraud and other legal issues.

The luxury goods industry is affected by planetary factors to a different extent than other industries. It is clear that the industry is driven chiefly by perceptual experience. Peoples are willing to pay premium for luxury goods because of the perceptual experience of exclusivity. As a consequence the menace is losing the image of a luxury merchandise. When clients stop comprehending the goods to be alone. the goods may free its place. One possible manner of this occurrence is if ‘copy’ luxury goods become of high quality and non distinguishable from the original.


In equilibrating the strengths and failings against the chances and strengths it can be said that LVMH is in an overall strong place. However this is non to disregard that it attractive strengths have yet to be developed into competences. Major rivals besides have these strengths that with clip and the right direction squad are easy to copy. The company’s must larn how to successfully run selective retailing and learn from the events of Sept 11 It must addressed the impacts such as a down bend in the economic system taking to a decrease of grosss and stockholder value. Several chances present farther growing and development for LVMH every bit long as it is able to react to alterations in consumer penchants influenced by social alterations. e. g crazes and flood tide. Overall. LVMH has a strong trade name name that represents a powerful strategic plus with competitory advantage.

Key Findings of Analysis/Problem Identification/ Key Strategic Concerns

The concerns that will be discussed within the range of this paper include the undermentioned constructs: *Vertical Integration *Diversification *Acquisitions and Amalgamations 4. 1 Vertical Integration The Vertical integrating scheme has had limited success for LVMH. One of its advantages is that LVMH believes it has achieved protecting merchandise quality and edifice barriers to entry. This is true by holding its ain retail ironss as it is able to command the quality of the merchandise sold. the quality of the client service and besides the aesthetics of the shops. However many writers have asked if this is truly a necessity. Could the same sum of control be able to be obtained utilizing contracts. understandings and confederations? ( Thompson. Strickland & A ; Gamble 2005 ) . The reply is ‘yes’ .

There is no ground why with effectual controls. LVMH would non be able to accomplish the same quality client service. Another positive thing that being vertically integrated allows is the fact that it allows to do strategic alterations to the procedures with less bureaucratism. dialogue and contradiction. Possibly the most of import advantage that LVMH would anticipate to see is cost nest eggs. However there is a concern that perpendicular integrating really increases costs because of inefficiencies ( Thompson. Strickland & A ; Gamble 2005 ) . This can be seen in LVMH’s retail sector as both DFS and Sephora have made $ 100 million euro loss in 2001.


LVMH was in 2001 clearly put to deathing a scheme that called for a diversified portfolio of luxury trade names and the enlargement into multiple parts. In this context the company described a semi-related variegation scheme. constructing the concern around concerns whose value chains posses some competitively value strategic tantrums ( Thompson. Strickland & A ; Gamble 2005 ) .

LVMH largely grew through amalgamations & A ; acquisitions. Appendix 12 illustrates a timeline of its amalgamations and acquisitions. It has been an option considered to be portion of LVMH’s growing scheme nevertheless it besides a scheme that is used normally when a company fails to acquire entree to of import resources and capablenesss. Normally the companies hope to profit from the amalgamations & A ; acquisitions through the synergism which enhances cost efficiencies.

However non all amalgamations are successful as literature indicates that failure rates are every bit high as 50 to seventy per centum Stahl ( 2004. p. 3 ) . Failure is non entirely about fiscal failure but is besides approximately successfully conveying together two companies’ doctrines. manners. values and missions ( Nguyen & A ; Kleiner ( 2003. p. 450 ) . Stahl 2004. explained that more importance is frequently placed on fiscal and strategic facets instead than in the human resources side. Swystun. 2001 noted that failure to concentrate on behavior can drop a amalgamation or acquisition. One cardinal job with amalgamations is that direction may pretermit the nucleus concern while get bying with the amalgamations.

Daimler Benz CEO Schrempp. Jurgen ( 2003 ) said that unifying a luxury car shaper with a mass-market trade name is seen as an unnatural combination that offers limited benefits and requires twice the expertness and attempt to pull off. As LVMH boasted itself to be leader in the luxury industry with strong trade name image meeting or geting weak trade names would impact the company’s trade name image. LVMH valued long-run public presentation and was willing to cultivate investings into new merchandise trade names supplying trade name support before anticipating touchable net incomes.

Although this improved its market portion. it did non fit the aspirations of the puting populace. Many of the trade name acquisitions and line extensions had come at a high monetary value. and most of these concerns were yet to bring forth significant net incomes. Much of the group’s profitableness was still siting on the established concern lines ; viz. . vinos and liquors. and leather goods. Analysts were hence oppugning the value of constructing a portfolio of planetary trade names with diverse merchandise markets from vinos and liquors. to leather goods. aromas. art. and retailing. LVMH was convinced that the aggregation of planetary trade names was the stepping-stone for recognizing synergisms that would add to the bottom line.

In about all its acquisitions. LVMH had maintained the originative endowment as an independent pool without trying to bring forth synergisms across merchandise lines or trade names. However it did make these synergisms at a finance. administrative. R & A ; D and service degree. Mr. Arnault believed that. “If you think and act like a typical director around originative people with regulations. policies. informations on client preferences… you will rapidly kill their endowment. ” ( Arnault & A ; Wetlaufer 2001 p. 6 ) . Therefore. the company was decentralized by design and had few directors.

The survey of each of LVMH’s assets reveals the being of a variegation scheme into related or semi-related concerns. with a right tantrum in some countries of the supply concatenation. A Nine Cell Industry Attractiveness-Competitive Matrix which considers the attraction of the industry and the competitory strength of each if LVMH’s brands/sectors. demonstrates:

  • That LVMH has most of its concern in good form.
  • That the jewelry. the auction and the retailing concern demand to be to the full analysed for a clear apprehension of the benefit and tantrum of these concerns.
  • LVMH variegation scheme is evaluated in item in appendices 8. 9. 10 and 11.

Possible solutions & A ; Schemes

The possible solutions for the integrating jobs include: First LVMH could sell its retail sector. Cut their losingss and run. The advantage of this is that they will halt devising losingss and be able merely concentrate on their profitable concerns. Vertical integrating theory would propose that LVMH should derive efficiencies as they would be forced to cover with other organisations and negociate to sell their merchandise and hence coercing LVMH to be more efficient ( Thompson. Strickland & A ; Gamble 2005 ) .

The disadvantage is that it may non be the right minute to sell the retail sector. The events of September 11 have decidedly affected the retail market. Given the limited information we have in the instance study a major hazard of selling the retail sector is that LVMH could be selling it at a low monetary value. Indeed the losingss LVMH are doing could be considered more as a consequence of the market than perpendicular integrating.

A 2nd solution could be to that LVMH run its retail concern as a separate bureau. It could see a possible restructure to do the retail sector even more independent from the remainder of LVMH’s concerns. The advantage of this is that running the retail sector as an independent entity could better efficiency both on the retail and production side. Besides given that the market conditions are non great at the minute. when they improve. LVMH would be in a place to harvest the wagess. The hazard for following this scheme is that LVMH will still be doing losingss. Therefore they would be detaining the inevitable ( selling retail sector ) and doing losingss for another few old ages.

The jobs that LVMH faces with merges and acquisitions could be overcome by: pass oning the strategic purpose ; guaranting that it is maintained ; and enhancement relationships with three cardinal constituencies: employees. clients. and the investing community. . LVMH needs to follow a scheme that incorporates sound leading patterns to ease the integrating procedure to guarantee it brings together the assorted companies construction. vision and mission.

The hereafter of LVMH depends on the options it takes in footings of variegation and in footings of the right determination sing spread outing ( undertaking ) further and the allotment of resources. The consequence could be a mix of the undermentioned schemes ( Thompson. Strickland & A ; Gamble 2005 ) :

  1. Broaden the Diversification Base. Acquire more concerns ( related / un-related ) .
  2. Deprive some Businesses. Sell the weak and concentrate the resources in a little choice.
  3. Restructure the Company’s Portfolio. Sell the weak. finance new acquisitions.
  4. Multinational variegation. Entering other markets.

The exposure and snap of the luxury industry in footings of possible negative impact due to economic instability and societal concern. is a high hazard that LVMH has to turn to possibly by sing other concerns. Restructuring their portfolio ; taking into consideration the public presentation of peculiar trade names in each sector ; plus the determination of depriving in an full sector ( jewelry. auction or retailing ) should besides be portion of the hereafter scheme.

In following a related variegation scheme LVMH must admit that any downswing in consumer disbursement will hit the luxury goods industry hard. If the economic system faces a recession. consumer disbursement lessenings and frequently the non-essential points are compromised. Performance may hold more to make with the wellness of the planetary economic system. This is farther evidenced by the events of 9/11 and the slowed gross revenues growing in late 2001 and early 2002. LVMH’s weak fiscal public presentation in 2002 is possibly declarative of a mark of failing in their scheme or a failing of large group ( see appendix 5. Stock public presentation ) .

The lone grounds of an unrelated variegation scheme was when LVMH purchased 3 of Frances’s taking fiscal and concern publications every bit good as media production. magazines and wireless.

Entering new markets or beef uping presences in assuring 1s such in Asia were the GDP is turning and more people are ready to pass. is another ingredient of the scheme that LVMH should follow in the hereafter.


LVMH is a company that has enjoyed a strong trade name name growing by its legion amalgamations and acquisitions. It has battled the negative effects of a downswing in the economic system. Its scheme has been mostly based on a semi-related variegation scheme within the same luxury industry. However it must besides be considered that the related variegation scheme is non a path that should be applied at every phase of the company’s life ( Harper. Neil & A ; Patrick 2002 ) .

In order to cut down the hazard of underperformance of the luxury industry in times of altering social gustatory sensations. new crazes and a downswing in economic disbursement it must see an appropriate balance in it variegation scheme. ” [ directors ] must direct a procedure of uninterrupted equilibrating between fastening a company’s focal point and ramifying out through concern edifice. acquisitions. and other signifiers of related diversification” ( Harper & A ; Viguerie 2002. p. 30 ) .

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