Adult Social Care Settings

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Wishes and preferences; It is important to understand ones wishes and preferences as it allows you to cater for a service users personal needs at a higher standard, it allows you o not offend a service users religious or personal beliefs. Aviva Explain how good communication can have a positive effect on the way a social care worker interacts with:

  • colleagues
  • individuals using the service and careers
  • other professionals Colleagues.

Good communication has a positive effect on your colleagues as a social care worker as it allows for good teamwork, no miss communication, it allows for mutual understanding Individuals using the service and careers; It allows for the service user to express their needs and wishes, it allows for bonding in relationships.

It allows both the service user and careers to build up rust Other professionals; Good communication with other professionals within the workplace has a positive effect on interaction as it allows for relationships to build and trust to build with them, it allows individuals to express a good level of respect.

It allows for no miscommunication and helps to avoid misunderstandings Via Identify three examples of barriers to communication, and describe ways each barrier could be reduced. Cultural differences;

  • The way in which this barrier could be reduced is by becoming familiar and aware with cultural differences and customs, learn a few words or phrases Distractions/noises;
  • The way in which this barrier can be reduced or avoided by analyzing your surroundings if the distractions are high then change environments ensuring that the environment is appropriate for communication.

To do this you analyses the volume of noise and lightning Medical conditions – poor sight, hearing, depression, mental health conditions; They way in which these barriers can be reduced is by is learning sign language, allowing for the use of Braille, always use appropriate body language, to actively involve yourself in the conversation by nodding your head or saying yes etc. Make sure the environment is appropriate for the service users individual needs.

Describe two ways to check that communication has been understood by all involved. Observing the person you are communicating with reading facial expressions and body language. Checking with the individual that they have understood,

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Adult Social Care Settings. (2018, Jun 16). Retrieved from

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