Punctuality and Honesty Is the Lot of Professionals

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The conduct aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person’; and it defines a profession as ‘a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation.’ Yes, I agree with these three scenarios are examples of unprofessional behavior. Be if we look at point 1 of the challenge questions of the article- most of the teacher doesn’t teach the full time of a class hour. They cut out the time or shorten the class hour. They arrive late and go early. But to become a professional, we know that punctuality and honesty are best in professional behaviors. These are the basic key to success.but here teachers arriving late, which means they are not punctual also they cut off the class early, which means they are not honest enough. They are not obeying the rules of the school.

Again for the 2nd one, we see that technicians in a certain clinic do not clean the equipment that they used for day long also they do not clean their work station. Which looks little messy to other. Now at this point, I would like to say that this is to prove someone’s personal attire. How professional he or she is. To become a professional person, he or she needs to be proper personal attire, have to be cleaned proper dresses, needs to clean their working station, so that when a person will see his or her work they feel good and appreciate it. Also, they will get something positive about that person. For the third one, The managing partner of the accounting firm should have told the accountant that her flip-flops were not appropriate for the firm’s business environment. According to the article, I would say the root cause for the nonprofessional is we. like, it is easy to figure out to the fault of other but we don’t want to speak up or protest. Especially the management. They should not tolerate any kind of unprofessionalism during work. But they do sometimes. And which affects another employee too.

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Yes, I agree with the ‘ root cause’ because, if we compare to three common challenge, we can figure out the root causes. It is true that unprofessionalism exists when it is allowed to exist. If the management remains strict about professionalism everyone will obey it. There is another problem of letting it exist is, other people or employee will get the chance to do this also. So it might break the rules and regulation of that institute. There are three steps of professionalism. These are, establish the rules, teach the rules, reinforce and enforce the rules. Firstly, the author or the manager needs to make professional rules so that everyone can follow them. This is important because everyone can follow these rules as their guide and model. And they can correct themselves from these rules. People can learn what they should do and they shouldn’t, are they doing right or are they doing wrong?

Secondly, they need to teach to other people or employee, so that they can learn and apply these rules of professional behavior correctly. When people will get a chance to ask any question and get their answer they will be able to know the rules very accurately. The third step is to reinforce and enforce the rules. This means providing ongoing reminders and reinforcement by recognizing and rewarding the professional behaviors desired. It also means being intolerant of behavior that is not acceptable and providing appropriate penalties and consequences for non-compliance. Leaders and managers need to learn how to insist that professional standards are maintained. They also need to know how to address behavior that is not professional. The seminar resources we offer include case studies, skits, and role-play exercises. These exercises give individuals opportunities to share their experiences and learn techniques that work for motivating and enforcing professional behavior.

I will tell you a story of this three-step of professionalism from my experience. It happened when I was in my college at my country Bangladesh. It was the winter season. Students were wearing different colored seawater and jackets. Which was looking colorful but not so professional? So our principal of the college noticed that from next week every student had to wear navy blue seawater. So, some students obeyed it and some not. And then our principal became more strict. She announced that if any student came with different colored seawater or jacket then they could not sit on the class. They had to go outside of the class and they had to continue the classes by standing outside of the classroom. After then when teachers were applying that rules for a few days, no students were found came with different seawater.

These behaviors and characteristics are important in food and nutrition management. The very first one is the main character to work in any kind of industry. Honesty is the best policy. The second one is patience, for good and professional management, he /she needs to be patience. Only patience leaders can lead his/her team nicely. In the food and nutrition industry, there are a lot of things to teach his/her team. The third one is, positive attitude, a leader must have a positive attitude. In the food industry, if a leader has a positive attitude, he can lead the company to the top of the success. A good leader needs to have the power of teaching and learning. A well knowledged leader in the food and nutrition industry has the power to teach people about what they do not know, also he/she can give them more knowledge of what they already know. In a sudden major crisis, a leader in food company needs to make a quick and good decision immediately. So he/she has to be an effective decision making skill. So from all these reasons, I think a manager or leader should have at least five of these characteristics.

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Punctuality and Honesty Is the Lot of Professionals. (2022, Feb 01). Retrieved from


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