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Students’ Questions Answered by Our Experts Page 152

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What is The Theme of Cinderella?


The theme of Cinderella is that everyone has the potential to be beautiful and special, even if they seem ordinary on the outside.

How is Macbeth a Tragic Hero?


Macbeth is a tragic hero because he is a good person who is led astray by his ambition. He makes a series of bad choices that lead to his downfall, and in the end he loses everything he loves.

In What Way Did Quakers Promote Equality For Women?


Quakers believed in the equality of all people, including women. They promoted education for women and encouraged them to participate in business and government.

What is Social Equality?

Social Issues

Social Equality is the state of affairs in which all people within a specific society or isolated group have the same status in certain respects, including civil rights, freedom of speech, property rights and equal access to certain social goods and services.

What Year Was Leonardo Da Vinci Born?


Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in the town of Vinci in the Republic of Florence.

Who is The Author of The “The Canterbury Tales?”?


Geoffrey Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales in the late fourteenth century.

Why Was The Boston Tea Party Important?


The Boston Tea Party was an important event in American history because it showed that Americans were willing to fight for their rights and freedoms. This event also showed that Americans were willing to stand up to the British government and fight for their independence.

When Was Civil Disobedience Published?


Henry David Thoreau first published “Civil Disobedience” in 1849. The essay argues that people should not permit governments to overrule or atrophy their consciences, and that people have a duty to avoid allowing such acquiescence to enable the government to make them the agents of injustice.

How Many Labors Did The Greek Hero Hercules Complete?


Hercules is a famous Greek hero who is known for completing twelve labors.

What Makes Odysseus a Hero?


Odysseus is a hero because he is brave and he is smart.

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