According To Confucius What Was The Basic Unit of Society?

Updated: March 02, 2023
The basic unit of society according to Confucius was the family. The family was to be based on love and respect for elders and tradition.
Detailed answer:

Confucius believed that the basic unit of society was the family. The family was to be based on love and respect for elders and tradition.

According to Confucius, society should be organized into groups of five people. These groups were called “five pair” or “five families.” Each member of the five pair contributed a different skill to their group, allowing them to function as a unit more effectively than any one person could alone. This concept is known as “The Doctrine of Five Relationships” or “Five Bonds.”

Actually, Confucius believed that everyone had a responsibility to their community, even those who were poor or weak. He taught that each person should do their best at whatever job they are given, whether it’s serving food or cleaning toilets. A person’s social status was not determined by wealth or power but by how well they fulfilled their duties as defined by tradition and custom.

In addition, Confucius also believed in giving honor to one’s ancestors by following their example. The family should have rules and regulations that all members must follow so that peace and harmony can be maintained within its walls. The family is responsible for the moral and intellectual development of its members. The concept of filial piety was very important in Confucianism, and it emphasized respect for one’s parents and ancestors. Children were expected to honor their fathers by following their advice and example, while parents were supposed to provide children with moral guidance and financial support.

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According To Confucius What Was The Basic Unit of Society?. (2023, Mar 02). Retrieved from