What are the Disadvantages of Scientific Management?

Updated: January 10, 2023
The disadvantages of scientific management are that it can lead to specialization and a lack of employee creativity and initiative, and that it can be costly to implement.
Detailed answer:

Scientific management is based on the idea that workers should be treated as “resources” that companies can invest in to get the most productivity out of them. This approach can lead to feelings of demoralization among workers, who are seen as replaceable cogs in the machine.

The most obvious disadvantage is that it is extremely time-consuming to maintain detailed records on each worker’s performance, especially considering the number of different jobs that must be tracked. This may lead to neglecting other duties or an increase in errors made by workers who are overworked, which could lead to a decline in quality control.

Another disadvantage is that many people will find it difficult to accept the idea of being treated like machines and having their work measured in such a way; they will feel they are being judged unfairly or judged based on factors beyond their control (such as the weather). This could lead to lower morale among workers or even sabotage of machines by disgruntled employees who don’t want their hard work evaluated by machines instead of people.

A final disadvantage is that implementing this system can be very costly because it requires measuring every aspect of employee performance and maintaining detailed records documenting each worker’s productivity.

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