What is Contemporary Literature?

Updated: June 09, 2023
Contemporary literature is literature that is being written in the present day. It is often characterized by its experimental style and use of modern themes.
Detailed answer:

Contemporary literature is a term used to describe works of literature that were written after World War II. These works often reflect the author’s own life experiences and are written in a contemporary style. The definition of contemporary literature is also somewhat vague because it can include anything from recent history (the last hundred years) to current events (the day before yesterday).

Contemporary literature can be found in a variety of genres, including:

• Fiction: Novels, short stories, novellas, etc.

• Poetry: Poems, sonnets, haikus, etc.

• Drama: Plays, musicals, etc.

It also includes many nonfiction works such as biographies and autobiographies.

Many contemporary literary works deal with social and political issues that affect people’s lives today. This type of writing often explores the relationship between individuals and society at large or examines what it means to be human in modern times. Many other contemporary literary works use experimental or unconventional literary techniques to challenge traditional norms and expectations about what kinds of things we should read (or write).

A lot of contemporary literary works use unconventional techniques in their writing style or subject matter. Examples include:

“Howl” by Allen Ginsberg: uses free verse as well as traditional forms; addresses homosexuality and taboo subjects; uses experimental structure and style; uses alliteration, assonance, etc.; has a strong beat/rhythm to it; deals with social justice issues facing young people in America in the 1950s-60s.

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