What is Humanism in the Renaissance?

Updated: June 09, 2023
Humanism in the Renaissance was a movement that emphasized the value of the individual and the importance of human achievement. Renaissance humanists believed that people could improve their lives through their own efforts and that they could achieve greatness.
Detailed answer:

Humanism is a philosophy that emphasizes the value of human beings, individually and collectively. Renaissance humanism is a branch of this philosophy that flourished during the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries in Europe. It was an intellectual movement that sought to revive the classical traditions of ancient Greece and Rome.

Humanists believed that students should learn to speak and write Latin and Greek so that they could study the works of ancient philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato, and Cicero. They also believed that education should be based on the study of classical texts rather than religious texts.

Humanists sought to recover the wisdom of the ancients, which they believed had been lost during the Middle Ages (the period after about 500 AD).

This change in thinking marked a major turning point in European history, as it meant that people no longer looked to religious leaders for answers about life on earth – instead, they looked inwardly for personal satisfaction by studying classical literature and artworks first created during ancient times.

The Renaissance brought about many changes in Western Europe’s economy, politics, religion, and culture. One of the most significant impacts was on science and technology: during this period there was an explosion of scientific knowledge and discoveries were made that would change the way we view our world forever.

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