Which of The Following Best Defines Civil Liberties?

Updated: November 28, 2022
Civil liberties refer to the basic rights and freedoms that belong to every individual in a society. They are usually enshrined in a country's constitution or other laws.
Detailed answer:

Civil liberties are basic rights afforded to all individuals within a society; they may be enshrined in a country’s constitution or other founding documents. Civil liberties typically include freedom of speech, freedom of religion and the right to due process. They may also include other rights, such as the right to privacy, the right to a fair trial and the right to vote. Civil liberties help protect individuals from abuse by government authorities or other powerful groups. They are an important part of any democracy and must be upheld at all times by both citizens and government officials. In times of crisis such as wartime or periods of national emergency, civil liberties can be suspended or violated by governments in order to ensure public safety; however, violations of civil liberties often lead to protests and other forms of activism by those opposed to these actions. These issues are important for many people across the globe who believe that everyone deserves certain basic rights despite their nationality, ethnicity or place of residence. There is no universal definition for what constitutes civil liberties because they vary from country to country based on local laws and traditions; however, there are basic principles shared by most democracies regarding these protections which must be upheld by both citizens and government officials alike.

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Which of The Following Best Defines Civil Liberties?. (2022, Nov 24). Retrieved from
