Who Is Emmanuel Goldstein In 1984?

Updated: November 28, 2022
Emmanuel Goldstein is a character in the novel 1984. He is the leader of the resistance against the government.
Detailed answer:

In the novel 1984 by George Orwell, Emmanuel Goldstein is a character who represents a number of different ideas and themes.

One of these is the power of the individual to resist tyranny. In fact, he is the leader of a resistance movement that opposes the oppressive government of Oceania. This movement is referred to as “The Brotherhood.”

Goldstein also represents hope for the people of Oceania, who are oppressed by the government. He represents what they could become if they were given more freedom and liberty.

Finally, Goldstein is an inspiration to the people of Oceania, who are struggling against the government. By resisting oppression and fighting back against it, they are able to maintain their dignity and humanity despite overwhelming odds against them.

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