Regionalism in Huckleberry Finn

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Jim symbolizes the absurdity and hypocrisy of one race’s feelings of self-righteousness when dominating another race (Detester 25). ” During their adventure on the raft down the river, Jim takes Houck under his wing. Jim gives up his chance at freedom to take care of Tom’s gunshot wounds. This is important, and displays regionalism, because Tom is the reason Jims freedom was placed in jeopardy. Regionalism is also shown through the way Houck reacts and treats Jim on the journey. Husk’s main struggle in the book is with his conscience, the set of orals with which he has been raised (Detester 46).

Houck is raised to treat black people as if they are property and not human beings. When Houck paddles towards the shore in order to turn Jim in, he believes he has done wrong when he cannot go through with it. This is a test of Huckleberry’s conscience, and he views it as failure to himself. This represents regionalism because Houck has taken a stand against a corrupt society. Through Houck, Twain attacks that part of the conscience that unquestioningly adheres to society’s laws and mores, even when they are wrong (insert citation here).

Houck goes against what he is taught and brought up, in order to do what his heart is telling him. Houck portrays regionalism because in the time of slavery’ it was not only against the law to do what he did, but many people thought it to be morally wrong. Although regionalism is shown through the characters actions, it is also displayed through the setting. The topography in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn displays regionalism through its detail and timing.

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