Sadakalo Fashion House Straytegic Concept

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The Place with a Difference History: ShadaKalo, one of the most renowned fashion houses in the country, solely relies on two colors – black and white – just as its name implies. Their boutique insists on presenting apparel and accessories in only these two shades, giving them a unique edge over other fashion houses. Recently, we sat down with their business analyst, Mr. Muntasir Mahmud, to get some insight on their history and their recent activities. The business began thanks to the vision of Mrs. Tahfina Shahin, leading to the conception of a store that has been around for almost 10 years.

After facing the usual financial difficulties any firm faces during its inception, ShadaKalo took full flight on October 4, 2002. About Sadakalo, Fashion is a part of daily life. The work of a designer is to create a feeling of unexpressed desire- that is, after a designer designs something, a fashion-conscious individual should say to them, “That is what I wanted?” Keeping all of this in mind, ShadaKalo designs its dresses and all other products while trying to keep up with the tastes of fashion-conscious people.

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On October 4, 2002, ShadaKalo was officially launched at Rifles Square in a small-scale outlet but with full expectations and excitement. Within a short time, ShadaKalo was blessed by the love and inspiration of every level of customer, which guided the opening of the second branch at Banani even before the end of one year of the first outlet. The continuous eagerness of the people in ShadaKalo cherished them to start the third branch at the theatrical region of Baily Road and the fourth and largest outlet “Designer’s Corner” at Gulshan Avenue.

Later on, ShadaKalo extended its additional outlets in Uttara dated on April 14, 2008, Bashudhora dated on February 13, 2009, and lastly in Navana Baily Star dated on June 8, 2009, by turns. ShadaKalo has put its step from the domestic market to America. From the point of this view, ShadaKalo is the first Bangladeshi fashion house that has launched its outlet in New York. ShadaKalo started its business operation in New York on February 14 with an inauguration program held at 6 pm in Jackson Heights, New York. With the enthusiasm of domestic and expatriate buyers, ShadaKalo has eight outlets. ShadaKalo expects wishes and blessings from all.

Aim: The fashion house is already quite well established in Dhaka, making their current aim to move into other parts of the country. They already have one showroom in Chittagong, so steps are now being taken to expand into Sylhet, Khulna, and Rajshahi. After acquiring a firm foothold in Bangladesh, ShadaKalo is looking forward to expanding abroad, preferably in India. They may only concentrate on two shades, but the intent and ideas with which they execute their designs are exceptional. ShadaKalo has taken great strides over the past few years, and they definitely don’t look like they’re anywhere near finished with their black and white.

They try to follow a very different fashion style in Bangladesh. They found out that Bangladeshi people like to wear very simple dresses. Based on that thinking, they started Sada Kalo. The reason why any customer should go for a Sada Kalo product is that the fashion house does not believe in targeting only one category of its prospective customer or a particular age group. From babies’ attire to clothing for the elderly, they have it all! The store does not believe in any categorization, but if social class is taken into consideration, then Sada Kalo caters specifically to the needs of middle-income-generating people.

Yet, its true specialty lies in the excellent cloth quality and the designs that are nothing less than diverse. The variety in designs is such an important factor for the store that it produces only two pieces of a particular item for each of its outlet. Today, Sada Kalo has expanded its horizon and is now known to stock its outlets with women’s, men’s, and children’s wear. Along with these, jewelries, household products, crafts, and gifts are also sold. For women’s wear, the store offers an extensive range of sarees, blouses, salwar kameezes, fotuas, skirts, and shawls.

The men’s collection consists of a wide selection of punjabis, kurtas, fotuas, and t-shirts. For children, the store has baby dresses and all the other required accessories. Sada Kalo appreciates how important jewelry is for women. Jewelry made from clay, cotton threads, or imitations are sold at the outlets. Besides that, household products like table covers, bed covers, table mats, cushion covers, and more can be found. If you wish to gift someone cards, mugs, notebooks, and etc. only in shades of black and white, then do visit the store sometime. You will be amazed at all the inventiveness there!

Sada Kalo firmly believes in doing its part for the people of Bangladesh. To help people realize the potential of our local artisans, the store chooses its craftsmen from areas like Netrokona, Barisal, Magura, etc. In this way, not only the creativity of the people hailing from these areas is identified on a wider platform but also working for the store has provided them with an opportunity to improve their families’ financial condition. Sada Kalo has a team of trusted chief designers who produce the unique designs, and then the designs, along with a completed sample, are sent to these people.

In this way, not only is the import of foreign goods discouraged, but our local goods are given more exposure. This is the reason why the material used for the clothes is all made in the country. Not a single thread in the material is chosen to come from foreign lands – khadi, katan, pure cotton, and every possible local fabric are what the store uses. The story of how Sada Kalo has been readily accepted by the people can be told from the number of outlets that it has at present. Today, the store has eight outlets only in Dhaka, one in the port city of Chittagong, and another one in New York.

As further aspirations, the fashion house wishes to see all its outlets in different divisions of Bangladesh and in foreign lands. It wants to set its foot on lands like Kolkata and London in the near future. Sada Kalo, today, is a store with a difference. Not only has it awakened people to the fact that it is possible to look equally elegant in shades of only white and black, but the fashion house has made its place in people’s hearts in such a way that whenever we think of buying something only in black or white, Sada Kalo comes to our minds even before those fashion houses that have been in the arena for longer than the store.

Such has been the craze of people for it that in the year 2005 or 2006, the fashion house thought of introducing the color red to the family, but people only wanted it to be remembered for two of its essential colors. So, have you embraced the creativity of Sada Kalo? Visit the store to lose yourself completely in the shades of white and black only.

Situation analysis: SHADA KALO is analyzed using the 4C framework. 4C stands for customer, competitor, company, and context.

Customers: Though SHADA KALO is entering Sylhet for the first time, it has already made a strong value in Dhaka. Young generations are its main target customers. It will also target mass people by providing quality products at a reasonable price.

Competitors: There are already some established brands like Arong, Rong, and Baroni that have made a strong base in the local market. But SHADA KALO’s major competitive advantage is that it is a boutique shop that experiments and works with only two base colors, black and white. This concept is very new in Sylhet, and it will create a new concept and environment in the local market. However, the market is getting highly competitive day by day.

“So, there must be good quality products provided compared to others, and the performance in the market must be highly qualified. Company SADA KALO started about nine years ago. They have almost 20 showrooms in Dhaka city, and now they are opening a branch in Sylhet. Three selected partners will run SHADA KALO, and it will invest two crore for setting up its showroom in Sylhet. Start-up funding will consist largely of owner investment and a long-term loan from the Small Business Administration. All products will be supplied from Dhaka as SADA KALO has nine years of strong market experience.

After setting up, there is also a plan to set up its factory here in the future. This business plan will be used for three purposes:

  •  To map out all the necessary components to create a successful and well-run boutique
  • To provide management with a blueprint to follow
  • To secure financing through private institutions and investors

Products and Services

SADA KALO is a boutique house that contains a vast collection in only black and white. Shada Kalo carries saris, panjabis, fotuas, salwar kameez’s, children’s wear, and many other fashionable accessories.


SADA KALO has defined some of its fixed customers. They are college and university students and the young generation. Because of the duration between the factory and the showroom, there may be some problems that occur. Otherwise, its brand name, color specification, and unique presentation help SHADA KALO reach expected growth.

Market Opportunity and Issues

SADAKALO’s main competitive advantage is the unique Style Assessment and emphasis on customers in developing their personal style. The key success factor in the market is the provision of quality products in desired demand, and at reasonable prices. Access to quality raw materials at low cost, which is remunerative to the producer, is another requirement for success in the market.


  • To provide a boutique that offers a comfortable and approachable environment
  • To showcase quality, well-constructed fashions from prominent and cutting-edge designers
  • To offer a variety of beautiful and high-end fashion accessories
  • To help people learn what clothing and styles go best with their unique personalities
  • To generate buzz and sales through top-notch exclusive services

Keys to Success

  • Having a good location in a high-shopping area
  • Quality product and good relationships with vendors
  • Outstanding customer service


  • To maintain profit margins at 15-20% through close attention to expenses and cost of goods sold
  • To drive awareness and build sales through mentions in both local print and the nation’s top fashion magazines

Marketing Strategy and Implementation Summary

Customer focus with operational efficiency and customer intimacy. Based on extensive research, the following marketing strategies will be employed:

  • Develop strong relationships with customers by utilizing Style Assessment and offering services to help each customer determine the right clothes for him/her. Provide educational materials and programs that enable customers greater decision-making confidence.
  • Build awareness of brand and services to exemplify a strong store reputation.”
  • Provide customers with a sense of access to “inside information” and harness the power of a customer’s personal network by leveraging marketing collateral designed for sharing and encouraging referrals.
  • Utilize personal referrals and stylists to build traffic.

Target Markets SHADA KALO will tie up with a large showroom. About 10% to 15% of the production will be used for brand building and analyzing local tests about the boutique concept in a focused manner.

Positioning SHADA KALO will position itself as a brand that provides people with a unique boutique experience that offers a comfortable and approachable environment. The elegance of the name suggests the types of clothing and accessories that will be featured.

BRAND PERSONALITY Innovative | Stylish | Contemporary | Modern | Fresh | Approachable | Elegant Male – Actor Ferdous Female – Actress Moushumi, now.

Marketing Mix Product: Beginning with saris, panjabis, fotuas, salwar kameezes, SADA KALO will launch children’s wear and many other things, and also there are many fashionable accessories to offer a broad assortment to its customers.

Price: It will offer suitable fixed prices for variable products. There will be up to 20% discount offered in the beginning month on its products.

Place: SADA KALO will place itself in Sylhet, Nayasorok road and set up its showroom there. The boutique will analyze its growth, and if it is profitable enough, then SADA KALO will be looking to set up another showroom.

Promotion: The following promotional tactics will be implemented:

  • Personal selling and word of mouth via networks of friends, stylists, and customers
  • Unique visual displays in storefront on a weekly basis
  • Advertising in social networks that are targeted specifically to the customer
  • Sales Promotion such as store events and bi-annual sales
  • SADA KALO’s Website
  • Advertising will be at a minimum with regular ad placements in the city.

Review and Control SHADA KALO will have simple, decision-friendly, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual reports focusing on:

  • Revenue and unit sales
  • Expenses
  • Customer feedback
  • Market log (self and competitive major activities)

Marketing Organization One of the three partners will head the marketing function and will be supported by a senior manager.

Contingency Plan SADA KALO anticipates pressures on price due to competitive activities and strong buyer power. Its impact will be felt on profitability. It will also keep sufficient capital to manage enhanced working capital requirements and need to keep sufficient inventory.

Branches: Their first showroom opening was in Rifles Square, displaying their unique black and white outfits. Since then, they’ve expanded over the decade with a new branch being opened with each passing year. Their second branch was established in Banani. From there, they went to Bailey Road and then Gulshan, after which their operations spread to Uttara, Bashundhara, and so on. Now they’ve established themselves in the market as one of the best fashion houses in Bangladesh, with eight branches in Dhaka alone and one more branch in Chittagong.

Additionally, they are also the first of our local fashion houses to have taken a leap from the domestic market into the American market, with one store in New York and another located in Florida. Another aspect of their work includes providing their material to a US-based organization called Bangla Trading, who set up one or two fairs in various locations across America each month, displaying ShadaKalo’s brand of clothing and accessories.

Product: Having started off with just a collection of traditional men’s and women’s wear along with some household items, ShadaKalo added more pieces to their catalogue as they grew in size. Their men’s wear range includes Punjabis, fatuas, kurtas, trousers, shawls, and more. For women, their showrooms offer sarees, kameezes, fatuas, shawls, and so on. The specialty of ShadaKalo lies in their exclusive designs and cuts. Their range includes embroidered apparel with block prints and hand-paints, as well as fine needlework with sequins on silks, georgette, and cottons.

The boutiques have also displayed household items like table runners, mats, bed covers, candles, ceramic mugs, and innovative terra cotta and ceramic jewelry. Apart from these regular items, they provide exclusive items made for special occasions such as Eid, Pohela Boishakh, etc.

Price: The prices of their items were set according to their demand while also taking into consideration the fact that their target customers mostly consisted of people with moderate income. Cotton sarees range from Tk 800 to Tk 1,500, muslin sarees can go from Tk 3,000 to Tk 5,000, and silk sarees start at Tk 5,000 and go up to Tk 15,000.

Punjabis, kameezes, fatuas, and kurtas usually range from Tk 300 to Tk 1,200, but at times they can also go up to Tk 3,000. Accessories and ornaments can range from as low as Tk 30 to around Tk 100, and the price range for household items such as cushion covers, table mats, floor mats, statues, and curtains can range from Tk 1,000 to Tk 3,000.

ShadaKalo’s chief competitors can all be found under the Deshi Dosh umbrella. This comprises other fashion houses like Nipun, Kay Kraft, Rang, Deshal, Probortona, Anjans, Banglar Mela, Bibiana, and Nagordola.

Position: ShadaKalo is now very popular with us. Most of Dhaka city’s people like to wear ShadaKalo’s dresses. Almost they have 20 showrooms in Dhaka city.

Style: They use two common colors, “White & Black”. All designs are related to Bangladeshi culture. They try to mix up new and old fashion in their design.

Product Price Analysis: Classic chic is the name of the game at Dhanmondi’s unusual boutique, ShadaKalo, which insists on presenting apparel and accessories in solely two colors – black and white! Both their men’s wear and women’s wear range come in these classy shades, not to forget elegant black and white fashion accessories to match up your ShadaKalo look!

If you’re seeking a complete makeover this season, go timelessly chic with the boutique’s signature black and white. Decor: As the name suggests, the interiors of Sada Kalo are predominantly done up in black and white. Product range: Exclusive collection of menswear and womenswear, besides kidswear, jewellery, home, and gift products. Their menswear range includes shirts, fatuas, t-shirts, kurtas, trousers, shawls, and more. For women, the showroom offers saris, salwar kurtas, fatuas, shawls, shoes, and bags. The boutique also displays innovative terracotta, silver, pearl, and ceramic jewelry.

Specialty: The specialty of Sada Kalo lies in their exclusive designs and cuts. Their range includes embroidered apparel with block prints and hand paints as well as fine needlework with sequins on silks, georgettes, and cottons. Price range: Cotton saris: Tk350-Tk1900 Silk saris: Tk750-Tk4500 Salwar kurta: Tk650-Tk3200 Fatuas: Tk320-Tk440 Women’s shawls: Tk400-Tk800 Salwar material: Tk450-Tk3500 Shirts: Tk450-Tk1000 Silk kurta sets: Tk2000-Tk6000 Cotton kurta sets: Tk450-Tk2500 Cotton trousers: Tk250-Tk350 T-shirts: Tk120-Tk180 Men’s fatuas: Tk320-Tk980 Men’s shawls: Tk350-Tk550 Customized/readymades: Clothes may be customized at the boutique. Buyback/exchange: Exchange facilities are available. Special service: The boutique takes alteration jobs on behalf of customers. Timings: 10:00 am to 9:30 pm Days Closed: Saturdays

Our point of view: Sada Kalo is doing very well in their concept. They try to make a new track for bangle culture. It will be an idol for our fashion house. Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology

Title: Organizational Profile Of Sadakalo Subject: Design Management Subject code: DES 303 Assignment No: 1 Semester: 5th Program: Fashion design and technology Submitted to: Md. Zafar Alam Bhuiyan

Assistant Proctor of Design City Campus, Lalmatia, Dhaka

Submitted by: Bioscope Semester: 5th Batch: 15th Dhaka, November 12th, 2012

S. M. Kamrul Hasan Sakib Nusrat Jahan Lisa ID: 102011360 ID: 102011044 Designation: Group Leader Designation: Member

Salma Sultana Shohely Nyma Haque ID: 102011324 ID: 102011064 Designation: Member Designation: Member

Fatema tuj Zohora Liza Tanuja Das Nitu ID: 102011022 ID: 102011455 Designation: Member Designation: Member


First of all, we would like to thank Almighty Allah. Furthermore, we would like to express our gratitude to all those who gave us the possibility to complete this assignment. We are deeply indebted to our sir, Mr. Zafar Alam Bhuiyan (Department of Design 102), whose help, stimulating suggestions, and encouragement helped us throughout the research and writing of this assignment. Last but not least, our beloved parents, for whom we are in this beautiful world and getting the opportunity to work for such a noble cause.


  1. Acknowledgment
  2. History of Sadakalo
  3. Set up – Sadakalo staff organization chart
  4. About Sadakalo
  5. Aim
  6. Situation Analysis
  7. Mission
  8. Objectives
  9. Target Market
  10. Marketing Mix
  11. Marketing Organization
  12. Product Price Analysis
  13. Our Point Of View
  14. Product/Garment Manufacturing Process

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Sadakalo Fashion House Straytegic Concept. (2016, Dec 23). Retrieved from

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