The Detrimental Effects of Littering

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This essay seeks to examine the adverse effects of littering, including harm to wildlife, public health, and communities. Additionally, it will suggest approaches to tackle littering and improper waste disposal. Littering refers to the negligent and informal dumping of garbage or waste, frequently observed on roadsides and in communal spaces. This encompasses a broad spectrum of items, ranging from larger objects such as car tires and parts to smaller items like cigarette butts. Littering can be both intentional and unintentional.

There are several reasons why littering occurs unintentionally, such as trucks without covers, insecurely loaded vehicles, lost vehicle parts, spills from trash cans and dumpsters, and careless behavior. Littering has always been a persistent issue in society. Over time, attempts have been made to decrease or eradicate the causes and effects of littering. The main contributors to litter are household garbage, commercial dumpsters, loading docks, construction sites, drivers, and pedestrians. As more litter builds up, it motivates people to add to the problem.

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There are multiple reasons why people litter, including a lack of responsibility, encountering existing litter, or assuming someone else will clean up. However, apathy is the primary cause of littering. Littering causes a range of issues, one being harm to wildlife. Plastic presents a danger to animals like birds who may unintentionally consume it and suffocate. Moreover, small plastic fragments can accumulate in a bird’s stomach without being broken down or decomposed. Consequently, the bird may perish from starvation despite having a full stomach.

According to UNEP (2006), plastic waste has a devastating impact on marine life, causing the death of one million seabirds, 100,000 marine mammals, and numerous fish through various effects. It is important to note that this data is based on extrapolating smaller samples collected in Canada (NOAA, 2010). However, a more accurate representation can be found in Laist’s research (1997), which shows that at least 267 different species have suffered from the harmful consequences of plastic waste.

According to Laist (1997), a significant number of marine species are impacted by litter. This includes 86% of sea turtle species, 44% of seabird species, and 43% of marine mammal species. It is important to acknowledge that this estimation might be conservative as it was done more than ten years ago and some species have not been extensively researched yet. Thus, the actual impact could be higher. Furthermore, litter also poses risks to human well-being as plastics, commonly found in our favored products and containers, can accumulate and lead to harmful consequences if not properly disposed.

Plastics, which contain harmful chemicals such as Bisphenol-A (BPA) and phthalates, pose a double risk to both the environment and our health. BPA is an artificial substance commonly found in plastics, food can linings, beverage can linings, and other common objects. It has been proven to disrupt human hormones.

Phthalates and BPA are commonly found in plastics, fragrances, and scents, and have been linked to birth defects and harm to the reproductive system. These chemicals can contaminate food and drinks, posing health risks. Moreover, toxic substances may be released by polycarbonate, PVC, and styrene. The chances of leaching rise when plastic is exposed to oily or fatty foods, heat or aging, or gets scratched. Additionally, litter negatively impacts communities.

While many perceive litter as merely a cosmetic issue, research such as The Florida Litter Study shows that it is actually a major indicator of neighborhood decay and disorder. In addition to litter, other signs of declining neighborhoods include vandalism, abandoned structures, graffiti, and vacant lots. A study conducted in 1992 by Perkins, Meeks, and Taylor found that out of all the indicators examined, litter showed the strongest correlation with perceptions of neighborhood decline and disorder (as cited in Florida Litter Study, 1998).

In 1990, Skogan conducted a study that revealed the negative consequences of perceiving neighborhood decline. The study showed that such perceptions can lead to decreased property values and increased crime rates. Additionally, it found that individuals who engage in criminal activities are more likely to believe they can go unnoticed or be overlooked in areas with a higher perception of neighborhood decline. These findings were further supported by the Florida Litter Study conducted in 1998.

A study conducted by DeFrances and Titus in 1994 discovered a significant correlation between neighborhood disorder and burglary rates. This study indicated that burglaries are more likely to occur in neighborhoods with higher levels of disorder (as demonstrated in the Florida Litter Study, 1998). Additionally, Skogan’s research suggests that the perception of neighborhood decline and increased crime can adversely affect property values and investment interest (also shown in the Florida Litter Study, 1998). In summary, litter has extensive environmental, health, and economic repercussions.

The text highlights the various costs associated with littering and illegal dumping, which include lost tourism revenues, expenses for repairing vehicles, boats, and ships, restoration of ecosystems, wildlife injury, and the eventual impact on human health. Combating these issues requires a collaborative effort from enforcement agencies, businesses, and communities. Effective utilization of resources can be achieved through cooperation and communication among all stakeholders. Authorities in Singapore have taken steps to improve the environment through the implementation of laws and organizing events. One such law imposes fines on litterers and requires them to clean the area under officer supervision.

Industries or chemical waste disposal without discrimination may face legal action. Various entities including schools, community centers, youth clubs, and companies have the ability to play a role in maintaining a clean environment. It is essential for school teachers to instill an environmentally conscious mindset through moral education, while also organizing a classroom competition to encourage students to understand their environmental responsibilities. Community centers can also organize competitions for the cleanest block or neighborhood. Furthermore, youth clubs can coordinate collection drives to gather newspapers from households and collect litter from the beach.

In garbage disposal, it is crucial for the company to exhibit responsibility. Additionally, individuals must also contribute to this effort. There are three attitudes that should be adopted: reusing items that can still be used, utilizing items made from recycled materials, and reducing the consumption of unnecessary goods. By practicing these attitudes, the harmful consequences of littering and pollution on the environment can be minimized.

Cintailah alam sekitar. (Online) (7 November 2012).
Keep America Beautiful, Inc (2010) Litter in America. Online) (7 November 2012)
Michael Fleenor (2006). The Impact of Littering on Community Health. (Online) (7 November 2012)
Sarah Geers () The impact of litter on urban communities and litter reduction strategies. Science For Environment Policy (2011).
Plastic Waste: Ecological And Human Health Impacts. European Commission
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (). Bisphenol A (BPA) (Online) (7 November 2012)

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