The Old Man and the Sea: Book Review

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Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea is a brief yet unforgettable novel depicting an elderly man’s arduous quest to capture the ultimate fish. Published in 1952, this book draws inspiration from Hemingway’s friendship with Gregorio Fuentes, established in 1928. Interestingly enough, Hemingway received a Nobel Prize for this very novel in its publication year. Numerous individuals view it as a condensed adaptation of the timeless masterpiece Moby Dick, penned a century prior.

This essay will examine the different ways in which the old man and the boy sustain their friendship. An example of their bond is when the boy suggests fishing with the old man once more, and the old man replies, ‘No, You’re with a lucky boat. Stay with them.’ This shows that the old man values the boy’s welfare above his own.

The previous passage emphasizes the strong friendship between the old man and the boy, both eagerly wanting to go fishing together. This shows that the old man is concerned about the well-being of the boy. Additionally, it is clear that the boy deeply cares for the old man as he thinks about getting necessary items such as a new shirt, winter jacket, shoes, and an extra blanket for him. This indicates that the boy truly understands what the old man needs. Another example of the boy’s care for the old man is his willingness to help him in any way if they cannot fish together.

The boy expresses his gratitude towards the old man for teaching him fishing skills by bringing food in a metal container from the restaurant. He offers it to the old man, who politely declines due to lack of hunger. However, the boy insists on him eating something, emphasizing the significance of eating for successful fishing.

The old man’s response is ‘I have’, indicating his desire to spare the boy from worry. The story further highlights their enduring bond, mentioning the eighty-seven fishless days they endured followed by three weeks of daily big catches. Furthermore, the old man reminisces about a time when the boy was just five years old and shares how they narrowly escaped death.

To summarize, the camaraderie between the old man and the boy flourishes due to their mutual care and selfless decision-making. Furthermore, the novel effectively tackles various themes such as luck and belief.

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