What Home Means to Me

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Out of all the quizzes I had to choose from the one about being a hopeless romantic stood out the most. At first I wasn’t even sure what the words hopeless romantic were all about, so I looked up the definition to get a better idea. The definition reads, “A person who is in love with love, they believe in fairy tales and love”. I’m going to be honest, when I read this I thought to myself, there is no possible way I am even close to being a hopeless romantic.

On the quiz I scored 59 out of 100, which meant I’m not a person who thinks about love all the time or wants to find the right girl immediately. When I went to the results I was shocked at how accurate they were. I defiantly learned that I don’t know half as much about relationships as I think I do. Something that really caught my eye was the phrase; paying attention to the little things in a relationship sometimes means the most, whether it is from a man or a woman’s point of view.

I started to think back to my previous relationships to see if I actually took the little things seriously. What I gathered from my thoughts was not what I was hoping for. I came to the conclusion that the little things were what I ignored the most in my relationships. This quiz was a great learning experience for me. I really think I will put these results to use in the future.

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What Home Means to Me. (2017, Jan 23). Retrieved from


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