About My Passions In Life And As I Became A Professional Educator

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As a child, there were two professions that I felt were the most important that one could pursue. Those two professions were teaching and nursing. At some point in time in my life I have actually pursued both professions to some degree. My theory towards teaching was that no one can be successful in this world without a good solid education. Next, without a good solid education, it would be very difficult if not impossible to get into college. Finally, without a college degree, I felt that one’s choices in life might be somewhat limited. I have always had a passion for learning and not necessarily academic subjects. Science and social studies were my favorite academic subjects Iin middle school. Therefore, they are the subjects that I pursued to teach. Furthermore, I thoroughly enjoyed my middle school experience from the teachers to the learning experiences.

It was my own middle school experience that influenced my decision to teach at the same level. I was the first member of my family to graduate college. It is important for me to continue my education as I have the need to fulfill a simple promise that I made to myself long ago. In order to grow professionally, I think it is important to continue my education by pursuing a higher college degree or through specific continued education classes. I have a desire to share my passion for learning and teaching with my students. I would like to see my passion for learning to become contagious such that my students will strive to do their best in school and become successful adults. I believe that everyone has the ability to learn and can be successful. I believe that it is important to keep in mind that not everyone learns in the same way or at the same pace. Everyone has the potential to be successful in life.

Each of us must find the our passion in life and actively pursue what will make us happy. “It is no secret that a good education has the power to change a life” (About Pearson, 2018). I believe that every child is a valuable member of society and has potential. I set goals and high expectations for myself and my students. I aim to provide my students with the tools that they need to meet those expectations. I have the ability to successfully engage my students in the subject matter that I teach. I have experienced an increase in student achievement as a result of my efforts and those of my students. I thoroughly enjoyed learning and attending school each day. I had some teachers who made learning more enjoyable than others. I recall my teachers having an obvious passion for teaching which is part of how they influenced me to pursue a career as a teacher. I encountered a life changing traumatic experience during high school at the age of 16 which adversely affected my learning experience.

I had lost my passion for learning and life. If it not been for a select few teachers who helped me emotionally and academically and renew my passion for learning, I fear how my life may have turned out. I was the first child in my family to attend and graduate from college. I briefly enrolled in college at the age of 18 and was enrolled in core classes at a local community college. I returned to a local state college at the age of 23 to pursue a degree in secondary education. Unfortunately, I experienced what I call “burn out” after attempting to attend school full-time, work full-time and at times working an additional part-time job. I returned to college to complete my Bachelors degree at the age of 40 and graduated with my bachelors degree in secondary education at the age of 42.

I enrolled in an online university at the age of 52 to pursue a Masters degree in special education. As a professional educator, I am aware that I will encounter a variety of ethical challenges from time to time. These challenges may come from school leaders, colleagues, parents or members of the community in addition to my students. Some of the ethical challenges I may face may involve testing materials and test scores. Others may involve maintaining professional relationships with colleagues and students (Seider, 2010). These are just two of the challenges that seem to be frequently in the media spotlight over the past several years. As a professional educator, I am aware that I will encounter a variety of ethical challenges from time to time. These challenges may come from school leaders, colleagues, parents or members of the community in addition to my students.

Some of the ethical challenges I may face may involve testing materials and test scores. Others may involve maintaining professional relationships with colleagues and students (Seider, 2010). These are just two of the challenges that seem to be frequently in the media spotlight over the past several years. As a professional educator, I am aware that I will encounter a variety of ethical challenges from time to time. These challenges may come from school leaders, colleagues, parents or members of the community in addition to my students. Some of the ethical challenges I may face may involve testing materials and test scores. Others may involve maintaining professional relationships with colleagues and students (Seider, 2010). These are just two of the challenges that seem to be frequently in the media spotlight over the past several years.

As a professional educator, I am aware that I will encounter a variety of ethical challenges from time to time. These challenges may come from school leaders, colleagues, parents or members of the community in addition to my students. Some of the ethical challenges I may face may involve testing materials and test scores. Others may involve maintaining professional relationships with colleagues and students (Seider, 2010). These are just two of the challenges that seem to be frequently in the media spotlight over the past several years. It is vital that as an educator that I display a high degree of professionalism at all times in order to maintain the integrity of my profession. 

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About My Passions In Life And As I Became A Professional Educator. (2023, Jan 26). Retrieved from


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