Advices for Proper Communication in Society

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In order to establish a respectful bond with children and young individuals, it is crucial to give them the chance to express their opinions and allow ample time for contemplation and growth. Teachers and teaching assistants should prioritize fully engaging with children during discussions, whether they are speaking or listening, by using facial expressions, verbal communication, body language, and gestures. By actively listening and responding appropriately, a positive professional relationship founded on respect can be nurtured.

It is important to exhibit appropriate behavior as adults during the developmental stage of children and young people. As a teaching assistant, I have observed that children are influenced by my actions and start imitating them in the classroom. For example, I demonstrate good behavior by actively listening to the teacher and organizing books. This positive conduct inspires children to adopt similar behaviors. Conversely, if I were to display inappropriate behavior like throwing books on the table, interrupting the teacher, or fiddling with objects, it would negatively impact the children’s behavior.

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1.3. When mediating arguments among children and young people, I would maintain composure and prompt them to explain the situation. I would attentively hear both sides and remain neutral. Additionally, I would illustrate the distinction between right and wrong, aiding their understanding of the consequences by questioning how they would feel in a similar position. Ensuring an apology and acknowledgment of their error is crucial. Handling conflicts with individuals within my age group (10-11 years old) necessitates a different approach as they are becoming more independent and forming their own opinions, resulting in clashes. In these instances, it is best to allow them to resolve issues independently unless intervention becomes necessary. Giving weight to their perspective before offering my viewpoint is essential; engaging in discussion will enable them to discover the correct answer themselves.

1.4. To promote effective interactions with children and young people, it is important for teaching assistants to be themselves and also act as responsible adults. By showcasing their own behavior, teaching assistants can build trusting relationships with the children, creating a more enjoyable atmosphere where the children are willing to listen and respect them. However, it is important for teaching assistants to remember that they cannot display negative behaviors associated with being a moody teenager. Instead, they should be patient and lively adults to make the children feel comfortable in their presence.

2.1 When engaging in conversations with adults, it is common for different opinions to arise. Some adults may expect you to adopt their viewpoints, but complete agreement is not always possible. The key to resolving differences is effective communication and mutual respect for each other’s perspectives. By offering support to other adults, you can establish a relationship with both teachers and parents that is respectful and professional. It is important to demonstrate respect and professionalism towards parents in order to avoid giving the wrong impression. By understanding and expressing matters clearly to parents, you can cultivate a relationship with them that is both respectful and professional.

2.2. Creating a positive adult relationship is vital to demonstrate the advantages of friendship and enjoying time together to children and young individuals. Additionally, fostering friendly connections with fellow educators will impact children’s conduct, promoting friendliness among them. Conversely, strained adult relationships can generate an unpleasant atmosphere that even young children can perceive and witness. To prevent transmitting negativity to the children, it is crucial to nurture positive adult relationships and serve as role models in this aspect.

3.1. In KS1, young children are in the process of developing their language and communication skills. It is important to remind them to take turns and listen when others are talking. When speaking to young children, it is crucial to speak clearly, slowly, and avoid using complex vocabulary that they may not understand. Their comprehension level can be evaluated by asking questions or having them repeat what has been said. Young children tend to get tired quickly during activities and may struggle with concentrating for long periods of time. They might become restless and start playing with objects or people nearby. In KS2, children have a better understanding of language and communication skills. They are more likely to wait for their turn to speak and let others go first. However, occasional reminders about waiting for someone to finish speaking may still be necessary as they can get excited and forget to wait their turn.

During this stage, young people will start to comprehend larger words but still need some explanation. Although I don’t work with KS3, it’s important to acknowledge that adolescents in this phase will use both formal and informal language. They will have the knowledge and understanding to communicate more effectively with others and grasp complex vocabulary. However, when it comes to public speaking, teenagers may feel timid and anxious due to concerns about others’ opinions and potential embarrassment from making mistakes. It’s crucial to provide encouragement and give them more time to speak. Additionally, teenagers will begin communicating with others through technological means such as phone texts, internet emails, and social networking platforms.

When interacting with adults and children, it is crucial to adjust your tone accordingly. Speaking to an adult differs from speaking to a child, and vice versa. It is vital to grasp the suitable approach and communication style for each group.

The presence of communication difficulties can arise from various sources. For instance, if children are of significantly different ages, they may struggle to comprehend and formulate appropriate responses. Additionally, they may face challenges in communicating their lack of understanding, leaving them uncertain about how to proceed with their assignments. Furthermore, speech or hearing impairments present major obstacles in communication. This can lead to confusion and hinder both classroom participation and interaction with peers and adults.

3.4. When communicating with individuals who use English as a second language, have hearing impairments/deafness, medical conditions, disabilities, special educational needs, poor vision or blindness, it may be necessary to adjust our communication approach. It is crucial to speak clearly and slowly, utilize visual aids such as pictures or flashcards if necessary, employ a translator if needed, employ sign language if proficient, and convey positive facial expressions, body language, and gestures when interacting with children and young people who face these challenges.
3.5. In handling disagreements between a practitioner and children or young people, it is important to establish boundaries and explain that crossing these boundaries would not be beneficial for the child.

It is crucial to consider the perspective and thoughts of adults when dealing with disagreements. It is important to calmly present your own point of view. Additionally, establishing respectful and professional relationships with children and young people is vital for a teaching assistant.

In a primary school setting, the staff’s top priority should be maintaining the confidentiality of children’s information. Differentiating between what needs to be shared and what should stay private is vital. It is crucial to protect sensitive details about a child’s medical requirements or disabilities and only disclose them when necessary. This responsibility should lie with the designated authority responsible for handling such information, such as the SEN sencore, ensuring unauthorized individuals or children do not have access.

4.2. When working closely with parents, maintaining confidentiality is extremely important. While some information may need to be shared, it should only be disclosed to the head teacher and handled with complete confidentiality. If there are suspicions of child protection issues, this information should also only be shared with the head teacher in strict confidence, while ensuring that the parents are informed as well. Establishing understanding and trust from the beginning of the parent-teacher relationship is crucial, allowing them to confide in you confidently. Both the parent and child should know that any shared information will remain strictly confidential and not be revealed to others. It is also essential for other parents and children to understand this policy, as we are not allowed to share concerns about other parents or children that do not involve them.

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Advices for Proper Communication in Society. (2016, Jun 20). Retrieved from

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