Avon Products by Laura Argo

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Avon Products By Laura Argo The main domain of subject study is Strategic Human Resources Management and is mainly aimed to conceptualize the concept of Talent Management. The Talent Management refers to the process employed in order to anticipate human resources requirements to an organization at particular time and include strategy formulated in order to meet that requirements (Groysberg, 2006). The talent management process includes distributing the responsibilities and accountabilities from human resources department and personnel to all departments throughout an organization.

The strategic importance of locating and retaining employees around the business world has recognized this as “War for Talent”. This field of management is also termed as the Human Capital Management. 1. Provide a brief description of the status of the company that led to its determination that a change was necessary. The Avon Products, Inc. is one among the popular American based organizations dealing in personal care manufacturing and seller firm (Groysberg, 2006). The Avon Products, Inc. is a multinational organization operating in almost 140 countries around the globe with sales revenues from its operations more than $ 10. billion during last fiscal year. The Avon Products Inc. is the world’s largest firm selling its products directly and is standing at fifth spot among the firms dealing in beauty and care products (Gardner, 2003). In order to achieve subject study the Case Study of Avon Products is selected and analyzed while including brief description of firm’s status which has been led to determination of changes found necessary, identification of model for change theory, identifying and investigating the types of evaluation information collected and speculation about success of changes within five years.

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Finally this paper includes how the adjustments could be made in the case if the results are found less than ideal. 2. Identify the model for change theory typified in the case study of your choice. Discuss what led you to identify the model that you did. After the firms had missed the years of earnings and restructurings made during that years, and after the firm had poured tens of millions of dollars that of the bribery probe case in foreign management of firm will have to handle its new CEO a long-do list that he had to be completed in order to refurbish the organization and to brings the confidence of investors back.

At that time shares of the firm surged as eleven percent while ended up at five percent on the prospect and needs of overhauling of firm under supervision of newly appointed CEO after firm has experienced years of earnings disappointments and applied restructurings (Gardner, 2003). Newly appointed Chief Executive Officer was compelled to deal with said overhauling of firm as a whole as well as its computer system. This computer system process had led the firm’s management to snafus like not having to deal with the representatives who they have been ordered in numerous markets around the globe like but not limited to the Brazil.

The management of the firm has also been dealt with different fallouts identified during the investigation of bribery during their fiscal years 2007 and 2008 therefore the new chief executive officer was required to push along the slow processes of moving to different models like the direct sales model at this stage. Model for Change Theory: During the course of subject study the subject section of this paper is aimed to identify model for change theory and in this regards the model identified for the change study is the trans-theoretical model for behavioral changes.

The trans-theoretical model for behavioral changes refers to a model used in order to assess readiness of an individual in order to act on new healthier behaviors. This model also provides and facilitates processes employed for change guidelines to identify different stages of changes to the maintenance and actions. ? The trans-theoretical model for behavioral changes is also referred to an abbreviation of TTM including the terms stages of changes. In this regards a famous literature in the form of book have discussed in the model.

This model is dominant model even arguably in order to study the changes in behavioral changes within the employees of an organization as well as the outsiders. In this regards the process of change refers to the overt and covert being used by the people especially employees used in progress the stages (Grahl, 2004). Therefore in order to progress through earlier stages in the process mentioned earlier employees are to apply the cognitive as well evaluative and effective processes.

With their progress toward actions and maintenance the employees must have to rely more over commitments and conditioning along with other factors like contingencies and controls over environment and support. Another research study conducted by the Prochaska with his colleagues related to Trans-Theoretical Model surfaced that interventions to behavioral changes are relatively more effective but in the case if stage-matched is done i. e. the matched to each of individual stages of change is there. 3. Illustrate the types of evaluation information that were collected and how they are used to benefit the company.

The evaluation refers to the systematic determination of merits and demerits, significance and worth of matter or subject under study and investigation by using the criteria. This criterion is normally governed by the set standards. The process of an evaluation may facilitate an organization to assure and ascertain the degree of achievement as well as value in respects to aims and objectives of an individual, project or something under investigation. It is primarily aimed and purposed to evaluate additional to gain insight into current initiatives which in turn enable the reflection and therefore assist in an identification of future changes.

Types and Classification of Evaluation: The evaluation is of different types but broadly categorized into two broad categorizes and approaches which can further be classified in to number of manageable approaches in term of their unique and important underlying principles. Among these large number of approaches being used most important are summarized below: Politically Controlled: This approach is used to get, increase an influence or keep money and power with key strength of securing evidences of advantageous to the client in a conflict. Key weakness of this approach is to violate the principles of frank and full disclosure (Grahl, 2004).

Public Relations Approach: The purpose of this approach is to create and develop positive image among public with key strength of securing evidence of most likely to be bolster the support by public. On the other hand key weakness of this approach is to violate different principles related to the balance reporting, objectivity, justified and conclusion (Gardner, 2003). Management Information System: The management information system is generally aimed and purposed to determine casual relationship between different variables with its strength of having strangest paradigm in order to determine causal relationships.

While the key weakness of this approach is that it may requires controlled limits and settings, evidences and focuses over the results only (Groysberg, 2006). The evaluation may also include numerous other approaches and types all are having their respective benefits or key strengths along with their key weaknesses. Notably here each of the approach or type to be used in order to evaluate a subject matter it would be beneficial for an organization in the case of Avon Products, Inc. the approaches mentioned earlier may be beneficial to identify and evaluate the project and persons and employees.

These approaches of evaluation are subject to different techniques and tools being used to evaluate subject matter. There are hundreds of techniques and tools can be used consistent with an approach being used to evaluate the subject matter (Grahl, 2004). Among these techniques and tools some of the most important and commonly used techniques are named in section below. These methods and techniques of evaluation are in large number due to the fact that the evaluation is methodologically diverse and therefore may use both or one from qualitative and quantitative methods.

These methods are generally including survey researches, case studies, statistical analysis, and model building as well among others. Following are some most important techniques i. e. accelerated aging, educational accreditation, Meta Analysis, Metrics, Advance product quality and so forth. 4. Speculate about success of the changes within the next five (5) years and how adjustments could be made if the results become less than ideal. In the next 5 years Avon will still be a household name. I myself used to sell Avon and love their products.

I don’t sale Avon anymore but I still purchase from friends on a regular basis. Avon has open opportunities for many people who want additional income without sacrificing time away from their families. Avon has a one of a kind industry and strives to remain fashion forward and trendy. Their prices are affordable and reasonable. Avon in the next 5 years will continue to grow regardless of what the economy state of condition may be in. I am a proud supporter of Avon and will continue to help support people who sale Avon. References: 1. Gardner, S. D. , Lepak, D. P. and Bartol, K. M. 2003), “Virtual HR: the impact of information technology on the human resource professional”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol. 63 No. 2, pp. 159-79. 2. Grahl, J. and Teague, P. (2004), “The German model in danger”, Industrial Relations Journal, Vol. 35 No. 6, pp. 557-73. 3. Groysberg, B. , Mclean, A. N. and Nohria, N. (2006), “Are leaders portable? ”, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 84 No. 5, pp. 92-100. 4. Gunnigle, P. , Collings, D. G. and Morley, M. (2006), “Accommodating global capitalism? State policy and industrial relations in American MNCs in Ireland”, in Ferner, A. , Quintanilla, J. and Sanchez-Runde, C. Eds), Multinationals, Institutions and the Construction of Transnational Practices: Convergence and Diversity in the Global Economy, Palgrave, Basingstoke. 5. Gunnigle, P. , Lavelle, J. and Mcdonnell, A. (2008), “Human resource practices in multinational companies in Ireland: a large-scale survey”, available at: http://ssrn. com/paper? 1077266 (accessed 12 May 2009). 6. Gunnigle, P. , Collings, D. G. , Morley, M. J. , Mcavinue, C. , O’Callaghan, A. and Shore, D. (2003), “US multinationals and human resource management in Ireland: towards a qualitative research agenda”, Irish Journal of Management, Vol. 24 No. 1, pp. 7-25.

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