Bulling A Trend Today

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A social problem is an issue that has been prolonged resulting in effecting our society now as a whole that requires social action for resolution. Bullying being one of many social problems needing resolved with the help of government and other country’s officials. The facts on bullying reveal it is a growing problem among teens and children un both in and out of school. There are several different types of bullying including cyber bullying, bullying in schools as well as other forms of harassing. Many children and teens are regular victims of bullying, which can lead to serious physical, mental and emotional scarring and problems with the victim’s self-esteem and self-image. maladjustment and trauma have been linked to bulling as well. Correcting these behaviors before they start or get out of hand are important for parents and educators to keep in mind. In my paper I will discuss the facts on bullying and how you can watch for warning signs in victims of bullying as well as in children who might be bullies themselves.

Keywords: Maladjustment, Social Problem, Self-esteem, social action, self-image, trauma

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Bullying itself, is an age-old problem, but has morphed according to the times, the social mores and social context. While much is now known about the nature, prevalence, and impact of conventional bullying that occurs ‘offline’ in school settings, research is only beginning to help us understand ‘online’ bullying and the overlap between the two. During the early twenty-first century, school bullying emerged as a social problem of epidemic proportions within academic, news media, and public discourse in the United States. Bullying has been linked to other social problems, such as mass school shootings and youth suicide. Research f trace the evolution of school bullying as a social problem within academia and news media. When focused on the problem the reasoning and solution will both come with time. With the many reasoning and possible causes leading to these acts of aggression a solution is what we need to put a stop to the bullying in our society.

Bullying, whether verbal, physical, or both is one-way people claim a sort of power in their lives by seeking out those who seem vulnerable and attacking some aspect of their personality that makes them stand out. That person might have old shoes, be too short, too smart, too dumb, too feminine. The reason doesn’t really matter. It is an example of the classic pulling someone else down in order to pull oneself up. Unfortunately, the strategy rarely works. www.americanspcc.org (information courtesy of nobullying.com) Page 2 of 3 Sometimes the feelings of powerlessness come from a problem at home. For kids, this might be a situation such as excessive fighting in the home, parents getting a divorce, or a close family member suffering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol. For adults, problems in a marriage from disloyalty to general estrangement may lead them to exaggerate their own authority to the point of bullying as well. Bulling by parents is a problem just as common as the bullying in schools and needs to be stopped as well.

In many cases, bullying begets bullying. A person may feel bullied by their parents, their boss, or an older sibling. Getting bullied by any of these people who are in an assumed position of authority may tempt some to claim a sort of authority for themselves through bullying, rather than reaching out for help in dealing with their own issues in a more productive way. Cyber bullying, or bullying others online is often a byproduct of someone being bullied in their offline life. Some people who are perceived as weak or perceive themselves that way use the Internet to try and reinvent themselves into someone more powerful or intimidating, they may join open chats or forums and threaten other participants. Often cyber bullying can be an extension of real-world bullying too, for example, hacking into a social media account in order to display negative rumors about another person. Social media has been reported to be used for bullying by females more so then males creating gossip and fake statues that target a specific person or group. Using the computer to talk trash is known to be thumb thuggin in which they talk stuff but when see the person in public they hide from them. bangerers according to urban dictionary.

Kids who push others around are often driven by the need for power. They enjoy being able to subdue others. These types of kids are typically impulsive and hot headed, and they thrive when their victims cower in their presence. Causes of Bullying behavior gets rewarded Most people don’t do this intentionally; however, the perpetrator is inadvertently rewarded anytime victims give up their lunch money or belongings. They also get rewarded by gaining popularity, attention or the power of having others afraid of them. These unintentional rewards reinforce bullying behavior and encourage the perpetrator to keep pushing others around. Bullies don’t care how others feel due to either lack of empathy or just relish seeing others in pain. When they hurt someone, they have no sense of what the victims or the people around them are feeling. Sometimes a perpetrator may even get pleasure from seeing a child yelp as he kicks him down the hallway. The reactions of the victims give the bully a sense of accomplishment, so he continues the behavior. Causes of Bullying: Bullies can’t regulate their emotions When people get frustrated and angry, they can usually stop themselves from doing things that will hurt others. When kids don’t have the ability to regulate their emotions, small annoyances can provoke them and cause them to severely overreact. For example, a child may be innocently walking down the hall and accidentally bump into a bully. Even though the child apologizes, the bully may lose his temper and slam the victim into the wall. Which the bully doesn’t see as bullying but seen as interacting.

Looking for Attention Some bullies would never think of themselves as bullying. They think that all they are doing is teasing bit and may even be trying to communicate or even befriend the person they are bullying. These social issues lead them to have trouble communicating in a healthy way and instead turn to insults or even physical violence as a way of communicating. Many times, bullies are very lonely people who do not have many, if any, true friends and want to attract whatever attention they can. Bully’s in this group are often easiest to turn around, because they may be open to the concept of “killing with kindness,” A bullied person may be able to reduce the instances of bullying and even make friends with the bully my standing their ground and being nice to the bully regardless of how they are treated. BY giving the bully positive attention before they have the chance to seek negative attention, they can make things better for themselves and the bully. Causes of Bullying: Bullies come from dysfunctional families A dysfunctional family is not a guarantee that a child will become a bully. However, many bullies come from homes where there is little affection and openness. They may often witness their parents being aggressive toward friends, siblings or other members of the family that has led them to believe it is ok to treat others in that manner . Parents fail to realize they are their childrens role models and everything seen and heard is forever apart of them . Rather they act as they do or choose not to, its still a risk not worth taking and just show them nothing but good!

With the recent research and the many awareness orginaztions for both bullying and teen suicide along with the power of social media, Enough light has been shine on our problem with bullying in our society that more change will be soon to come. I have always made it clear to everyone in my life I am always available to listen nomattter the time or day with hopes that I one day will be the person that changed a mind of self harm or to change their minds on thinking it is ok to bully someone . Sometimes listening or making sure your loved ones know they matter and are loved makes a difference. More love less hate!

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Bulling A Trend Today. (2022, Jul 11). Retrieved from


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