Character Development Scarlet Letter

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In the book the “Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne the character Chlorinating changes multiple times In the story, unfortunately he keeps getting worse and worse. Chlorinating turns from the knowable scholar, to a symbol of evil, to the point where he is even portrayed as the devil. In chapter 3 on page 53 it describes Chlorinating, it says “There was a remarkable intelligence in his features… One of the mans shoulders rose higher than the other”. He has finally showed up in England and he looks like a scholar, and is wearing Indian clothes.

He is smart and a physician, the townspeople ask him to be their town doctor for Timescale. In chapter 4 he starts to change and starts to harbor some malice in himself. On page 66-67 he says “l shall seek this man… As I have sought gold… L shall see him tremble”. He knows Hester is an adulterer, but he does not know who Pearl’s father is. He vows that that man will be punished and wants revenge. In chapter 9 this hate only Increases, and has found out that Timescale Is Pearl’s father. On page 114 he Is described as “Satan himself, or satin’s emissary, In the guise of Roger Chlorinating”.

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He is now completely bent on revenge and nothing will stop him. He wants to torture and torment Timescale as much as possible. Hester wants him to stop but he does not care. In chapter 24 all his revenge has finally caught up with him. Timescale has confessed his sins on the scaffold with Hester and Pearl, he cannot bear his burden any more and Timescale confesses and then dies right there on the scaffold. Chlorinating now has nothing left to destroy, his revenge has been spent and he has nothing left to do with his life. On page 237 It says “all his vitals and intellectual face seemed to desert him”.

He then dies bringing closure to all that has happened In the “Scarlet Letter”. Throughout the Scarlet Letter, Roger Chlorinating continues to grow more hateful, and malicious, he continues to get worse and worse, even to the point of being called Satan. When Timescale finally dies of torment, instead of being glad, he is disappointed that he can’t torture him more. When Chlorinating dies it is a relief to the rest of the community. Ay annotations In the book the “Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne the character Chlorinating changes multiple times in the story, unfortunately he keeps getting Norse and worse.

Chlorinating turns from the knowable scholar, to a symbol of evil, page 66-67 he says “l shall seek this man… As I have sought gold… ‘ shall see him In chapter 9 this hate only increases, and has found out that Timescale is Pearl’s father. On page 114 he is described as “Satan himself, or satin’s emissary, in the Ants him to stop but he does not care. Nothing left to do with his life. On page 237 it says “all his vitals and intellectual face seemed to desert him”. He then dies bringing closure to all that has happened in the ‘Scarlet Letter”. Disappointed that he can’t torture him more.

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Character Development Scarlet Letter. (2018, Feb 05). Retrieved from

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