Communicating information

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Communication plays an important role in arriving at a resolution to this problem. However, there are things that could have been done initially to avoid the situation from taking place. After passing the report and giving my boss time to read it, I should have asked her right then and there what she thought of its content. If she needed more time to go over it, I should have made follow-ups days after passing the report. This would not only allow me to listen to her feedback but also check whether necessary adjustments need to be made in order for me to improve my recommendations.

I should not have resorted to sending emails or other impersonal means of communication. Instead, I ought to have gone directly and personally approached her with my concerns about how well I did on my report. This would demonstrate that I take my job seriously and am interested in knowing about the status of my report.

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However, it has been three weeks since I submitted the report, and my boss has not informed me whether she passed my recommendations to senior management. Therefore, I believe it is appropriate to ask her directly about the situation. Unfortunately, there is no way for me to confirm if my boss gave credit for the report to senior management. As of now, I still do not have any proof that she passed on the report and took credit for it.

It would be best to wait and see if my boss did indeed pass on the report before taking any action. If I find out that she did not inform senior management about my contribution, I will not demand that she does so or approach her in an aggressive manner.

Instead, I would politely ask my boss if senior management found the report satisfactory and inquire about any feedback they may have provided. My boss is still in charge of our department, so regardless of what happened with the report’s credit distribution; I trust that whatever actions she took were in our department’s best interest.

Working under an organization requires teamwork and the ability to perform your job well for the benefit of the department or company. Knowing that my report was excellent and contributed to the improvement of our department and organization is sufficient for me. While receiving recognition for a job well done is nice, I value learning from my mistakes and weaknesses more. Therefore, I prefer to receive feedback from my boss on my report so that I can produce even better work in the future.

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Communicating information. (2016, Sep 13). Retrieved from

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