Compare and Contrast: Discussions

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Men and Women: Striking Differences

There are many differences between men and women, particularly in terms of cleanliness and sports. Men are less capable of noticing signs of dirt or mess, while women can easily detect even the smallest specks of dust. This difference is often a source of arguments between men and women.

Another distinguishing factor is sports. Men are more sensitive to events in the world of sports, while women tend to disregard them as unworthy of attention. This may be due to the association with hunting and physical prowess, which men find amusing.

In conclusion, it’s clear that men and women have different ways of appreciating and evaluating certain things.

Am I Neat or Messy?

I am certainly the sloppy sort of person. As described by Britt, sloppy individuals often plan to get a lot of things done but end up with a lot of work still unaccomplished. In my case, this is indeed true, especially for chores that don’t necessarily need to be done immediately without facing drastic repercussions. Sometimes, I attempt to do these tasks but they never materialize beyond the planning phase.

In my defense though, it’s important to note another point highlighted by Britt: Sloppy people can’t bear to part with anything; they give loving attention to every detail.” I definitely agree with this point as I feel every object has potential usefulness and purpose regardless of whether others perceive it as trash. Therefore, instead of calling myself sloppy in a depressed tone as I once did, I now gleefully and proudly attest that I am a sloppy individual.

Works Cited

  1. Barry, Dave. Battling Clean-Up and Striking Out.” In Dave Barry’s Greatest Hits. Course Document, pp. 205-207.
  2. Britt, Suzanne. “Neat People vs Sloppy People.” In Show and Tell. Course Document, pp. 199-201.

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