Computerised Communication

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In health care setting and early years because the electronic forms of communication are well established it can be used for networking between one organisation and another.

Computerised communication is using technology as a way of communicating with others e.g. emails. Emails can be both formal and informal depending on their purpose.

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An advantage of using computerised communication is that it provides a very quick way of interacting with another person of organisation as answer can be received in a matter of minutes rather than having to wait for several days.

A disadvantage however could be that on some occasions, emails are lost and as a consequence the sender has to repeat the process. Care also has to be taken to ensure that are necessary before confident personal information can be exchanged. (Fisher et al 2006)

Computers not only use written words but they can also be used to present information in graphics and sound.

In health care setting and early years because the electronic forms of communication are well established it can be used for networking between one organisation and another.

A GP surgery could use computer to send information about a patient to a consultant at a hospital or to send a prescription to a pharmacy, also employees in the same setting can be linked with others to share information.

In all situations care must be taken to ensure that the requirements of the data protection act are followed when using a computer. (Fisher et al 2006)

An advantage for using computerised communication in a care setting is that individuals can access to their personal information and can correct or delete any information found to be inaccurate.

Special methods

Some service users need special methods to enable them to interact with others, special needs include people with difficulty in hearing or deafness, poor eye-sight or blindness, language difficulty e.g. not speaking English as a first or preferred language or simply not being able to speak at all.

A variety of organisation can help provide specialist equipment or specialists to help with such needs e.g. Makaton, Braille, sign language, interpreters.

Braille is the kind of communication used for blind people. It was first introduced by a blind person called Richard Braille in 1829. The system is one of raised dots that can be felt with a finger to read. This provides independence reading and writing to people who are unable to see or have a limited vision as it is based on touch.

Braille can be extremely useful to service users who have poor eye sight because they will be able to read leaflets and handouts which give information about their treatment as well as being able to read books and magazines and satisfy their intellectual needs.(Fisher et al 2006)

Makaton is another type of communication for people who are unable to talk or hear, it uses signs and symbols to teach communication, language and literacy skills to people with communication and learning difficulties. Makaton uses an established set of hand movements to convey meaning, it is usually taught to children when they are young as soon as it is realised that they have a need.


Factors such as noise heating lighting, seating, ventilation and proximity can have a positive or negative effect on service users and can affect the way the way in which they interact with care workers and other service users. These are known as environmental factors. (Fisher et al 2006)

If the factors aren’t supportive, service users can be inhibited from effective communication e.g. the service user may not hear what is being said or receive incorrect information this could then lead the service user to making the wrong decision. Alternatively if the positioning is correct and environment factors conducive then communication can be enhanced and improved.

Positioning is the seating arrangement of the care worker and it should be considered carefully when communicating, it depends on the purpose of the communication that is being undertaken, e.g. talking to a child would mean getting down on to their level to make them feel more comfortable talking to the care worker instead of standing up looking down on them.

Care values are the values that people hold that enable service users to be empowered and to be in control of their own lives. They support any type of communication whether oral, written, computerised or special methods.

In health and social care setting there are three main care values these are promoting equality and diversity, maintaining confidentiality and promoting rights and beliefs.

Factors for oral communication

Oral communication is the simplest type of communication and in a actual interaction the conversation would have more depth.

Factors that support and make it easy for oral communication are things like being clear while speaking and not making it too complicated with the massage the social worker is trying to send the service user e.g. in a health care setting the care worker should put an ease by making some informal conversation or small talk like ‘Hello how are you?’ while in a formal discussion about the service user’s treatment.

The way that you are sitting can also affect the communication as the height of the chairs and table can influence the communication and sometimes it can enhance, other times the height can inhibit e.g. sitting on a sofa would be more effective way of communication than sitting on a chair and table.

Some of the other things that can also inhibit oral communication are things like noise or space e.g. being too far or too near can reduce the communication level.

The room being too noisy can also be another disadvantage to the communication because you won’t be able to hear some of the things and also you will have to speak louder for the person to hear you

Oral communication in a health care setting is the most effective and easiest way of getting the information across, effective communication it not just passing on information in mean involving or engaging the service user therefore it is important for the care worker to have a good relationship with the service user.

The care workers will have to be aware that each individual will have their own way of interpreting massages.

The health care worker will have to make sure that they let the service user know everything about their health and any treatment needed and they should make some informal conversation e.g. if the service user is a child it is important that the care worker makes the child feel comfortable and not make them feel scared.

Also the care worker should make sure they don’t mumble while talking or explaining to the service user as the service user can than go off feeling confused as they will not be well informed and worrying if something is wrong or not and they wont feel as comfortable talking to them or asking them anything because they will feel they wont be addressed clearly and with respect.

Factors of written communication

Factors that support written communication can depend on the environment e.g. if there is no table it would be hard for the person to write and also having something to write on or write with e.g. a pen and a paper.

Knowing the same language could also support written communication as they will be able to understand each other.

Factors that might inhibit written communication are things like poor handwriting, the person should be able to read in order to communicate well and have the right response to it e.g. it would make it harder if someone is trying to write while walking because they might not be able to write properly or write neat.

If a person is sitting far away from the person they are trying to communicate with might inhibit the communication as they won’t be able to see clearly or see al all what is written.

At a health care setting written communication can be used personal history that might have the service users’ details about their past or current experiences etc or could be other things like sending out letters of appointments, information about meetings, visits or test results.

However it is extremely important to keep these details about all service users confidential and they should be the only once to be able to go through them whenever they want to or change anything they feel needs changing.

In early years written communication can be used to keep record of personal history, this would make it easy to keep in contact with the parents, friends of the child.

Factors for computerised communication

Factors that support computerised communication are having access to a computer and having access to email and internet e.g. going to a library to use a computer if someone does not have a computer at home and knowing how to send and receive emails can also support and inhibit computerised communication.

Another factor that might inhibit computerised communication is if the person you are trying to communicate with does not have a computer they will not be able to send or receive any emails.

It is important to have a computer at a health care setting because that way it would make it easier to share information through emails or save other documents for the service users and share that information with hospitals or setting if needed, e.g. x rays can be send to the doctors and also the client if they want them.

Factors for special methods

Special methods of communication like Braille and Makaton are a sort or sign language used to communicate for those who are unable to speak or hear.

Factors that support special communication are having someone that knows the same kind of language as you e.g. there is American Sign Language and English Sign Language are different, and not knowing the right sign language can inhibit the communication.

Another factor that can inhibit the communication is if the person has no one around who uses sign language it would be harder for them to communicate with them and the only other way they would be able to communicate is through written communication.

Being taught and learning how to use Braille or Makaton can support the communication e.g. if you have been learning sign language from an early age it would be a lot easier to use it and understand it.

At a health care setting if the GP does not know Braille or Makaton the service user will not be able to explain what is wrong or what they need, they would need someone with them who can help explain to the GP what they are trying to say.

All health care settings should have Braille or Makaton available for those who are unable to speak or have hearing difficulties because if they don’t this would stop them from having access to any health care settings.

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Computerised Communication. (2017, Jul 22). Retrieved from

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