Concept Paper Topic: Experiences Faced by Deaf People and Their Results

Background of the study

Deafness also referred to as hearing loss or hearing impairment is the loss of ability to hear.This may occur in one or both ears.Hearing loss cannot be seen. As such some people refer to it as “most normal disability” (Hetu, 1993) stated that hearing loss can be devastating because of it is inside and hidden as well.

Many deaf persons tend to hide their deafness. They separate themselves from groups of hearing people because they cannot hear, follow nor contribute in a conversation. Such social withdrawal leads to loneliness.On the other hand, the hearing world is not interested in learning sign language.As an individual grows and interrelates with family members,friends as well as socializing with peers in school,church, work or any place where people are gathered,he/she learns interpersonal skills. Hearing loss has serious implications of the child’s development (Kapp, 1991).

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Chew, Ronnie L. (May 1975) recommended further research on the self concept of the hearing impaired child.

This proposal seeks out to study if deafness could be a factor on the interpersonal skills of deaf people in Wajir.

Objectives of the Study

The overall objective of the study shall be to understand the interpersonal skills of deaf people

The study shall also:

  1. Explore the experiences of deaf people in Wajir.
  2. Assess the levels of interpersonal skills of deaf people in Wajir.
  3. Determine the relationship between experiences of the deaf people and interpersonal skills in Wajir.
  4. To explore counseling intervention for deaf people in Wajir.

Research Questions

The following research questions will lead us during the study:

  1. What experiences do deaf people in Wajir face?
  2. How are the levels of interpersonal skills of the deaf people of Wajir?
  3. What is the relationship between the experiences of deaf people and interpersonal skills in Wajir?
  4. Which counseling intervention can be used for deaf people in Wajir?

Significance of the Study

At the end of research, the finding of the study shall be useful in the following ways:

First, the interpersonal skills of deaf people will be better understood which will allow psychologists working with deaf people to predict how deaf people will respond to certain situations and the sorts of things they prefer and value.

Second, now that the Kenya education stakeholders are advocating for inclusive education, it will assist teachers and learners in regular schools have an insight of what to expect when deaf learners are admitted in their school.

Lastly, establish if the assessment tests used to measure the interpersonal skills of hearing people can also be used to measure the interpersonal skills of deaf people, if not recommend for development of suitable assessment tests.

Theoretical framework

This study shall be guided by:

a) Theory of psycho-analysis founded by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939).According to Freud personality develop through series of stages each characterized by certain internal psychological conflict. For a healthy personality this stages have to be completed in the events of fixation at any stage there shall be no completion leading to development of unhealthy fixed personality as an adult.

b) The Ecological system Theory by Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917-2005) explains how everything in the child’s environment affects how the child grows and develops.

Conceptual framework

The conceptual framework that will be applied in this study is illustrsted as below.

Independent variables Dependent variables

  • Interpersonal skills
  • Communication skills
  • Assertive skills
  • Conflict resolution skills
  • Anger management.

Experiences of Deaf People

  • Relationship with parents/caregiver.
  • Communication barrier/missed information
  • Isolation/bonding
  • Self identity
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Level of education
  • Occupation

Controlled Variables

The methodology approach

a) Research Design

Qualitative phenomenological design will be adapted in this study.Qualitative research aims to study people in their natural social settings.

Phenomenology can be defined as the direct investigation and description of phenomena a consciously experienced by people living with this experience in this study it is the deaf people who live in the world of deafness and can better understand what it is like of feels like to be deaf.

b) Data Collection

Primary and secondary sources will be used to collect data. Tools from primary sources during the study will include Open-ended questions and semi-structured interviews which will allow the researcher understand how the informants are doing, their experiences and recognize important backgrounds and outcomes of interest that might not be identified when surveyed with pre-determined questions. Semi – structured interviews are used to gain a detailed understanding of participants’ perceptions, beliefs or accounts of a particular topic. (Greeff, 2005) With the permission of the informants, Video recording will be employed which will be transcribed for close analysis. This is because the primary communication method of the informants is Kenyan sign language, audio recording is not appropriate. The tapes will be securely stored and no other person can access it. They will be damaged and discarded once the research is accomplished.

In addition to observation, a self-report inventory will also be administered through a questionnaire measure of interpersonal skills that is standardized and uses established norms. Published materials will be used as a secondary source.

c) Sampling approach

The general rule in qualitative research is that you continue to sample until you reach saturation. The general qualitative research recommendations range from 20(Green and Thorogood 2009) to 50 interviews (Ritchie et al.2003).Creswell (1998) recommends 5-25 interviews for phenomenological studies.

Non-probability Purposive sampling also referred to as judgmental sampling, sampling method will be used to identify the respondents. Non – probability sampling is cost effective and time saving. The main aim of a purposive sample is to produce a sample that can be logically assumed to be representative of the population.Persons who have experience on the phenomenon and are willing to participate and also competent to communicate as well as express themselves are preferred.

There are numerous purposeful sampling designs. Purposive Criterion will be applied. Criterion sampling is used to identify and select all cases that meet some predetermined criterion of importance. Individuals are selected based on the assumption that they possess knowledge and experience with the phenomenon of interest and will be able to provide information that is both detailed and generalizable.
The target population shall be deaf adolescents and adults who are regularly come at wajir Deaf complex who are able to express their views as well as reflect on their experiences using Kenyan sign-language. The researcher being conversant with Sign language will be able to communicate with the informants. The complex has a primary school, secondary school and technical training center.

The study will call upon all learners to take part in the research until the sample size is attained. The target population shall be deaf adolescents and adults who are regularly come at wajir Deaf complex who are able to express their views as well as reflect on their experiences using Kenyan sign-language. The researcher being conversant with Sign language will be able to communicate with the informants. The complex has a primary school, secondary school and technical training center.

d) Data analysis

The data of the study shall be analysed by explaining, understanding and interpreting the qualitative data collected through writing and identification of theme.The final findings will be reported in the form of descriptive information.


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  • Kapp, J.A. (1991).Children with problems: An Orthopedagogical Perspective.J.L. Van Schaik
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  • Kvale, S. (1996).Interviews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing. Thousand
    Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc.
  • Merram, S.B (2009).Qualitative research. A guide to design and implementation. San Francisco
  • Okpalaenwe, N.E. (2014).Psychological counseling for Africa: Handbook on psychotherapy and
    Cultural counseling in African contexts. Nairobi, Kenya: CUEA Press.
  • Vernon, M. &Andrews, J.F. (1990).The Psychology of Deafness: understanding Deaf and hard-
    Of-hearing people.NewYork: Longman.
  • Warren, C., &Hasenstab, W. (1983).Self-concept of severely to profoundly hearing Impaired
    Children. The Volta Review, 198,289-294.

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Concept Paper Topic: Experiences Faced by Deaf People and Their Results. (2020, Aug 03). Retrieved from

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