Counselling Skills

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Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. When you have become a helper, you have to work ethically and safely your role is to enable the helpee to explore their area of concern so that it becomes clarified.

The appropriate helping skills has to be implemented such as, attentive listening ,paraphrasing, reflecting, summarising acceptance, confidentiality, bondaries and being genuine. As a helper you will meet People from all walks of life, you will have to be prepared to listen, show empathy and be non-judgemental and giving them a time frame. The helper has to set a framework at the start of each session, this will include the helper letting the helpee know the type of counselling being offered, number of sessions the frequency, and the timing of the sessions, and that has to be agreed to by both the helper and the helpee.

There will be times as a helper you will meet helpees that you feel will need more help than you are qualified to give them, that’s when you will talk to your supervisor or manager concerning their state of mind and your concern of the helpee that way you are keeping to your ability and your limitations, A helper will have to consult someone that is more qualified than them self to giving referrals to Everyone, but in certain situations you might have to introduce your clients to some more professional help according to their need, and if you feel that they will be a danger to them self or to others. epressions, You will have to analyze your client state of mind before any referrals: alcohol misuse drug misuse domestic violence, Gambling bereavement. These are just some of the issues that the clients group would be faced with and there are many more. As a helper you are not suppose to put ideas in a clients head, they are the one that will Let you know what is going on in their lives and if they need help that’s when you will suggest the referrals, if you think they are a danger to them self and others

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Counselling Skills. (2016, Sep 17). Retrieved from

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