The word quantum means discreteness. A quantum can be described as a discrete or distinct packet of energy or matter. Exchange of energy is usually achieved in the form of units of energy that can also be referred to as quanta. Quantum Physics is a branch of science that makes numerous intellectual and diverse attempts at revealing the properties of matter such as atoms, nuclei, light and all forms of solid materials. It is a branch of physics that attempts to renew the way human beings see and understand reality and nature that surrounds them. It is a diverse body of knowledge that contributes to the development of not only scientific literature but also philosophical principles that apply to everyday living (Michigan State University).
It’s important to define some critical words that are conventionally used in quantum physics in order to explain certain phenomena. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, Science can be described as activities related to a certain class of natural phenomena. It may also be described as an activity that appears to require study and method. It includes objective activities such as observation and experimental investigation which are subjected to mental thought processes.
Quantum physics can be seen as a branch of physics that studies or observes the subatomic world. While physics is the science of matter and energy and interactions between the two, Quantum Physics is quite different. Matter is described as anything that has weight and occupies space. Examples of matter can include anything. For example, a physical substance, body or the universe as a whole. Quantum physics attempts to disprove the existence of matter.
In addition, Quantum Physics deals with small, unbreakable units of energy. It analyses the internal structure of matter, its inherent properties and all the external forces that have a significant effect on the characteristics exhibited. Quantum Physics expresses five basic ideas on which most quantum theories are based. These ideas are listed as follows:
1. Particles also behave like waves
2. Particles move about in a random fashion
3. It is impossible to know both the location and speed of a particle at the same time
4. The atomic world is different from the world we live in presently (Gribbin).
Quantum physics contains many clues to the nature of the universe. It describes the nature of the universe as being entirely different from what we see in the world today. According to Neils Bohr, anyone that is shocked by the discoveries of quantum theory does not understand it. It specifically deals with the characteristics of atomic particles and also emphasizes that energy is in the form of packages or units known as quanta. No matter what definition of quantum physics we accept, the foundation of the subject is clear: Our consciousness affects the characteristics displayed by subatomic particles; particles can appear in different places at different times depending on the observer; and the universe can split into billions of parallel universes at the same time.
Numerous scientists have contributed to the field of quantum physics. The pioneers however include Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Neils Bohr, Erwin Schrodinger, Werner Heisenberg and many others. The concept of quantum physics all started when Max Planck developed a paper on his discovery about blackbody radiation in 1900. Some other notable scientists include Stuart Hameroff, M.D, Jeffrey Satinover, M.D., Andrew B. Newberg M.D, Dr. Daniel Monti M.D., Dr. Joseph Dispenza, D.C., and Dr. Masaru Emoto. These scientists all contributed in one way or the other, to the development, marketing and success of the movie known as “What the bleep do we know?”. This movie is an intriguing one that deals with the challenges of questioning reality and trying to understand the typical issues that man is faced with in everyday living (Lord of the Wind Films, LLC).
History & Pioneers in the field of Quantum Physics
During the days of pre-quantum physics, from 1890 to 1900, physics journals were filled with writings on atomic spectra and properties of matter like viscosity, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, elasticity and similar concepts. It wasn’t until the early 1900s that quantum theory evolved to provide a quantitative theory of matter. Quantum physics today comprises two entities and these are as follows: The first is the theory of matter at the atomic level, referred to as quantum mechanics, which allows us to understand and manipulate the material world. The second is the quantum theory of fields (Kleppner and Jackiw).
In 1900, Max Plank observed that the energy spectrum of the radiation emitted by a black body was restricted. This can be represented by the equation E=nhv. where n is an integer, v represents the frequency and h is the plank constant. Planck also wanted to find out why the radiation from a glowing body changed from one colour to another, that is from red, to orange, and, finally, to blue as its temperature was increased. He eventually made the assumption that energy is transmitted in small units as contained in particles; this implies that energy cannot just be considered an electromagnetic wave. The existence of these units of energy became the first assumption of quantum theory (Whatis). Max Planck eventually came up with the hypothesis that the total energy of a vibrating system cannot be changed all at once. He asserted that the energy of the body jumps continuously from one amount to another in discrete steps or quanta of energy. This equation eventually became the fundamental concept or basis of quantum physics although the idea was not accepted until Albert Einstein in 1905 applied the same hypothesis to light. In 1905, Einstein was able to show that light energy is determined by its frequency. Later in the late 1920s, de Broglie and Schrodinger used the concept of standing waves to explain the discrete frequency and energy states of light and matter. It can be surmised that waves are central to the study of quantum physics (R. P. Feynman).
Over the years, Quantum mechanics has forced people, especially scientists to reshape their reality, re-evaluate the nature of things, and re-think the notion of cause and effect originally accepted. Quantum physics is extremely important in the world we live in today. Without it, the digital age we speak of would not have been possible (Kleppner and Jackiw).
Quantum Physics, the power of thoughts and consciousness
According to the uncertainty principle, the position and speed of a subatomic particle is measured by the Planck’s constant which determines its level of accuracy. A particle should interact with at least one photon, which acts like a particle and a wave simultaneously (Pratt 70).
To measure the position of an electron accurately, there’s a need to use light of short wavelengths. In effect, a huge unpredictable speed or momentum is transferred to the electron. To measure an electron’s momentum, light quanta of small momentum and a long wavelength cause a large angle of diffraction in the lens. From observations, the basic principle of quantum physics is that it is impossible to measure the position and momentum of a particle with precision. Also, a particle cannot be said to have well-defined properties unless it interacts with a measuring instrument. The uncertainty principle also asserts that a particle can never really be at rest but it’s always subject to continuous variations even when it is not being measured by an observer. These variations and fluctuations do not have any known cause yet. The world of quanta is believed to be characterized by ambiguity, randomness and absolute indeterminism (Pratt 72).
The quantum system is usually represented with a wave function in mathematics. This wave function is derived from Schrodinger’s equation and it is used to calculate the probability of finding the particle at any point in space. At the point of measurement, the particle is located at a particular point. The wave function is however assumed to give a complete description of the state of the quantum system. At the point of the next measurement however, the wave packet collapses in a random manner into a particular location. This phenomenon contradicts the Schrodinger equation (Pratt).
The quantum potential provides connections between quantum systems. It is able to guide particles and their movement across the universe in a manner known as the implicate order, which resembles a vast ocean of energy in which the physical constitutes a ripple. According to Bohm’s model, the quantum world exists even though it’s not being measured or observed. He strongly opposes the view that an object that cannot be measured or known does not exist. According to him, he believes that the probabilities calculated from the wave function show that a particle can be at different places and at different locations when a measurement is made. He also believes that the universe undergoes constant definitions and interactions of which, measurement is only one of them (Pratt).
Consequently, Quantum theory may be interpreted as a state in which the macroscopic objects we see around us exist in an unambiguous state only when they are being observed or measured. Schrodinger also showed this with the aid of an experiment. He placed a cat in a box containing radioactive substances. Doing this ensures that there is a 50% chance that an atom would decay within the hour. If the atom decays, it would trigger the emission of poisonous gases. After about an hour, the result of the experiment is that the cat is both dead and alive until an external force opens the box and collapses its wave function into a dead or alive cat. Another extravagant hypothesis associated with the quantum theory is that the universe splits every time a measurement takes place so that all the occurrences represented by the wave function, that is, the dead cat and a living cat exist objectively but in different universes. This phenomenon can be used to explain human consciousness and free will (Pratt).
Quantum indeterminism can be described as a state of being that is difficult to understand or an absence of existence or cause. Our inability to identify a cause for a particular phenomenon does not exactly mean that there’s no cause. The concept of absolute chance implies that quantum systems can exist isolated from and uninfluenced by any other factor within the universe. The general belief is that systems within the universe are continually operating in a network of interconnections at different levels. Since they are however, not subject to any causal factors, it becomes difficult to understand why they display certain characteristics (Pratt).
The concept of indeterminism defined at the quantum level, attempts to describe creativity and free will. Indeterminism which implies absolute chance would mean that our choices and actions occur in a random and arbitrary way; this means that they do not qualify to be called our choices or free will, since they just happen randomly no matter what we do.
However, certain schools of thought believe that our thoughts, feelings and actions are determined by electrochemical activity generated by the human brain. This would mean that either one part of the brain activates another part which in turn activates another or a particular section of the brain activates spontaneously without a cause. In both cases, the concept of free will is disproved. Francis Crick however believes that the portion of the brain that affects free will is located near the cerebral cortex known as the anterior cingulate sulcus. He believes that free will is an illusion and does not really exist taking into consideration that it is largely dependent on our brain (Pratt).
Stuart Hameroff believes that consciousness is caused by quantum coherence in microtubules in the brain’s neurons while others see a relation between consciousness and the quantum vacuum. Another example is Charles Laughlin in 1996 who argued that the structures that influence our consciousness interact within a vacuum, also known as the quantum sea. Edgar Mitchell in 1996, however observed that matter and consciousness are caused by the energy potential of the vacuum (Pratt). Roger Penrose tried to prove that the human consciousness is non-algorithmic and that as such, we are able to make decisions spontaneously. He then asserted that this could be explained by quantum physical thought processes.
Another major physicist that delved into the relationship between quantum physics and human consciousness is Dr. Emoto. He has conducted numerous studies into water and its associated perceptions. He believes that our feelings and thoughts affect what we see in our surroundings. If we have bad feelings about a particular subject, it will be reflected in that subject. He asserts that water changes its expression in relation to its surroundings. He also used an extremely powerful microscope inside a cold room and a camera. He took pictures of newly formed crystals of frozen samples of water and noticed that not all water samples crystallize, especially those from polluted rivers. He also noted that crystals that formed in frozen water exhibited positive changes when exposed to a loving atmosphere, kind words and the like. On the contrary, polluted water or water exposed to negative thoughts formed incomplete, asymmetrical shapes and exhibited dull colours. Sufficient knowledge on this concept can help to improve our experience on the earth as our thoughts, attitudes and feelings have a huge impact on our environment (Lord of the Wind Films, LLC).
Mr. Emoto’s work shows that energy, words, ideas and music affect the structure of the molecules contained inside water. Water constitutes over 70% of a mature human body, it is malleable and easily takes the shape of any container in which it exists (Dewey).
Quantum Experiments
Numerous experiments have been conducted on quantum physics to establish that the world or the universe does not comprise objects but rather, is created out of probability waves. It was observed that the deeper one gets into the subatomic level, the more complex things become until causal reality no longer exists. According to Ken Wilber, as scientists explore the world of sub atomic particles, they tend to assume that the usual laws like Newton’s laws and the like, would apply to protons, neutrons and electrons, but they don’t. According to a physicist known as Leon Lederman, there are three major qualities of quantum theory. Quantum theory is counterintuitive, has problems and it works. There are so many ambiguities associated with quantum physics that it has stimulated different levels of interests and experiments across the world. Once concerned with matter, motion and particles, physics is now concerned with the nature of reality and the existence of consciousness.
In the world of quantum, there is apparently, no causality. The first experiment in quantum physics dates back to 1890 when Max Planck tried to explain the phenomenon of blackbody radiation. He observed that the colour of light emitted from an object could not change in a linear fashion to its temperature. He attempted to explain this by stating that light is emitted and absorbed in packets of definite sizes, known as quanta. Therefore, light, once considered a wave is now being described as a particle or a photon so as to explain the blackbody radiation.
In the early 1920s, it also became obvious that electrons exhibit wave-like characteristics. This implies that particles can be considered to function as particles and waves. This wave/particle duality was directly observed in 1987 through the double slit experiment (Feynman, Leighton and Sands). During this experiment, if the physicist looks for a particle with the aid of a particle detector, he would find a particle, if he looked for a wave through a screen, he would see a wave pattern before him. This experiment concluded that reality can be seen as either a wave or a particle. This also suggests that particles can either travel beyond the speed of light or that everything is connected together as a particle. If one can understand the double slit experiment, then it becomes easier to understand quantum physics. Since it is obvious that at the subatomic levels, objects do not exist, then our perception of reality may be an illusion. Particles are localized phenomena while waves are delocalized phenomena. Entities in the world, however have both wave and particle properties. This concept has led to the phenomena of wave-particle duality which was proposed by DeBroglie. He was also able to relate the momentum of a particle to its wavelength. The equation goes like this: p=h/lambda, where p is the momentum of the particle and h is Planck’s constant (Zohar and Marshall).
Einstein was one of the many scientists that could not believe that the physical world was formed based on a probability of waves. He, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen published an experiment known as the EPR thought experiment in 1935. The experiment was focused on showing that the world does exist at the quantum level. He suggested that the basic reason for the subatomic strangeness was due to some unknown and hidden variables. He also asserted that man’s ignorance of such variables does not mean that they do not exist. The EPR experiment showed that after exploding an electron, it was still possible to measure both the position and the momentum of the sub atomic particles. Studying one photon could provide the position while studying another proton would provide the momentum of the subatomic particle (Zohar and Marshall).
Initially, the EPR experiment was not taken seriously until 1966 when John Stuart Bell, a renowned physicist proved that hidden variables could describe quantum events if non-locality was included in the clause. Many experiments have been conducted to emphasize all the quantum theories illustrated above and they are discussed as follows:
1. The Copenhagen Interpretation
This interpretation was stated by Werner Heisenberg, Max Born and Neils Bohr in 1930. It is the standard interpretation of the quantum world that most people have. It asserts that reality is a combination of probability waves. Material objects only appear due to the collapse of their probability waves by an observer. In its simplest form, it means that every quantum experiment should include everything about the experiment including the person performing the experiment (R. P. Feynman).
2. The Uncertainty Principle
Werner Heisenberg developed this principle which states that it is difficult to know both the position and momentum of a quantum object. This means that measuring the position of an electron can lead to the destruction of information about the electron’s momentum. The observation of the scientist conducting the experiment is capable of destroying this information such that the result becomes inaccurate.
3. Many Worlds Theory
This theory was created by Hugh Everrett, Wheeler and Graham. It states that whenever the universe faces a quantum force, the universe splits into so many copies of itself and is able to carry out alternative phenomena at the same time. While the scientist experience only one aspect of reality, there is another world that experiences a different set of phenomena related to that event.
4. Transactional Analysis/ Interpretation
This theory asserts that all actions and occurrences within the universe are predetermined and as such, the future, which has already occurred, communicates in quantum packets with the present through advanced waves.
5. Strong Anthrophic Principle
This principle states that our consciousness can loop back into the past to create a reality which includes the Big Bang. By asking the question, where man comes from, we are able to create that reality. This implies that consciousness is able to look back and create all the conditions needed for the evolution of the universe and the observer that is conscious of the happenings around him.
6. The Matter-Mind Connection & Monistic Idealism. This concept can be represented in different forms. The major form is that it is the mind is responsible for creating matter.
7. Bohm’s Implicate Order
He asserts that hidden variables do not exist and that particles do not travel faster than the speed of light. The universe can be seen as a giant web that contains individual particles that accept and distribute information through a pilot wave. Since the information is present in the wave, it is accessible by all particles in the universe. The wave is able to tell all the particles what every other particle is doing. All these information is stored when creating an implicate order.
The double slit experiment is another one of the most powerful experiments of all time to be recorded in history. It is an experiment that tries to show the inseparability of the wave and particle nature of quantum particles such as light. A thin plate with two parallel slits inside it was brought close to a light source which was used to illuminate the plate. The light passing through the slit in the plate fell on a screen. The wave attribute of the light is responsible for causing both slits to create an interference pattern that gives rise to bright and dark bands on the screen. Taking a cursory look at the screen would reveal that the light is absorbed as discrete particles known as photons (Feynman et al).
According to the normal physics phenomenon, if the light travels to the screen and hits it as particles, the number that strikes the screen should be the sum of those that go through the left slit and those that go through the right. Unblocking both slits makes certain points on the screen brighter and other points darker. This can only be explained by the additive and subtractive interference of waves, not the exclusively additive nature of particles. This experiment can also be performed with the use of electrons, thus illustrating the particle-wave duality of the object. Young carried out an experiment in the first decade of the 1800s and was able to show successfully that waves of light from 2 slits interfered to reveal a fringe pattern on the screen (Feynman et al).
The basic summary is that at the quantum level, there’s no cause. Yet, our understanding of the world is that everything in it has a cause and an effect (Zohar and Marshall).
Problems & Challenges Facing Quantum Physics
The main problem of quantum physics has to do with the fact that the subatomic level operates with no boundaries. Without the boundaries formerly associated with the good old physics, quantum physics is now encountering an identity crisis. Physicists are fervently trying to explain consciousness, free-will, reality and the existence of God.
Quantum Physics & Everyday Life
Two schools of thought exist to try to offer a solution to the concept of consciousness and how it affects the everyday life. These are explained as follows:
The Fundamentalist camp asserts that there is really nothing important about the phenomenon of consciousness. Another school of thought known as monistic idealism believes that consciousness gives rise to the mind as well as every other element in the universe, whether they exist or not. Between these two schools of thought is another school which views consciousness as a result of the quantum mechanical and neurological processes that take place in the brain (Zohar and Marshall). One question comes to mind. Is physics really capable of influencing how we go through life and the state of our minds?
The principle of cause and effect can be applied to everyday life. However, it is impossible to say specifically or predict that specific causes will produce certain outcomes. This is not easy for human beings to understand and accept since we are constantly trying to explain and control everything in our lives. This quest for control is an attempt for the mind to find happiness; the result of this is always frustration and unhappiness. The law of causality has a huge impact on our lives. It implies that it is everyone’s responsibility for making the required change in their lives, especially in the areas of health, career and decision-making.
When scientists study a particular phenomenon, it collapses and the object changes form based on the way the scientist is observing it. This implies that our consciousness, to a large extent, influences the physical characteristics of the physical matter that we deal with. Dr. Emoto’s experiment also shows to a large extent, that consciousness has a huge impact even on water because when it is exposed to loving thoughts, it produces beautiful snowflakes. His experiment was able to prove that consciousness can in fact, transform matter.
Works Cited
- Dewey, Reiko Myamoto. Miraculous Messages from Water. 07 04 2004. 10 March 10 <>.
- Feynman, Richard P. The Strange Theory of Light and Matter. Penguin, 1985.
- Feynman, Richard P., Robert B. Leighton and Matthew Sands. The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Vol. Vol III. Addison-Wesley, 1963.
- Gribbin, John. In Search of Schrödinger’s Cat. Toronto: Bantam Books, 1984.
- Kleppner, Daniel and Roman Jackiw. One Hundred Years of Quantum Physics. 2000. 9 March 2009 <>.
- Lord of the Wind Films, LLC. What the Bleep Do We Know? 2004. 11 March 2009 <>.
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- Pratt, David. “Consciousness, Causality, and Quantum Physics.” Journal of Scientific Exploration (1991): 69-78.
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- Zohar, Danah and Ian Marshall. The Quantum Society: Mind, Physics, and a New Social Vision. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc. , 1994.