Do We Only Value What We Struggle For?

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Humans have always faced various forms of adversity throughout history, including slavery, the holocaust, the Iraq war, and our current economic crisis. Adversity is often described as struggle and is a necessary part of life. What truly matters are the worth and importance that arise from difficult experiences and catastrophic events. As the famous saying goes, “What comes easy won’t be treasured. Only through hardship can we truly understand the value of things.”

The main point of Thomas Paine’s reflection is that people tend to prioritize things that are easy or seem easy. He argues that humans only value what they have to work for, as shown by the well-known saying “No pain, No gain.” People consistently make an effort to achieve something they consider valuable, whether it be material goals like wealth or fame, or non-material aspirations like helping others or practicing meditation.

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Despite this, individuals can derive joy or contentment from insignificant life experiences while also feeling let down when they lack appreciation for unearned achievements. Similarly, in the medieval period, the pope dispatched a formidable Christian force known as the Crusades to reclaim Jerusalem. The underlying purpose of this conflict was to seize Jerusalem and eliminate Muslims from the trade route, enabling Europeans to dominate trade relations with India.

Despite Christian control of Jerusalem, the Muslim Turks refused to give in, resulting in blocked trade routes. The Crusaders, who experienced significant losses from battles, diseases, and malnutrition, saw their sacrifices only rewarded with their holy land – a meager compensation. When was the last time you experienced true joy upon receiving something expected? For instance, how many of us would genuinely delight in receiving breakfast? Personally, I wouldn’t! We often fail to appreciate what we have when it comes without struggle; this is most evident in our own existence.

Rarely will you find someone who appreciates their own presence just for existing. Why? Because being born is not something we have to work for. We tend to attribute more value to things that are necessary but often overlooked, like air and water. We only value what we have to work hard for. This is evident in the countless stories of love, achievement, and success that involve struggle and effort. The struggle is what gives these stories their value. Just as we wouldn’t measure the height of a fruit on a tree based on sea level, but rather by how high we have to jump or how carefully we have to throw a stone to reach it. Take a job for example. Many people value having a job over being wealthy and staying at home because a job provides self-esteem. And self-esteem is achieved through facing struggles and overcoming obstacles.

Many people would take the opportunity to be rich without working for granted. This is a natural reaction for humans, as it seems too easy to attain wealth. Given the choice between work and being rich, most people would opt to be rich, considering the stress and effort involved in a job. However, those who have previously experienced success in their work would choose their job over riches. They find comfort and value in their hard work, and prioritize happiness over wealth. In summary, people always appreciate what they have struggled for.

They find value in both trivial and expensive things. They believe in rewarding those who put in significant effort. People strive for happiness, and what they strive for ultimately brings them happiness. If someone is not experiencing any struggle, they are likely taking their possessions for granted. Sometimes, struggle or adversity is necessary to truly appreciate something that required a lot of effort.

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Do We Only Value What We Struggle For?. (2016, Aug 18). Retrieved from

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