Dwight D Eisenhower Biography

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Dwight David Eisenhower, born in 1890 in Deniso, a small town in western Texas (Hargrove 22), later moved with his family to Abilene, a railroad town in Kansas where he spent his childhood along with 13 other family members (Hargrove 19). He is widely honored as one of America’s greatest heroes, known for his military career and two terms as President of the United States.

Dwight Eisenhower’s accomplishments ranged from his time at West Point to his involvement in World War One. Despite initially considering joining the U.S Navy as a sailor, he found out that being 20 years old made him ineligible to enlist. Nonetheless, Eisenhower persisted and focused on his education. With help from U.S senator Hargrove33, he managed to gain admission into the prestigious West Point Military Academy. During college, Ike exhibited bravery and skill as an outstanding end player for the Army Football team (Hargrove 34).

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According to Hargrove (36), Eisenhower also discovered a simpler method for working on advanced calculus. Upon completing his college studies in 1915, Eisenhower ranked 61st out of a class of 164 (Hargrove 38). Following the completion of his college education, Eisenhower entered military service during World War One. Despite the ongoing war in Europe at that time, Eisenhower was assigned to U.S. bases instead of being deployed overseas as an infantry soldier (Hargrove 41). Subsequently, he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and assigned to Camp Colt, where he trained soldiers on tank operations (Hargrove 42).

Dwight David Eisenhower started providing advice to General Douglas MacArthur in 1933 and gradually advanced in rank throughout World War Two. He skillfully managed the coordination of troop movements and played a vital part in the triumph of the Allies on D-Day. As a result of his accomplishments, Eisenhower earned multiple promotions, culminating in his appointment as Chief of Staff of the Third Army in 1941.

After assuming the position of “Chief of Staff,” Ike was promoted to Brigadier General and given command over the Allied forces in Europe. This meant that he now had authority over the armies of the United States, Britain, and Canada. Alongside other Allied Generals, Eisenhower strategized the invasion plan for Normandy. Under his leadership, a massive operation involving 6,483 sea vessels, around 800,000 troops, and 12,000 aircraft would set sail across the English Channel to reach Normandy in France. Eisenhower’s objective was for the Germans to believe that an invasion was imminent in Calais.

Five beaches were invaded with code names: Omaha, Utah, Gold, Sword, and Juno (“The beaches of…” 28). Ultimately, Dwight D. Eisenhower led the Allies to victory on June 6,1944. If Eisenhower had made an incorrect decision, Hitler would have continued to bombard London with V-1 ; V-2 rockets (Benson 7). Eisenhower had accomplished the most significant invasion in history, eliminating nearly all German units. Fortunately, Allied forces sustained only 76% casualties (Barry 30).

Dwight Eisenhower, widely regarded as one of the most successful and beloved presidents in American history, was elected to the office twice. His first term, alongside Vice President Richard Nixon, commenced in 1952 (Hargrove 65). He later won re-election in 1956 with a resounding victory (Hargrove 76).

Dwight Eisenhower successfully addressed numerous challenges during his time. He played a key role in ceasing the Korean war by engaging in peace talks (Hargrove 67). Additionally, Eisenhower ensured the integration of public schools, paving the way for equal education (Hargrove 79). He significantly contributed to preventing a full-scale war in the Middle East (Reeder 149). Moreover, Eisenhower initiated several important programs and achieved remarkable progress within the United States. As he famously said, “The atom, once man’s slayer will now become his most productive servant.”

According to Reeder (145), this is Eisenhower’s statement when he advocated for the establishment of the International Atomic Agency. Additionally, Eisenhower coordinated the Army’s efforts in creating a space program that successfully launched Explorer I (Hargrove 81). Furthermore, during his presidency, Eisenhower ratified the inclusion of Alaska and Hawaii as the final two states in the Union (Hargrove 82). Moreover, he initiated the construction of a comprehensive interstate highway system spanning coast to coast (Hargrove 82). Subsequently, on January 20, 1961, Dwight Eisenhower concluded his tenure as President.

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Dwight D Eisenhower Biography. (2019, Feb 03). Retrieved from


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