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Essays on Agamemnon


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Essay Examples

Achilles:The Tragic Hero


Tragic Hero

Words: 429 (2 pages)

The Iliad, an epic poem by Homer, recounts the decade-long siege of Troy by the Greek army. Within this tale, mighty heroes and warriors emerge from both sides – Trojan and Greek – but none rival Achilles in terms of his exceptional speed and combat prowess. Despite being hailed as the greatest warrior among the…

Clytemnestra and Lysistrata Analysis



Words: 1505 (7 pages)

Introduction Classical scholars generally believed that Athens at the turn of the 5th century achieved one of the greatest zeniths of Western culture. But, on the other hand, the status of women was at its very low. Women were considered, as legal minors and their participation in political activities and intellectual life, especially in arts…

Frees – Character of Achilles in Homer’s Ili



Words: 650 (3 pages)

ad Iliad essaysCharacter of Achilles in Homer’s IliadThe Iliad may be seen as an account of the circumstances that irrevocably alter the life of one man: Achilles, one of the greatest warriors. Throughout the course of the poem Achilles goes through many ordeals that change his character immensely. Starting with his quarrel with Agamemnon and…

Tug Of War Research Paper



Words: 1050 (5 pages)

If the two adult females of Agamemnon, Clytaemnestra and Cassandra, were put to the trial of Tug of War, would at that place be a victor or would neither win? A game of Tug of war significance, a pull from each side of the rope until one side with out a uncertainty crosses a drawn…

War and Redemption: Achilles’ Refusal



Words: 1416 (6 pages)

            The epic Iliad begins with the anger or wrath of Achilles (Achilleus or Akhilleus) as he withdraws himself and his own private army from the sandy beaches of Troy. The following passages narrate the anger and ‘hesitation’ of Achilles during the war. From the selected lines from the narrative, we find evidence of such…

Justice in the Oresteia



Words: 884 (4 pages)

Have you ever just wanted to kill your mother? Ever wondered about how you would get away with it or if you would be justified? Well is this the greek tragedy for you! Aeschylus challenges the definition of moral justice and the “eye for an eye” philosophy in his work by giving every character subjective…

Clytaemnestra’s Composure and Orestes’ Regrets


Words: 747 (3 pages)

Both Agamemnon and the Libation Bearers display justification scenes in which Clytaemnestra and Orestes acknowledge their choices to commit murder. However, while Clytaemnestra remains composed, Orestes becomes consumed by worry and eventually regrets his actions. Clytaemnestra is determined to kill Agamemnon as soon as he returns home. Upon his arrival, she treats him with utmost…

The Characterization of Agamemnon in the Iliad Character Analysis



Words: 704 (3 pages)

In the Iliad, the theme of revenge is traditionally understood to be central to the story, with Achilles’ rage functioning as the initial conflict-setting aspect, both emotionally and from the point of view of the story’s plot. Because Achilles’ rage must be understood by the audience or reader to be not only an  emotional state,…

The Role of Gods and Goddesses in the Fate and Destiny of Characters in The Iliad by Homer



Words: 806 (4 pages)

Homer’s tfhe Iliad is an epic poem written about the events that transpired during the war between the Achaians and Trojans and the fates of the warriors and Civilians. What is Fate? Britannicacom defines fate as an inevitable and often adverse outcome. condition. or end. Homer expresses the idea that the gods and goddesses intervene…

How the Values of Today Compare with Those in the Iliad



Words: 622 (3 pages)

However, other cultures, such as the Japanese, UT a great deal of emphasis on honor. Being a person of your word is the most important thing to many, but some in modern American society consider honesty a weakness. We will now kick at the differences and similarities of the values of those in the story…

Frequently Asked Questions about Agamemnon

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What is the main idea of Agamemnon?
One of the most prominent themes in Agamemnon is revenge. Agamemnon has killed Iphigenia, therefore Clytemnestra demands his life as payment. Aegisthus' father was killed by Agamemnon's father, therefore the son can avenge his father's death by killing the son of his father's killer.
What kind of man is Agamemnon?
5.1 Impetuous, Thoughtless, Foolish, and Rash. A consistent portrayal of Agamemnon as a leader and character is embedded in both the Odyssey and Iliad. He is impetuous, thoughtless, foolish, and rash.
Why is Agamemnon a tragic hero?
Because of their flawed character, Agamemnon and Clytemnestra make the wrong decisions, thus causing their downfalls. Agamemnon fulfills the first two requirements of a tragic hero: nobility and morality. He is referred to as being “twin throned [and] twin sceptered” (Agam. 36).
Why is the story of Agamemnon important?
In Greek mythology, Agamemnon was the commander of the Greek forces in the Trojan War, just one of many important characters in that epic saga. Defined by his overwhelming arrogance, he caused many problems for the Greeks in their invasion of Troy, not the least of which, insulting the gods, and the hero Achillies.

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