Alexander Hamilton
We found 13 free papers on Alexander Hamilton
Essay Examples
The articles of confederation and the constitution
Alexander Hamilton
The government created by the Constitution was vastly more powerful and comprehensive that the one that existed under the Articles of Confederation. Before 1789, when the current federal government was created, the United States lacked a strong central authority capable of raising revenue and providing national defense, and anti-federalists feared the prospect of a…
Power of Government vs Individual Rights
Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton was a brilliant member of the federal government whose political principles were based on the idea that the greatest threat to political stability was anarchy rather than monarchy. He believed that the government should be left in the hands of a concentrated few, and that those chosen would lead the country into prosperity….
George Washington’s Foreign and Domestic Policies
Alexander Hamilton
George Washington
Question: Did George Washington’s domestic and foreign policies bring the new nation closer or divide it? George Washington, positioned as a president on a hill, served as a remarkable role model for future presidents. He navigated the challenges that came with building a new nation by making tough but essential choices. The impact of his…
Thomas Jefferson vs. Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton
The conflict between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists in the 1790’s had a significant impact on American History. The Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton, focused on urban businesses and manufacturing interests of seaports. Conversely, the Anti-Federalists, spearheaded by Thomas Jefferson, represented rural farmers and southern regions. The Federalists supported increased federal involvement whereas the Anti-Federalists…
George Washington’s Greatest Achievements
Alexander Hamilton
George Washington
Although George Washington is primarily known as the father of our country, he also accomplished a great deal during his two terms as the first president of the United States (1789-1797). On February 4, 1789, he was unanimously chosen by the Electoral college. Upon receiving notification on April 14th, Washington departed from his Virginia home…
The Life of George Washington
Alexander Hamilton
Flexner, James Thomas. George Washington. Little. 196 George Washington was one of the founding fathers of the United States of America. H served as commander-in-chief of the Continental army during the Revolutionary War, and late served as the first president of the United States. His thoughts and ideas helped mold the Unite States into the…
Ben Franklin and the American Dream
Alexander Hamilton
American Dream
Americans refer to their Founding Fathers (Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams) with extraordinary frequency: a July 2006 Google search turned up 61.4 million references to Washington, 24.8 million to Franklin, 20.4 million to Jefferson, 19.2 million to Madison, 10.8 million to John Adams, and 4.6 million to Hamilton….
The Establishing Fathers: An Age of Realism
Alexander Hamilton
In the work of The Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes, he illustrated that any authorities must be accepted in order to debar the lawlessness and panic of a province of nature. After the Declaration of Independence and the failure of the Articles of the Confederation, the Establishing Fathers needed a authorities to command the people, but…
Third President of the United States
Alexander Hamilton
Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States, was one of the most brilliant men in history. His interests were boundless, and his accomplishments were great and varied. He was a philosopher, educator, naturalist, politician, scientist, architect, inventor, pioneer in scientific farming, musician, and writer, and was the foremost spokesmen for democracy in his day….
“The Reynolds Pamphlet”
Alexander Hamilton
New York City
United States
“It is very extraordinary, if the head of the money department of a country, being unprincipled enough to sacrifice his trust and his integrity, could not have contrived objects of profit sufficiently large to have engaged the co-operation of men of far greater importance than Reynolds, and with whom there could have been due safety,…
Frequently Asked Questions about Alexander Hamilton
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