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Essay Examples

Comparison Of Apollo From The Portonaccio Temple

Apollo 11

Human Anatomy

Words: 347 (2 pages)

Aule MeteleComparison of Apollo from the Portonaccio Temple and Aule MeteleThough the figures are not far from each other is height comparison, they seem to contain a distinct amount of difference in other aspects. First of all, they were made from different materials. While the Apollo statue is terracotta, the Aule Metele is of bronze….

Tissue Assignment



Cell biology

Skeletal system


Words: 260 (2 pages)

Labeled picture or labeled drawing of your bone doing a typical function (such as bearing weight): Watched Video.  Questions What components of real bone tissue did you include in your model? (Hint: See lesson pages 3-4. ) In the video It included the spongy, compact bone, bone marrow and peritoneum. The bone marrow was the…

Case Report: Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury


Human Anatomy


Nervous System



Respiratory system

Words: 732 (3 pages)

1. Why did Allen’s heart rate and blood pressure fall in this time of emergency (i.e. at a time when you’d expect just the opposite homeostatic response)? Pg. 969 This occurred because Allen’s spinal cord has decreased perfusion due to damage, and a broken vertebral bone. Also, there has been a disruptions of the sympathetic…

Reticular formation – definition and overview



Human Anatomy

Nervous System



Words: 711 (3 pages)

The reticular formation is a set of interconnected nuclei that are located throughout the brainstem. The reticular formation is not anatomically well defined because it includes neurons located in diverse parts of the brain. The neurons of the reticular formation make up a complex set of networks in the core of the brainstem that stretches from the upper…

Anatomy of the knee

Human Anatomy

Words: 599 (3 pages)

Knee Anatomy Start The knee joint is the largest joint in the body, consisting of four bones and an extensive network of ligaments and muscles. Injuries to the knee joint are among the most common in sporting activities. Understanding the anatomy of the joint is fundamental in understanding any subsequent pathology. The bones of the…

Neuromuscular Respiratory System


Human Anatomy

Human Body

Nervous System



Respiratory system

Words: 1407 (6 pages)

Abstract Respiratory system is member of the vital systems in the body; it is true for the components of this system.  This system provides an environment to the body where exchange of oxygen and carbondioxid can take place.  This way respiratory system maintains the acid base balance in the body. Regulatory mechanisms of this system…

How to determine Face Shape



Human Anatomy


Words: 1433 (6 pages)

How to find Face Shape. Face Shape Calculator. What ismyface form? All people have one of 7 basic face forms: round, square, long (or “oblong”), triangle or pear, heart or inverted triangle, diamond, or ellipse-molded faces. With regard to beauty, the face form plays a part. And though many people may not have thought about…

Tips for Writing a Persuasive


health sciences

Human Anatomy

Words: 1021 (5 pages)

First Step The first step is to find out what you want to persuade the reader about. You can persuade the reader that blank movie is the best, that the state should pay more money for schools rather than jails, that uniforms in schools are good, etc. Whatever you want! Second Step Once you’ve figured…

Personal Story – My Desk Mate


Human Anatomy

Words: 1845 (8 pages)

We were fighting with each other again, this time In math class over the solution to a function. In fact, I could not even remember how many times we had been like this, usually through no fault of his, that I would admit. I snapped, “Stop bothering me with your stupid methods, or I swear…

Compound Fractures



health sciences



Skeletal system

Words: 673 (3 pages)

A compound fracture, also known as open fracture, is a fracture of the bone wherein the affected bone penetrates out from the skin and there is laceration of the surrounding soft tissue. A broken bone refers to a fracture, in medical terminology. Bone fractures are quite common, with people experiencing at least two in their…

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