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Bell hooks

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Essay Examples

A Critique of Bell Hooks’ Article on Paris Is Burning, a Jennie Livingston Film

Bell hooks



Words: 536 (3 pages)

Bell Hooks’ articles were not enjoyable to me because I believe she is racist and sometimes undermines the black community. She constantly criticizes “white supremacy” and portrays a fear of the black community rising up. Additionally, she argues that the drag queens in the film “worship at the throne of whiteness,” which undermines the film’s…

The three philosophers Paulo Freire, John Dewey, and bell hooks

Bell hooks



Words: 1359 (6 pages)

The three philosophers discussed in this paper are Paulo Freire, John Dewey, and bell hooks. Those philosophers’ philosophies are connected to each other. John Dewey said that education should be progressive education, meaning that the teacher should be able to teach students by having them doing hands-on activities based on individual needs. John Dewey believed…

 Perceptions Affecting the Poor

Bell hooks



Words: 2089 (9 pages)

Perception creates our experience of the world around us. It is the process of getting, interpreting, selecting and organizing information that includes one’s senses. People, interests, one’s needs and all expectations all influence our perception on how one views and treat others. Perception is significant in understanding human behavior because every individual sees the world…

Learning for a Lifetime

Bell hooks



Words: 1492 (6 pages)

Lifelong learning is a fundamental concept to nursing as practices, knowledge, and skills are ever changing and developing based on new evidence-based practice. Nurses, as well as other healthcare professionals, must show motivation by staying up to date on current practices to be efficient and effective in their care. This can be done through seminars,…

Feminism as a Movement to End Sexism, Oppression, and Sexual Exploitation According to Bell Hooks

Bell hooks



Words: 546 (3 pages)

The definition of ‘feminism’ can vary among individuals, possibly due to a lack of knowledge or misconceptions about it. According to, feminism is defined as “the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.” Unfortunately, some people, both men and women, choose not to embrace feminism because…

The Domination of White on People of Color in Representing Whiteness in Black Imagination, an Article by Bell Hooks

Bell hooks



Words: 602 (3 pages)

Peggy McIntosh stated that “”I was taught to see racism only in individual acts of meanness. Not in invisible systems conferring dominance on my group”. (McIntosh) (No Page number. On top of page) Ignoring the reality of white. Privilege has given rise to conflicts between people of colour (POC) and whites. Recent occurrences of discrimination…

A Review of Teaching to Transgress, a Book by Bell Hooks

Bell hooks


Words: 705 (3 pages)

In the midst of the Civil Rights Movement, the United States faced a significant revolution characterized by a “social transformation based on the core belief in a profoundly democratic concept of freedom and justice for all.” This revolution challenged not only racial boundaries, but also questioned gender roles and class exploitation both at home, in…

Commodification in Eating the Other: Desire and Resistance, an Essay by Bell Hooks

Bell hooks


Words: 585 (3 pages)

In Bell Hooks’ Eating the Other: Desire and Resistance, she first describes “eating the other”. As a history of spiritual beliefs when discussing the film, Heart Condition. “In ancient religious practices among so called ‘primitive’ people. The heart of a person may be ripped out and eaten so that one can embody that person’s spirit…

Misrepresentation in the Media in Seeing and Making Culture: Representing the Poor by Bell Hooks and Taking a Bite out of Twilight by Carmen D. Siering

Bell hooks


Words: 730 (3 pages)

The media’s role in shaping social norms, fashion trends, and the status quo is crucial. However, the absence of representation in today’s media perpetuates misrepresentations, posing a significant problem. In her work “Seeing and Making Culture: Representing the Poor,” hooks explores class misrepresentation, while Siering tackles gender misrepresentation in “Taking a Bite out of Twilight.”…

An Analysis of Education in Adrienne Rich’s “What Does a Woman Need to Know” and “Keeping Close to Home” by Bell Hooks

Bell hooks



Words: 602 (3 pages)

In the domain of education, I examined two essays: “What Does a Woman Need to Know” by Adrienne Rich and “Keeping Close to Home” by Bell Hooks. Both authors aim to convince the reader of their respective viewpoints on education. Although education is a lifelong process for all individuals, its significance is often overlooked or…

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